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Exactly how the mRNA vaccines can cause a "cytokine storm" , months after taking it.

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posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Is not cure for covid the same way that is not cure for Sars or the cold, they all failed, covid is going to be around for a long time, until we all or those that have no gotten the injection will produce natural antibodies against, it.

The testing of vaccine for corona virus is been on going for years, China just needed a stronger virus to infect as many people as they could to be able to test their latest invention.

Sadly those that have gotten the synthetic DNA injection will be getting more than they bargain for and are nothing but guinea pigs to pharma in the pursue or a new way to make money on GNA targeted therapy, no cures just therapy treatments, money gravy train.

Pharma wants to take away the human body ability to create their own natural antibodies without a genetic code activation.

And that is my take over and just and opinion piece.

posted on Feb, 15 2021 @ 12:40 PM

posted on Feb, 15 2021 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
VIDEO: Watch Bill Gates Call For Global Depopulation


Bill Gates crossed the line way back when with win95

posted on Feb, 15 2021 @ 04:54 PM
Ive had severe cytokine problems. I get dehydrated over the course of hours. Itching and eczema from dry skin. Sweating. After it stays that way for a few weeks i start wasting. Its not in my lungs though.

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: whereislogic

originally posted by: Midnite247
At the end of the day your taking a vaccine with a 95% efficacy ...

I've not seen a 95% efficacy in anything other than the publications of those marketing the vaccine.

If anything, I've seen the opposite in actual statistics from one nursing home in my country where the personnel was vaccinated and the residents not, where there was a sudden outbreak of Corona after the vaccination rounds. Almost all personnel were tested positive and only half the residents. Taken those numbers, the vaccine would then make you almost twice as susceptible to Corona (almost twice as much % of the personnel was tested positive than the residents) and about 30 years older in terms of riskfactor and susceptibility to Corona (the residents were about 30 years older on average I'm guessing, not really my point, bit of a joke).

I'm exagerrating a bit and leaving out the detail that this was after the first injection, but just to show that you probably should take marketing speech and publications (the 95% efficacy claims) with a grain of salt (how much efficacy is claimed after the first injection? That still doesn't reflect the reality of these numbers at this particular nursing home).

More evidence that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines do not have 90-95% efficacy at preventing one from getting tested positive for Corona. A news report from my country reported another outbreak in a nursing home starting a week ago, 70 out of 106 residents were tested positive, 2 died. It mentions that they had received their first vaccination and then it mentions another similar outbreak in Germany where 14 residents were tested positive, these had already received their second vaccination, or injection.

Again, this could also be a clue that these 2 vaccines, make you more vulnerable to catching Corona instead of less (a little less obvious than my previous example, cause there you have a nice comparison between those vaccinated and those who are not in the same environment, i.e. nursing home where Corona was doing its rounds).

It sure puts the statistical results of this Post-Exposure-Prophylaxis (PEP) study concerning HCQ into perspective concerning the risk vs reward discussion that I was responding to with my previous comment. 211 participants, all exposed to Corona. "PEP was completed in 184 (97.4%) patients and 21 (95.5%) careworkers without serious adverse events. [such as in the case of vaccines, lowering platelet count, causing ITP related issues, see the other thread about a "blood disorder", or fevers that can kill and have killed; there are also reports of people experiencing full body convulsions and seizures, and this cytokine storm thing] At the end of 14 days of quarantine, all follow-up PCR tests were negative." I.e. not a single case of Corona detected. Seems to work better than the vaccines, with less risk. More reward, less risk (or damage to the body):

Can post-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19 be considered as an outbreak response strategy in long-term care hospitals? (Korean study, PubMed)
edit on 16-2-2021 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
a reply to: infolurker

I won't be taking this either. It uses an Adenovirus to turn your cells into a Covid protein producers also. Might be safer but who knows. Vitamin D3 is probably more effective than any vaccine they will come up with on these types of viruses.

Look up medcram regimen, believe he takes quercetin(sold with bromelain for better absorption) , zinc, and vitamin C.
He also recommends NAC, but I would wait till symptoms to take NAC.

Best protocol is here IMO, I think their zinc recommendation is high though, 20mg is plenty.

Only thing I would add is a mushroom extract

posted on Feb, 16 2021 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

I already have all the ingredients except for Ivermectin. Their is a shortage of that. I suspect the powers that be are interfering. Trying to force everyone to take the Frankenstein slow kill vaccines. That's just how much I think of authoritards.

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: whereislogic

More evidence that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines do not have 90-95% efficacy at preventing one from getting tested positive for Corona. A news report from my country reported another outbreak in a nursing home starting a week ago, 70 out of 106 residents were tested positive, 2 died. ...

10 died now. The outbreak took place shortly after vaccination.
edit on 17-2-2021 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

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