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Even 'Scientist' Models Now Forecast The COVID Scourge Ending By The Summer

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+12 more 
posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 06:39 AM
Required Link to News Article

Indeed, the latest Covid data shows that absent any major shocks - such as a mutant strain that is fully immune to any existing vaccines - the pandemic should be a thing of the past relatively soon.

See the lie? No 'strain' is killed by ANY vaccine. They've already let that cat slip out of the bag. OOPS

Since hospitalizations are lagged relative to time of infection the US Corona outbreaks peaked back in the second half of December. Finally, the vaccine rollout continues in the US at a rapid pace of around 1mn doses per day and a cumulative 35.2mn doses administered through February 2rd.

See the lie? They want you to believe 5 to 10 percent of the country has been vaccinated (not vaccinated) ... instead of telling you the truth that 63.8% of We The People have openly declared we will NOT be taking in Bill Gates' witches brew into our bodies this time.

This continued improvement – and acceleration of economic growth due to little need for lockdowns and restrictions – suggests that the US economy - and broader society as well - should be able to move beyond covid some time in the early summer.

See the misdirection? Now that COVID has served its purpose, it's time to get back to the business of ... well ... business. "Nothing to see here, folks. Move along!! Move Along!!"

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Snarl

What are your thoughts on the exact purposes served by COVID..? I have my own theories, but I'm interested to hear from others.. Thanks, FITO.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Snarl

Its hard to work out the truth with this virus. But I know one thing. It has been heavily politicised and thats not a good thing.

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: Snarl

They continually contradict themselves. One day there's no end in sight so vaccines, double vaccines, triple masks, and anal probes are mandatory for people, then the next day it'll end in a few months.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
What are your thoughts on the exact purposes served by COVID..? I have my own theories, but I'm interested to hear from others.. Thanks, FITO.

COVID's primary purpose is to instill fear in the masses.
Q: Who is behind the fear-mongering? A: Dr. AIDS himself ... Anthony Fauci.

One has to look to Agenda21 and The Great Reset:
Agenda 21 (it's 2021 not 21st Century) is about reducing the human footprint on the planet (going green). Bunch of brainwashed goombahs came up with it. Can't fault them for wanting the planet all to them and theirs ... but the audacity!! Take your damned vax (not vax) and get sterile. Tell your kids it's okay and get them poked too. I have stood in line for many vaccinations. This one's different from anything the civilian side has seen. But us military folk who got the Anthrax series. Yeah ...

The Great Reset is about killing the Petro Dollar. Everyone go home. Send the dollars from your local community all up to Amazon corporate. Bleed your community dry. People will put their hands out when the government comes by and offers to help. Get ready for the New World Bank's crypto currency solution. Goodbye existing pension plans, goodbye all savings accounts, goodbye home equity, goodbye everything you thought was real ... but was all fiat based.

How's that for a start?

(post by Annee removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: Snarl
Aren't you misreadung your source?
It says "absent any major shocks - such as a mutant strain that is fully immune to any existing vaccines - the pandemic should be a thing of the past relatively soon."
Which mean, roughly translated, "this will work IF there are no immune strains".

You are reading that statement as evidence that an immune strain DOES exist.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:20 AM
Get real! COVID will disappear two weeks after Biden signs the bill that gives the "Blue States" their financial bailout. That's it plain and simple.
The Governor of Pennsylvania has stated that we must keep the state of emergency going so that the State doesn't miss out on the emergency aid being given by the Federal Government.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: DISRAELI

I think what he's saying is we were already told there is a mutant strain out there that is vaccine resistant.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:22 AM


posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:33 AM


posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
a reply to: Snarl
Aren't you misreadung your source?
It says "absent any major shocks - such as a mutant strain that is fully immune to any existing vaccines - the pandemic should be a thing of the past relatively soon."
Which mean, roughly translated, "this will work IF there are no immune strains".

You are reading that statement as evidence that an immune strain DOES exist.

I'm addressing their doublespeak. The strain the World knows as COVID-19 ... is much like any member of the Corona virus family ... there are zero vaccines that can be labeled 'effective'.

The vaccines (not vaccines) that are being pushed into peoples arms, don't protect you from infection and they don't reduce your propensity to continue spreading it around. The question that needs to be asked is: "Why is COVID-19 even on the radar still? Was it weaponized? If so - who did that sh!t? ... and why haven't they been nuked off the planet?" ... Since that is a primary/key component of the USA's nuclear first-strike policy!!

edit on 822021 by Snarl because: Boogaloo Boys are for real

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Snarl

Unfortunately, Joe Biden's scientists will determine how much freedom we'll have as the year progresses.

That is, unless a miracle puts President Trump back in the White House.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:43 AM


posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:44 AM
I'm confused. I thought the new line was it would take many many years at a minimum for the pandemic to be over.

This article is giving false hope to calm the population down. I attribute the massive protests in part to redirected anger over the lack of liberty, freedom and hope that is the USA for the past year. (WHO says 5 years before pandemic ends) Kaiser says it will take 7 years to end the pandemic

There are many more articles like this.

With milestones having been moved in the blink of an eye. I expect strict movement and liberty controls over the population to last at least 7 years, especially if Democrats are in total control of the government as they love lockdowns for everyone (but not for elite politicians who are exempt, of course).

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: The2Billies
With milestones having been moved in the blink of an eye. I expect strict movement and liberty controls over the population to last at least 7 years, especially if Democrats are in total control of the government as they love lockdowns for everyone (but not for elite politicians who are exempt, of course).

Now you're talking Agenda2030.

Agenda2030 is where TPTB makes petroleum based fuel near impossible to acquire. For reference, go check out Commiefornia's plan to rid themselves of vehicles running fossil fuels. It's right there if you look. And, it's proposed for kick-off beginning 2030.

Know how many electric refueling stations their are in the entire state of West Virginia? A:0. Know how many there are in Kaintuck? A:1. Did you know you have to stop and park your car ... and diddle around for 40 minutes to fuel up your electric vehicle to just 80% capacity? That'll get you a whole screaming 200 miles further down the line.

Now ... imagine trying to drive all the way across the country. What if you're only allowed to fill up at a station 'authorized' by your government controlled travel papers?

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Snarl

What are your thoughts on the exact purposes served by COVID..? I have my own theories, but I'm interested to hear from others.. Thanks, FITO.

Easy, remember it began in China a communist country.

In communist and socialist countries the elderly use up a lot of government resources in caring for them and give almost nothing back in taxes, the same for people with chronic illnesses. Socialist and communist governments call these people useless eaters.

In China the problem of too many elderly and not enough young people to care for them, leaving the government on the hook is very very severe. The worst in the world because of their one child policy, where each couple is left caring for 4 adults.
Due to the one child policy there are not enough XX for XY to mate with. When XY (remember according to liberals there is no such thing as men and women anymore, so I won't use those un-pc words) becomes too great in number and can not find a mate it causes social instability. Nothing is more dangerous to the leaders in total and complete control of the peon masses in communist/socialist country than social instability. Therefore, China lifted the one child policy, however, families did not automatically have another child as expected, because their resources were being stretched thin caring for the elderly.

Create a virus that kills mostly useless eaters with some collateral damage. The collateral damage was considered to be acceptable to rid the nation of useless eaters.

The problem of useless eaters (elderly especially) is now world wide with the depopulation that is happening in all first world countries. (can't say industrialized because the environmentalists wish to end industrialization)

Most socialist/communist countries are struggling with lower than replacement birth rates and longer lived elderly.


Kill the elderly and chronically ill in a way that no one blames any government for it.

Other socialist/communist countries get a whiff of it. Wow a solution to their problem.

So China holds the worlds largest banquet in the epicenter of the beginning of the virus. The banquet was for guests all around the world. Who then left the banquet infected and took the virus to the world. Thus helping socialist/communist nations around the world get rid of their useless eaters in way that made it appear they knew nothing about it.

Ever wonder why most colds (many of which are coronviruses) and flu's happen to children and large numbers. Think of all the snot nosed kids all winter long. But voila, this new virus barely affects children and young healthy tax paying adults (except for minimal collateral damage.) But this virus mainly kills the elderly, the chronically ill, and very frighteningly people whose skin is darker in color. (the lighter your skin the less you are affected statistically, with Oriental Asian young adults and children least affected).

edit on 2/8/21 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

Bloomberg was on camera saying very similar about our elderly here in the states during his campaign. Saying that an old person with cancer should be told there is nothing they can do and to just go live your final days....seems Covid was the answer....

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: Snarl

Or imagine a national emergency where everyone needs to evacuate?
Imagine a major city having to evacuate when all they have to do so is an electric vehicle.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: The2Billies
Easy, remember it began in China a communist country.

Actually, though I am wroth to admit it, it began right here in the USA (under the watchful eyes of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci (among others ... most likely our own military). It was final-prepped in England, then sent to Canada for packaging. From there it was shipped to China via PLA operatives (where it may have been weaponized/gain of function) and the Wuhan wet-market was saturated with it. It was probably released into the genpop in many places to ensure it became a pandemic.

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