Our three brave astronauts successfully land the ATS,a shining beacon in space,
at the space station.Pilot and mission commander,Captain DB"Cowboy"Cooper,
Co-pilot,Captain Iam Tat and flight engineer,Lt.Augustus Masonicus prepare to exit
the ATS and report for briefing.
Captain Iam Tat glances back at the ATS as the de-con crew enters the craft."DB,old
boy,how are you going to explain this one away?" Captain DB"Cowboy" Cooper sheepishly
grins and shrugs his shoulders."I'm not really sure,I know I shouldn't have eaten that
burrito before launch,who knows?"
Upon entering the briefing room,the three come face to face with the station commander,
Admiral Floyd Pinks."Captain Cooper," he barks,"do you have any clue how much this stunt
you pulled will delay our mission?" Captain DB"Cowboy"Cooper replies,"No sir!"
"Well,I will tell you,too long! I have been informed it will take nearly three hours to
decontaminate the ATS." "After the de-con crew finishes,you three will continue on your
mission to the Dark side of the Moon."
Admiral Floyd Pinks continues,"Before I dismiss you three," glaring at Captain DB"Cowboy"
Cooper,"I have decided to place armed guards by the vending machines.We will not have a
repeat of this ever again." Admiral Floyd Pinks barks directly into Captain Cooper's face,
"Am I clear?" Captain DB"Cowboy" Cooper replies,"Yes Sir,crystal clear sir."
Our three brave astronauts prepare the ATS for launch.Flight engineer Lt.Augustus Masonicus,
had been informed by station personnel,that the ATS had some last minute changes done
to her instrument panel.
After a long and boring flight,the ATS finally prepares to land on the Dark Side of the Moon
at a secret military base.Pilot and mission commander,Captain DB"Cowboy" Cooper casually
inspects the instrument panel and notices a new button had been installed."I wonder what
this is for?" he mumbles under his breath.Playing around with the button he finally pushes it.
Flashing red lights,screaming siren and a mechanical voice chiming in,thermonuclear warhead
armed and launching at T-minus 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1
The ATS crew screams like girls and watch in horror as the missle launches and streaks toward
a UFO uncloaking in the space above the moon.After the UFO is destroyed,the ATS crew look at
each other in disbelief.Captain DB"Cowboy"Cooper finally speaks,"I think we just declared war
on a hostile,alien race."
The End
edit on 8-2-2021 by mamabeth because: (no reason given)