posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 01:14 PM
Originally posted by SpittinCobra
Originally posted by dgtempe
I cant help but think that could be me.
I know that is right.
I have never heard that you couldnt feed the homeless. I like feeding the animals.J/K
Probably for your own safety, much like a restaurant cannot run without a license. Even though you are giving it away, it could lead to poisoning, law
suits, etc. Ahh, America, land of the law-suits.
I think America gives aid to other countries as a trade. You know, hey, we give you all this money, what can you do for us? Now, I still believe in
doing this, because you never know when you need someone's help. The starving in our country have nothing to offer the government, I suppose. Also, I
doubt we could label our country a third world country, just because we have some starving people.
Another thing to consider is that our own laws restrict us from working enough to keep people fed and alive. One may have to resort to small wages for
hard labor, but this is what other countries are doing right now, that keeps us from having jobs. Minimum wage is a killer, companies will leave the
country to find a country with little no minimum wage. You can't blame the CEO's only, blame the stock-holders also, who want more profits with
little spending. Hey, one of us here could be a stock-holder in these companies... We are all to blame, life is a vicious cycle. It's just good that
some of you have hearts to care, but I don't have the time or money myself right now. I'm barely afloat myself. So, I guess we just have to accept
that there will be casualties in our quickly changing world.
Another thing to consider for helping... I know of one kid when I was a teen who would take the leftover food at the end of the nigh at the fast food
joint we worked at. He would take this food and feed the homeless on his way home. But of course, all food must be thrown away, it's the law. But
that's what I am saying. Our own safety laws hurt us more than they help us.
[edit on 21-3-2005 by steggyD]