I lost power to my brakes once, going downhill in icey conditions on a highway, to an intersection that was part of an interchange.
There was a semi-truck with a trailer turning into the intersection.
I could see it.
I drive a 4500 lb vehicle, I was going around 50 mph, downhill, no power brakes, and I could see a tractor trailer coming into the intersection that
would have t-boned me.
Within about 2 seconds, I turned on my hazard lights, I shifted into neutral, turned off my ignition, and leveraged my body into the brakes, while
pulling my emergency brakes.
I stopped about 15-20 feet short of the semi-truck. The driver and I made eye contact, and I gave him a sigh of relief and a wave. He was wide eyed,
but I managed to pull it off.
Some people panic in those situations, I just let instinct take over. I've been driving a piece of junk car for years. I've had all sorts of fun
experiences, engine cutting out on interstate 40 going about 70mph, driving over my own bumper as it fell off when I hit a large pool of water on a
banked in road, breakdowns in middle lanes, and getting stuck just about anywhere.
I learned a little trick for completely iced over conditions, my Jeep has about 1 foot of clearance, between my undercarriage and the ground, so if
the road is completely iced over, I will literally let two of my wheels go over the curb. I'll drive half on the road, half on the iced over
grass/ground. In some situations it was the only way to get traction.
edit on 12-2-2021 by Archivalist because: meh