Greetings ATS members, and those who read these words but who as yet have not joined this savage band of thoughtful troubadors...
I have been a member of this forum for almost fifteen years, under two screen names in that time. I have always sought to uncover truth, I have
always sided with justice, I have always praised freedom & would call for the rejection & overthrow of genuine tyranny. Thankfully, tyranny is not
yet fixed in the Western world. But recent years, observing both psyops & the natural fracturing of current events in our world, has given me pause
for thought. Truth can be very hard to parse, from behind a laptop when using ordinary tools to surf on the ordinary web. I have found myself deeply
frustrated, even angry, at the measure of deception which I believe accompanies the administration of this pandemic, in a global sense. There was
always a plan for this to happen, there were always people who believed that the dream of a Great Reset, a New World Order in no uncertain terms, was
worth any price in blood & treasure, their dream being to oversee the transition from the old ways, to new ways which are so alien to 90% of the
population that we are stuck in a dispositional dissonance - we are trapped in an impossible logic circuit, unable to process & accept what is being
rolled out as the new & acceptable rules of society writ large. I don't need to labour the point, but tolerance, decency & the love of community at
all levels can be interpreted in more than one way, and it is especially distressing to see the lockstep between the cultural straight-jacketing mob
of leftist authoritarianism & the deep & impenetrable mangrove swamp representing corporate media, and the deep, enduring, complex & abtruse
connections between the politicos & the media hounds.
They have control of the ship, because we ceded to the trickery of media, glamour & celebrity, ultimately accepting unelected fact checkers & any
which way of trial by social media. Now every dissenting voice is silenced, without warrant or justification, other than the perception of an opinion
which doesn't toe the party line. And the party is the entire complex, the political-media cabal. The worlds of military power & intelligence
agencies seem likely to be split down fairly obvious lines, but the weight of momentum is on the side of the leftist authoritarians, who have co-opted
the liberal, soft & unwise majorities, those who don't understand the world we live in, those who seek comfort & luxury, excitement, play &
distractions. Those who truly stand for truth & justice are being drowned out by the excitable clamour of the masses, shepherded through a narrow
cravasse, eagerly anticipating a mythical utopian destination - until they slip over the edges of the cliff at the valley's end.
Over the past forty years or so, the natural morality & righteousness of the Western peoples has been deliberately sabotaged from within - a fifth
column of acosmic satanists who hold abhorrent views, whose practices are literally diabolical. The political class has flirted with & in a true
sense has largely capitulated to the glamour of what they teach & how they operate. Hollywood has - only in some cases - sold perversion dressed up
as adventure. Don't get me wrong, there is much great entertainment coming from the world of TV & movie production, and I love a good story as much
as the next man - but in some cases, systematically, gradually, bit by deliberate & intentioned bit, the mask has been slipping off the face of the
beast within, which directs their dark hearts, boiling the frog in the pot so slowly that the inner changes in our nature are imperceptible in the
moments between. Only as we look back in the scale of decades can we see what has happened, at almost all levels of society. An underground current
which rejects the holiness of order, truth & justice, which seeks to diabolise the children almost as soon as they are weaned.
Today I found myself contemplating the fragility of our lives - how, in a single moment, all our dreams, our plans & ambitions can suddenly drop from
our hands, when we receive the news of this or that malign health condition, or perhaps when we receive the news of a tragic accident involving our
loved ones. Everything we have, everything we build & work with, the people we meet & the relationships we build, all of it is part of a tapestry
which was woven since the time of the archetypal Eden - the warp & weft stylise our lives, sewn as a part of a dramatic & everlasting lineage, since
before we were born, and forever beyond our death, the taspestry will continue to be woven, the lives, thoughts, deeds & relationships. And of all
the good works we can accomplish on this Earth, learning to love is the greates gift & power above all else. In whatever measure we can muster, that
is our goal. Yes, be prepared for anything. Prepare, resolve, discuss, consolidate, stand firm in the day of trouble. Above all, love those for
whom your life is given, and in humility offer your place in the tapestry to the maker of all things, the infinite weaver who crafts & colours the
life of that tapestry.
We may accomplish great works of a practical nature during our time, and that is a worthy thing to do.. We all should attempt to leave this world in
a better condition than we found it in, by whatever measure you can summon of yourself. Observe, react, adapt, survive, extend, secure, live in
harmony & peace. No legacy built in our own strength can endure, and despite conspiracy, the Earth belongs to those for whom the Lord has given it,
that they may be guardians of truth & justice, arbiters of righteousness among the kings & rulers of mankind, to protect the weak & to bring a harvest
of good works among the people. Anything less, is dust & ashes.
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Poetry Foundation - Ozymandias, Percy Bysshe Shelley
Psalm 24
31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the
church of God— 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be