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Area 51 was not moved !

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posted on May, 8 2005 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Majic

Meanwhile, I'm guessing all the really cool stuff flies out of an as-yet-unnamed base in the Australian outback.

that wouldnt surprise me at all, since there is supposed to be a vast area in central Australia that is fenced off, patrolled by military types and is strictly a no fly zone. Sound familiar?

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 05:34 AM
Zvezdar, you're probably talking about Pine Gap. Three months ago one of the locals (ATS member "ancient arrow") posted the following report on it on the thread titled "The Creator", started by Simon Gray, the founder of ATS, in the section called "Introductions" at BTS:

Pine Gap

G'Day Simon and members, My name is Kumantjai and I live at the foothills of Pine Gap in Central Australia. We have a large amount of stories of UFO incidents abductions and lights in the skies day and night, all documented in a data base I set up here from locals and tourists. UFO researchers seem to bypass our experiences and brush them off. We see these experiences as real and have been going on for thousands of years into the modern day. You would be amazed at the collection of stories linked to UFOS and Pine Gap! Pine Gap is supposed to be a secret military installation administered by the CIA. The activity that goes on there is secret something akin to area 51 in Nevada. But being a local and the information I collect is seen as a threat to the Pine Gap admin but not a threat to me as an Indigenous Australian citizen. We believe that PG is 9 levels deep in the earth and they have bored a tunnel underground all the way to the US military installation at Northwest Cape . For years our local community have experienced deep underground rumblings, and we are not permitted to drill for water on our homelands due to PG. We have seen and documented lights day/night since the inception of PG. If you request it I have permission to relate stories of experiences/abductions in this forum from people who own these stories, just say the word. Thanks Kumantjai

It's a pity that nobody took advantage of Kumantjai's offer. This seems to have discouraged him and he never ever returned, as far as I can see.

Footnote for Majic: Are you still expecting Something Big in mid-December? You made that last prophecy of yours so vague that it's worthless. Now it's my turn to play Prophet: THE YEAR 2005 WILL BE ONE OF THOSE YEARS THAT EVERYBODY KEEPS TALKING ABOUT FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS. Sounds awful, doesn't it?!?!!
P.S. I'd rather keep my sources confidential....

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by TheRanchMan
Another thing I forgot to mention was the radiation. People say thats the only reason its still has security, becasue of the radiation. COME ON! The gov't must have some kind of chemical to absorb the radiation, or something. They even may have blown up the land below the radiated area to collapse it inward, then cover t w/ dirt or cement or something.

[edit on 21-3-2005 by TheRanchMan]

Radiation is not a problem.. The nuke testing was in a totally different area north of fact they have guide tours there for prearranged groups... the radiation is at a none threat level unless you were to spend days in the area and even then you might get a head ache.... Some areas are still hot ...but they will not take you there...even then it is at a tolerable level. Groom Lake is between the nellis gunnery/bomb range and the old test range. I grew up in Vegas . My Father worked there as many of his friends and mine. Some still do.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by sledge
Area 51 was not moved, per se. However, it HAS been divided, if you will.
Some of what WAS going on at 51 now takes place just outside Spanish Fork, Utah, at another piece of 'unused' military real estate. Area 51 just got too hot, with too much attention being payed to details by the public.

This is true... I was told in 1989 that the base was split and that some activities were moved to south Utah.Interresting that the UFO reports have increased in that area. 51 is a major test area After R&D. At least that is what I was told. Also there is supposted to be a large nuke waste facility at the same location.In 1989 it had already been in operation for 5 years that he knew of( that's how long he had been there). So I would assume that it had been groing before that.

[edit on 18-6-2005 by synystyr69]

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by Lordofchaos

Originally posted by Macrento
So maybe "Pop. Mechs." was being truthful this time for a change? In the aforementioned article it is claimed that the new Area 51 is located at the WSMR (White Sands Missile Range) in Utah and is officially known as Area 6413.

Either the mag, Bushman & drrdw know the ropes, or they're working in cahoots, colluding & conspiring to throw us off track. All those trucks & airplanes coming & going could be part of the deceit. In that case, what a waste of fuel!!! They must know that ATSers are not easily befuddled.

UH, you do realise that White sands is in Southern NM not utah right???

Also there is no area 6413.
Areas are USGS designations for TOPO Mapping for quick reference. Every state has several area. Most refer to public annexed areas...but not all. Get a USGS map that shows 51 (and it will) and you'll see a bunch of areas over the whole state.. same goes for other states. I have never seen any areas designated over 2 digits anywhere. I might be wrong with that last statement but I don't think so.

[edit on 18-6-2005 by synystyr69]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by Macrento

Hey I know you posted this a while ago but Pine Gap might be the real thing! I'm from Sydney, Australia. I've been looking around and on google earth, north of pine gap, I found this!< br />
This is at 30°30'38.69"S 115°22'56.42"E on google maps. I've been there! there is nothing there so either It's been packed up or its flying!!!

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:10 AM

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