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Modern slavery.

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posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 06:56 PM
Today most people wouldn't believe that many household items, products manufactured locally are done with next to nothing paid to the worker.

Enter--- the prison system.

Dozens of companies 'employ' workers at correctional facilities, but is the word too concealing?

Every morning they glanced at the mocking sign “Arbeit Macht Frei” aware it could be there last time to pass this gate. Work which was said to liberate them, was in fact bringing a premature death. The Auschwitz gate never leaded to freedom – only to pain.

You have to keep in mind in most western countries we also have more 'secret' jails than publicly listed, and if you wind up there, God help you. (Milk carton)

Cheap labor goes for around $1.50 an hour in my country, and is loaded on to your account at the prison.

(Mmmm this sounds familiar)

The issue here is the risk of re-offending, most jails don't offer support services and when that gate behind you closes your on your own and they count on that.

There is a real myth of medical, and support in jails here, if you have a condition and they don't have the medicine... Bad luck your gonna suffer and probably die, it happens.

Most people argue and try to justify the treatment and conditions, instead of actually seeing the problem of how the person got in to jail in the first place. There's of course social, poverty, but there's also another path to jail, being vunerable.

Policing yes it is a necessary evil, but it changed from a police 'service' into a police 'force', it changed into a paramilitary force somewhere in the 80's and got worse after 2001. By today's standards most western police forces operate like the stasi and have gone past the line of acceptable operation going as far as to marrying targets, planting drugs, entrapment, deleting of court documents, and redacting medical records. You can really see more on the shadowgate documentary but that only scratches the surface of how well and truly past the line of operational acceptance has gone.

That's a big accusation, but it's happening.

How the hell does this fit into modern day enslavement in the prison system?

Targets by police are selected on vulnerability, much like a predator, in some cases they will have access to your mental health records, or medical, if you have ever told your doctor you have used narcotics the police know. At this point the cop only knows one thing he has quotas and he has to meet them his job is on the line he is completely ignorant of why he is given these quotas.

The justification by police to obtain mental health records is preventing 'lone wolf attacks', the other side of the story is they now have a target with a mental health condition which they can make money out of. They will stalk, intimidate, call your employer to get you fired, they will approach tinder dates, they will approach your friends, they will break into your home with a 'bag team' and wire it up, they will cut the brakes on your car, they will gain employment at your workplace and attempt to make your life an absolute living hell... And if you say anything, no one is going to believe you.

The JTRIG unit "pushes the boundaries" but flat out commits illegal acts of cyber crime, damage, phones, computers, and social networks abusing the powers of palantir software and finspy software even as far as spoofing metadata to justify a warrant.

The amount of effort that goes into getting one person is absurd, even if he or she has NEVER committed an offense.

And in some cases when the police do target an individual and they do crack they make a statement to the public "he was known or not known", but they love saying "not known" as that can set precedent to gain 'more powers'.



It is a multi million billion dollar a year industry which is pretty much floated on the stock exchange under many different names some of which you know as SERCO.

For one person who goes to jail multiple parties want a slice of the pie, some junkie on the street eating out of dumpster who's defecated himself looks like absolute gold to the system.

Then enter "criminal records", welcome to hotel california, you can check out, but you can never leave, the system is a rigged game of cards, the moment you get a record your chance of gaining employment is slim. You could previously have been a very successful realtor, doctor, surgeon, spent years in university.

Now your working at McDonald's, and in your spare time your cutting bullets out of some guys leg for cash to pay the rent.

We love to justify why we lock people up, put them in camps, feed them through a hole in a metal door, or make them work till they drop or die, so long as we don't see it and when we are caught and held accountable we all claim "we didn't know", yes we all didn't know what was going on in those jails.

Instead we don't solve the problems of education, family, social problems, homelessness, and the same system that we ask to fix this preys on the most vunerable and the cycle never stops.

Until we move from predatory capitalism of usury, debt, and exploitation, someone is always going to be working in a factory with suicide nets.

Capitalism isn't a bad thing, it's the usury part.
edit on 7-2-2021 by Ithinkifoundit because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: Ithinkifoundit

S&F -- excellent OP -- well written, well thought-out, and well founded.

I wish I had time to comment more, but I don't, so I'll just say I agree. There is no place for private punishment for civil/criminal crimes,. There is too much room for abuse, from profiteering, to prison pipelines via corrupt police, prosecutors and judges, to inhumane treatment, and whatever vile ways vile people think of to exploit and extort their prisoners.

Especially as we're all being told that some crimes are only crimes when committed by government... but not private companies.

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: Ithinkifoundit

You might find this article interesting:

Kabir — his nickname means “big” in Arabic and was given to him in prison because of his powerful 6-foot-2-inch, 270-pound frame — lives in the netherworld of America’s criminal caste system. He is branded for life as a felon, although he was locked away for a crime that in most other countries would have seen him serve a tiny sentence or no sentence at all.

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Ithinkifoundit

You might find this article interesting:

Kabir — his nickname means “big” in Arabic and was given to him in prison because of his powerful 6-foot-2-inch, 270-pound frame — lives in the netherworld of America’s criminal caste system. He is branded for life as a felon, although he was locked away for a crime that in most other countries would have seen him serve a tiny sentence or no sentence at all.
< br />
Sounds like Jim Crow laws.

Today's standards anyone and everyone is a potential victim, and even different suburbs have different penalties in some cases.

The system loves vunerable people.. and if you can't afford legal representation and go for a state appointed defense, your pretty much ####.

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: Ithinkifoundit

It all stems from Jim Crow era, and was almost I guess galvanized and turned into a national capitalization during the war on drugs, and it's become streamlined in today's world. Almost 25% of the world prison population is in the US. That's a shocking number. Indeed, modern day slavery, because what is just a common petty crook to a prison system when it's nothing more than a slap on the wrist, but you can slap them with a felony and they are worth 50 - 60,000 a year to a private prison.
edit on 7-2-2021 by strongfp because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Ithinkifoundit

It all stems from Jim Crow era, and was almost I guess galvanized and turned into a national capitalization during the war on drugs, and it's become streamlined in today's world. Almost 25% of the world prison population is in the US. That's a shocking number. Indeed, modern day slavery.

The disturbing thing with history is while we are quick to condemn a nation such as Germany for such things, we still commit such things and deny it.

While we condemn others as a distraction of our own crimes and condemn those who have done less.

If we took a body count of our system, and compared it to some of the alleged worst dictators in history I could only think it could be near stalin or mao.

Yet we put a smile on society, ignore the man in the gutter, and watch shows of things we can never own or accomplish, selling a dream with celebrities and magazines with us sleepwalking.

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: Ithinkifoundit

The Nuremberg trials are a chilling scenario, where the rest of the world was handing the Germans the poisoned chalice to basically watch them all die for their rightful crimes, it became a fine line. Would they take a sip of the same poison if they partook in such crimes against humanity?

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Ithinkifoundit

The Nuremberg trials are a chilling scenario, where the rest of the world was handing the Germans the poisoned chalice to basically watch them all die for their rightful crimes, it became a fine line. Would they take a sip of the same poison if they partook in such crimes against humanity?

Bingo... And he who wins the war controls history.

posted on Feb, 7 2021 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: Ithinkifoundit

Good OP ! Thanks.

Here's another view on modern 'slavery', with a retelling of the story of The Jones Plantation, by Larken Rose..
( Linked via The Corbett Report, as the Rose site and Indigogo Films seems to be paywalled. )

Seems they're attempting to make it into a full length feature film.

“Tell the slaves they’re free and they’ll never revolt”

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Very good reply, loved the video.

Really does show hotel california.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 12:23 PM
Does the prison system need to be reformed? Probably.

Do I care? Not really.

See, there's a very simple solution to the problem: don't put yourself in a situation where you would need to interact with a cop...

It's not difficult.

And then if you do have to interact with a cop, don't be a #ing moron and argue with him or try to resist arrest...

If you treat the cop respectfully, and you are wrongfully arrested, you get to sue the police for millions of dollars.

But see, people are stupid, and feel the need to do stupid # whenever they get the opportunity.

Everyone else follows the law, or is at least smart enough to not get caught.... Why should anyone care about someone too stupid to figure it out?

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: rounda

Are you familiar with debtors jails?

Or even seen this yet?

edit on 8-2-2021 by Ithinkifoundit because: Unable to post hyperlink to wiki

edit on 8-2-2021 by Ithinkifoundit because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Ithinkifoundit
a reply to: rounda

Are you familiar with debtors jails?

Or even seen this yet?

So pay your debt? Better yet, don't take on debt you can't afford?

Have a little personal responsibility instead of blaming the system.

Single mothers work two jobs to provide for their children. If they can do it, so can someone else.

Zero #s given for someone too busy blaming the system rather than cleaning up their act and becoming a responsible adult.

And this is coming from someone who has personally been affected by a dumbass relative sitting in federal prison right now because he refused to grow the # up.
edit on 8-2-2021 by rounda because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: strongfp

Oof, that story is brutal.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: rounda
See, there's a very simple solution to the problem: don't put yourself in a situation where you would need to interact with a cop...

The issue is there are so many laws on the books that you've likely broken several and if a cop wants to interact with you good luck dissuading them.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

My argument is that even if you haven't done anything wrong, if you are vulnerable, can't afford private representation, it will be taken advantage of.

One favorite trick by police is 'stealing by finding' see $20 just lying on the ground?... Think twice, where are you, are there cameras, why is it there?

One of my neighbors found $50 just lying at the train station, no one was around, next morning he was arrested.

My street where I live police love leaving bags, and nice jackets sitting on fences with drugs inside them... See a bag? Don't even think about touching it.

Trump supporter? Mmmm you might need a visit from a counter terrorism unit.

Regardless if you haven't done anything wrong, they can still make your life hell.

The amount of times I've had employers called with the same bull# line from police urging them to fire me only for me to pull out a police background check certificate clean... I can't count.

If you are vulnerable the 'slave catchers' will come.
edit on 8-2-2021 by Ithinkifoundit because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 12:30 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: rounda
See, there's a very simple solution to the problem: don't put yourself in a situation where you would need to interact with a cop...

The issue is there are so many laws on the books that you've likely broken several and if a cop wants to interact with you good luck dissuading them.

Well its a good thing you have the right to remain silent, at least in the US... You know, so you don't incriminate yourself for all those other laws on the books.

But apparently that's too difficult for people to understand, even after a cop literally reads you your rights. The very first thing he says, "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

And then, even better, in that court of law, you have the 5th amendment, which protects you against self incrimination...

Its almost as if shutting your mouth and doing what the cop with the gun says is a good idea. Or better yet, just don't be a #ing moron and do something where a cop would have a reason to stop you....

You know, by being a responsible adult...
edit on 9-2-2021 by rounda because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 04:57 AM

originally posted by: Ithinkifoundit

One favorite trick by police is 'stealing by finding' see $20 just lying on the ground?... Think twice, where are you, are there cameras, why is it there?

One of my neighbors found $50 just lying at the train station, no one was around, next morning he was arrested.

There is nothing illegal about 'litter picking'?

Where is the identification on the note saying it belonged to anyone?

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: rounda

If the police decide to question and then charge you ask me how pleading the 5th works out in practicality. The prison system has become an industry and the criminal justice system is used as a feeder for that endeavor.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: eletheia
There is nothing illegal about 'litter picking'?

Where is the identification on the note saying it belonged to anyone?

There are many statutes on the books that make picking up money, or anything else, you found illegal.

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