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Can aliens get to your dreams?

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posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 01:49 PM
i wonder, my grandmother have seen a ufo, my motherts siser wonders if she has been abducted but ive never seen a ufo. ive seen a lot of stange thing in my life, i have, things i cant explain, but ive never seen a ufo.BUT,ive seen them in my drems.I can remember my dreams since i was 3 years old,and i know they are trying to yell me something.The older i get the more i feel that something is going to happen in near future.A change in mankinds life.something huge.
i know things, i feel things, i dream of things somone can not even imagne.
why me?why do i know this things?what do they want from me?i can feel they are after me....

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by imaDREAMERoftruth
i know things, i feel things, i dream of things somone can not even imagne.
why me?why do i know this things?what do they want from me?i can feel they are after me....


We are body and spirit. When we do something or know something by spirit, it can come to our physical awareness by coming up through our states of consciousness. When this happens, our memories and realizations often "seem" or "feel" like mere dreams.

This is normal for humans at this point of evolution. If some people, like you, have more awareness than others, it is because you pay more attention, but many people are spiritually aware that you probably do not hear about.

For people who have encounters with alien life, our meetings with them are usually by spirit and not by body. People who have experiences with alien life have greater access to their spiritual experiences due to the influence of their alien contacts.

Stay close to what you know and feel. Think and behave normally about it. Accept what you experience, because this is what is natural to you.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:49 AM
yes i understand.thak u for telling me.but how can u explain taht i se things at night, sometime when im about to sleep and im totaly relaxed i suddenly feel awake and lokk up to the roof, first i thaugt it was BIG spiders but after a while i saw that it was spiders coming out of nowhere and floted over the roof to the light and dissapered.the shadow looked like a octopus or something with arms that moves. i know this sounds crazy and belive me ive many times wonderd my shelf, but then i know what i saw! sometimes i woke up and i dont know what woke me up but im totaly awake and something black coms to me in tha room in the eat fast and then its gone.ive seen cirkules of ligth to, in my bedrom,like a round bright ligthning ball, and a other time there was a man standing and looking at me....and the list goes on and on.but ive seen so many things now that im no longer afraid.i wonder what it meens.......

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:04 AM
i wonder, mabye you can tell me. My mothers sister Gunn Helene had an expiriense many years ago. She is now 38 years old and have 9 children.
when she was about 12 or 14 she and my mother and my godmother walked trough the forest, a shortcut.This happening was in a city in norway called mo i rana. My mother and my godmother dont remember anything.but suddenly there was a bright light over gunn helene and the light go away faster than the speed of light into a star gunn tell mother says that she remember that gunn was holding her hands up in the air afterwards.gunn tells me that something came down with the light like drops or glitter? she dont remember anything that happend after this if she went home or where she went.But you see 10 years later then she remember all of this and she was so shokced that she went for help in a ufo organisaion, but she is quit after short day she is so afraid and she love the sky but she is so afraid that she wont go out alone to walk when its dark...i feel sorry for her.and we both wonder had she been taken or ?what really happend?why do i feel that there is good and bad aliens like humans, but she says that they are pure evil?hmmm.....

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by imaDREAMERoftruth
why do i feel that there is good and bad aliens like humans, but she says that they are pure evil?hmmm.....

Humans fear the unknown. It's our natural instinct. Our "blood runs cold" with adrenaline and the hair stands up on the back our necks. This makes us believe that there IS something to fear, and so not knowing better, we assign them figments of our imaginations and call them evil demons, like the boogeymen under our beds.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:21 PM
ahh I had this happen many times.

I have had several dream about aliens in my life, I know I had more than one but I all I remeber about them is looking up into the sky at the stars than noticing a star move, then thinking to my self (Do not look at the star run get away) then I run into my house and the next thing I know there is an alien space craft hovering above my house and I am hiding in a corner of the house, but I never actually get abducted... but, in another dream I do remember getting sucked up into the ship and seeing the beings (Typical Grey alien) and thats all i remember from the dream. Ever since that dream every time I see an alien I use to get scared but now I am more curious than anything.

I never believed I had ever been abducted and dismiss any experience I have had as just dreams and do not think aliens had anything to do with me dreaming of them.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by iksmodnad
I never believed I had ever been abducted and dismiss any experience I have had as just dreams and do not think aliens had anything to do with me dreaming of them.


You could be right.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 02:37 AM

why do i feel that there is good and bad aliens like humans, but she says that they are pure evil?hmmm.....

1. Is she a superstitious or religious person?
2. Did she say that only after meeting with UFO enthusiasts?

In the case of #1: She may have only witnessed something that looked terrible and come to that conclusion based on the appearance.

In the case of #2: She may not have experienced anything bad, but been told that all experiences similar to what she remembers are bad. Accepting what she had been told as the truth, she may have thus falsely remembered that as the truth.

But otherwise, wouldn't a more terrible experience be required for her to assert that they are pure evil? I don't think merely witnessing/experiencing something unknown/unexplainable calls for that kind of statement.

sometime when im about to sleep and im totaly relaxed i suddenly feel awake and lokk up to the roof, first i thaugt it was BIG spiders but after a while i saw that it was spiders coming out of nowhere and floted over the roof to the light and dissapered

When you fall asleep normally, you typically experience 90 minutes of nonREM sleep and then have your first REM episode. REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is when you dream. During a night, you'll cycle between nonREM and REM sleep a few times. Whenever you remember dreams, it's because you've woken up in the middle of REM sleep. You'll only remember a bit of the dreams you had in that cycle, and unfortunately none of those had in previous cycles.

But some people have sleep disorders that make them enter REM sleep very soon after they fall asleep. Narcoleptics do that for example. And further, some narcoleptics reportedly remain fully conscious of their waking environment when they start dreaming like this.

So if you were narcoleptic (or something similar), you might be reasonably conscious, looking at your ceiling, and still see spiders from a dream. But likely only as you were falling asleep. But that's exactly what you've described above, isn't it?

I'm prone to falling immediately into REM sleep myself. Usually that results in lucid dreaming, but last night as I was lying relaxed in bed I went from just-fallen-asleep to suddenly fully awake when a strange sound and weird electric cyan/purple light came through the window. It didn't feel like a dream, but given everything I've read, and given the timing, I'm sure it was just that.

Disclaimer: I am not a sleep specialist. I've only taken a few psychology courses. If you want real answers, I suggest you borrow a psychology book with a chapter on sleep from your library. (Not merely a book about dream interpretation.)

[Edit: Forgot to finish a sentence.]

[edit on 2005-Mar-22 by uca6usev2FeDREmU]

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by uca6usev2FeDREmU

why do i feel that there is good and bad aliens like humans, but she says that they are pure evil?hmmm.....

1. Is she a superstitious or religious person?
2. Did she say that only after meeting with UFO enthusiasts?

My aunt she is superstitious, but she also belive in a god and the devil.The reason why she feel that the aliens are evil is because she says she can feel her hart in her dreams, not because something anybody has told her. But i think, she was only a child, she didn remember this for 10 years afterwards the happening, mabye the shock made her so scared that she feels the way she feels now, i dont know...

sometime when im about to sleep and im totaly relaxed i suddenly feel awake and lokk up to the roof, first i thaugt it was BIG spiders but after a while i saw that it was spiders coming out of nowhere and floted over the roof to the light and dissapered

im sorry, i can see now that i have some wrong written.when i get carryed away writing this happens, ill explain to u.

When i have seen this things i havent fallen asleep,im just so relaxed that sleep is just around the corner.i said that i could see spiders, first i saw the spiders many times, and belive me i was terrified. The first time this happend i was 15years old. at 16 i moved away and i moved to my homeplase again when i was 19. it was in this rented apartment in my homeplase that all this wierd thing happend. But wierd thing happend when i lived on the other plase to thow.
Anyway, as i could se the spiders and one was crawling at my childs pillow and one jumped om my hand, creepy.but most of the times they were in the roof.ive seen them when i was awake to just so very tired of staying awake with my youngest woulden sleep.
as time went by i thaugt many times i became crazy, seeing this, but i know what i saw. Then the last time i saw this the light were on, i have never seen this befor with the light on.ive sterting sleeping with the light on because i was frightend.
i was lying thinking and almost went to sleep when i suddenly felt this over me and i came awake , i turn on my back and lokked up(that was what i wrote wrong,you see i diden se a spider, it was just a unexplaind shadow) and there was this was starting in the middle of the roof and it blown up like a ballon, then it get smaller again and this arms came out like octopus arms. it looked like tis shadows in a horror movie, like a bad spirit or something. then it went slowly against the light, and dissapired. Ive never seen this sense. this was sep 2004.
i now have moved farther norh in a new apartment and i havent seen anything here yet.
i thinh first that this i saw would warn me about dager or fight og yelling or bad peoples influence, because it always happend something bad afterwards.
But now i think i saw it because mabye it helped me not to be so afraid anylonger. i dont know?

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by iksmodnad
ahh I had this happen many times.

i my dreams i go to new worlds, i see the planets, its so lovely.
sometimes there is more than one moon, sometimes there is more than one sun, sometimes there is a odd light at the sky in bright day light.
sometimes the aliens are very small, sometimes they are tall,sometimes they are grey or brown/grey or eaven green, but most of all times they look like us humens, they just have different way of different things, its hard to explain.
Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are very bad,like humans.
several times i dream that i can see them coming and they attack us.they are sending down this lazar thin on the city.Sometimes i just standing in my house looking at them and see them looking at me and we are talking but no words.thay want me to come, but i say always i cant come with u if my loved ones (mostly my children and husband) cant come.then they go away.
This one time i dream that they land and this beatifoul man came out.ive never feelt this love before it was just something i cant writ down, i kneew that he wanted and he kneew what i wanted.the only thing that was differend about him was that he had this plastic or something pipes trough his wrists like a half siggaret, and there they got theyr air.thay breed through there.i went with him and we make love.i came back to earth and gave birth to a beatifoul babygirl.This dream was stange because i never let my self in a dream leave my husband and my children, i remember thinking in that dream, they will be all right with my huspand.
Ive seen so may beatifoul things that i feel sutsh sorrow in my hart when i see all of the pain in this word.i cant even look at the neews anymore i just cry.....its a shame.....

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 07:22 AM

different take on it

[edit on 22/3/05 by Creative_Seeker]

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by iksmodnad
ahh I had this happen many times.

I have had several dream about aliens in my life, I know I had more than one but I all I remeber about them is looking up into the sky at the stars than noticing a star move, then thinking to my self (Do not look at the star run get away) then I run into my house and the next thing I know there is an alien space craft hovering above my house and I am hiding in a corner of the house, but I never actually get abducted... but, in another dream I do remember getting sucked up into the ship and seeing the beings (Typical Grey alien) and thats all i remember from the dream. Ever since that dream every time I see an alien I use to get scared but now I am more curious than anything.

I never believed I had ever been abducted and dismiss any experience I have had as just dreams and do not think aliens had anything to do with me dreaming of them.

Wow, that is spooky! A while back I used to have the exact same type or dreams but I stopped running away in the end. I am much more comfortable with fear in my dreams now so I dont feel it much anymore.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 07:41 AM
There is something more to this than"just a dream." My experience with the blue energy and vibrations is directly related to what we conveniently call "UFO's". It has happened to me many times. I am not crazy or illogical. I'll try to post the link I started in February.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 07:50 AM
link Here you are. "They" have not been back since that night but my dreams have become clear and predictive.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Hozer
There is something more to this than"just a dream." My experience with the blue energy and vibrations is directly related to what we conveniently call "UFO's". It has happened to me many times. I am not crazy or illogical. I'll try to post the link I started in February.


you make me think, and wonder.
Do you think i had this expiriense because "they" were in my area?

the stange thing is that many stange things happend after this.My husband have some problams with him self in okt-nov and i went away for a week.when i was about to drive home i asked for a proof that who i am is real and true. i came to a turn and i stopped, i looked up in the sky and there was this amazing big comet over the sky, big as the moon.normal i would get scared because i dremt since i was a child that a comet hits the eath, but i wasent went slowly over the sky and exploded like fire.
there i have my sign, then i saw a burning house but when i got there there was no burnig house like i saw, then i saw a bird about to get hit by a car and it was hit.

i wonder of so many thing.that thing i saw in the night, light balls, the man over my bed, the balck who came fast againgt me in my bed, i dont know?

the only stange thing that has happend sense i moved to a new plase, when i think about it, is that i was on my kitchen and looking up in the shells and glassboll just jumped out of there and bang in the floor in thousen peases, i called my aunt and just befor ive called her she and my cousin had seen a light in the middle of the livingromm like a lightning?hmmm..many stange things happens at her almost if there was someone there we couldent se?creepy...

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by imaDREAMERoftruth

Originally posted by Hozer
There is something more to this than"just a dream." My experience with the blue energy and vibrations is directly related to what we conveniently call "UFO's". It has happened to me many times. I am not crazy or illogical. I'll try to post the link I started in February.


you say thay you had a out of boby expirinse, can u tell me?

when i was 16-17 i was lying in my bed and my bestfriend was cokking us dinner.we listen to relaxing musick and we didnt speak at the time.You know when u are lynig so still that u dont feel our self anymore? well thet was it like for me, suddenly my body from butt and ut fell down under the u break a pinn in to.i was so scared that i run up and screemed.i was really one understood what ive expiriensed...what do u think?

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 09:24 AM
Yes, that "out-of-body" experience is similar to what I've had beginning at 10 years old. I have a busy, technical job in a large factory so I have no time to experience OOB's during my waking hours. "They" have come to me at 3 AM during a semi-sleep state. "They" are frightening in what they do but I sense they mean no harm. "They" want only to help me move to a higher plain of existence and awareness. I guess the term "phase shift" explains my feeling about "them" the best. I've found just going with what "they" do to be better than fighting them, as frightening as it is. You get less frightened as time goes by. Good luck to you!

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Hozer


i see.i can understand now.
i never feelt that "they" would harm me, but in the beg it was so scarey.
do u think this could have a connacion with me and my soulpicture?
if u dont know what i mean u could go to and see. there is a woman with this gifts that make your picture for help u.thay are beautifoul. and it has really helped me a lot.
to se some of her pictures clicc at Sjelebilder and then galleri...

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 10:39 AM
I looked at the soulpictures and they remind me of the "Soul Cards" I have and the cards used by my friend Regina for "reads." I think this is just another "connection" to what is happening to some of us. The indigo/blue light in our sleep along with the sense of an alien presense, which I call "They", are also common. I too, wonder what this intrikit (sp) pattern of cosmic spider web connections will lead us all to. Again, I think of the term "phase shift" but I have no deffinent answer. I guess we'll all know in God's good time.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 01:07 PM

yes that is absolutt truth.
i to use some cards for reading.i worked my way with learnig my self and after a wile i read in a book how to use them, it stood axactly what i have learned my self, so those cars lay for me :-)
i use angel cards(oracel cards) and osho zen tarot cards(for deeper understanding.
And also i have "a pendel" dont know what its called in english but u probaly glass and in crystall.they help me a lot on my way.
do u use cards?

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