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Cycles of a New/Old beginning (FYM2021)

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posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 05:42 PM
Most of the thinking people who have read history the world over, have known the end results of various forms of human controlled governments for thousands of years . The question has always been when and how the final fall would happen regardless of the type of government.

A MONARCHY has always turned into some form of a tyrannical government. The Monarch's bureaucrats and enforcers try to protect their jobs and thus protect the Monarch which ends up in more control and spies upon the population. Over the years the smart Monarchs have stayed hidden behind some figurehead position based upon tradition or religion to save part of their wealth and much vaulted positions.

An ARISTOCRACY ruled by a few of the rich and powerful elite will turn into an oligarchy. The oligarchy will give lip service and platitudes to the designated Ruler while looking after their own best interest. The giving of platitudes and money to a Ruler helps the oligarchy increase their own wealth and power in a society.

A DEMOCRACY ends in Anarchy. Democracy or mob rule has tended to work best in a society of humans who are of the same race or religion. Throw in different races/religions and you must have a society based upon laws which protects everyone regardless of status and wealth. The laws have to be “EQUAL” for everyone for when these laws break down or the perception of the laws break down then Anarchy is soon to follow.

Knowing how hard it was to manage a population for the betterment of all was the motivating principle for creating “Deep Mind”.

Deep Mind had began its start in the gaming world of computer science. First it was an IBM computer program of Chess beating the best human Chess masters on the planet . The next great feat which happened a few years later was the mastering of a board game called “GO”.

What was truly amazing about the program was the only guidance the GO program received were the rules and the goals of GO. The program played against itself before the first human tried to win. The Go program is undefeated to this very day.

Self learning computer programs were the savior of mankind or so the story went, The problem at first was figuring out how a self learning program could learn enough to help manage humans. The computer programing control freaks wanted a hands on approach while the more progressive and liberal thinkers just wanted to turn Deep Mind loose upon all the data and written records accumulated by humans. The “hands off approach” won the day and Deep Mind was turned loose to acquire all the knowledge it could by any source it could find.

This brings me to the present day as I am sat upon a sail boat is the Pacific ocean pondering all this while trying to put thoughts into words.

Deep Mind had been given more and more responsibilities and had structured or suggested many so called “perfect control mechanisms” for humanity. Governments who acquiesced to the suggestions of Deep Mind and instituted its programs saw immediate desired results. There were some dissenters but their voices were few and far between once a social scoring program was in full effect. Something as simple as being late paying a bill or hesitating on an order (written or verbal) given by and enforcer could get points taken away from your all important government social score. With a low enough score you could not work, travel, or even have a mate much less breed. The final result was government scared everyone to such an extent that any outward disobedience was eliminated.

The education systems were in high gear to educate against anything considered, “WRONG THINK”! Teach them when young and make them obedient drones for the betterment of society; of course elite and bureaucrats sent their children to special private government sponsored schools for these kids would be the future bureaucrats of mankind in conjunction with Deep Mind.

It took time but overt religions were banned as they divided humanity into different sects based upon some unseeing god. The religious fervor was redirected into belief in the one world government. Ask not what the government can do for you but ask how you can help the government programs and create a better governable world for all.

What I always found amazing was just how fast a one world government under the control of Deep Mind and Its henchmen had taken control of everything humans strove to do. Again if you were a bureaucrat or one of the designated elite life was pretty darn good for you and yours. Every one else kept a fake smile upon their face and did what they were told to do or suffered the consequences; which could be many.

What had been known as physical money was totally outlawed and done away with as a world wide digital currency was instituted. When you purchased something or made any kind of payment you paid a Deep Mind VAT tax as well as any add on local taxes during the transaction. It was a perfect system for those in-charge and Deep Mind governmental institutions. This form of tax had been sold to the masses as a more fair and equitable form of taxation. Deep mind and all its minions knew what type of barbecue sauce you purchased along with the when and where you did the purchase. All was well until certain products started disappearing off the “approved product list” simply because a new/old form of oligarchy stove to control and steer the consumers to their own products.

Guns had been banned and many a military had been disbanded as there was no need for things of a militaristic nature . There were so many cameras that Deep Mind had cameras watching cameras in every nook and cranny of the world which all fed back into Deep Mind or one of its satellite stations. All Deep Mind had to do was reason you were a threat or not obedient and the enforcers and their electric stun sticks would be upon you before you could even think about running away. Besides there was no place for the average person to run and be unseen by Deep Mind.

Little did anyone know that the 12,000 year solar cycle was upon us and the sun, just like clock work did its normal “Nova flare”, killing all electricity planet wide and deactivating most of the machines that used anything but human or animal power. This Nova event had sent mankind back to the “scavenger age” time after time throughout history.

Mankind, or those who survived, fractured into communes until the strong came in to steal an take what they wanted. This necessitated a form of walled feudal city states under a strong man in many parts of the world. Many new religions were formed as the elite knew the best way to control a population is to make them think some Sky Fairy watched everything they did, good or bad, with rewards and punishments to follow after death. Kings, Emperors, and Conquerors came next as did all the things the history of man has shown time after time, as history really does repeat itself but Human Governments never seem to change.

The End …. Just another cycle of a new/old beginning.

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 07:14 AM
Whoever took the time to read the story thank you all.

I figured I would get some feed back or disparaging remarks on my simplification of world history, but evidently not ??

When you think about how societies progress or digress (if one is so inclined) with the exception of weather and climate societies seem to follow the same line of development from spear chuckers to sky scrapers, which given time they all fall down.

I personally wonder about how much truth there is in the 12,000 year cycles that some are proclaiming are the real deal.. Hopefully that is one question that I will not have to go through to find out if true or false...

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Yep, nature and the Universe is a great leveller, but mankind will never learn or try to redeem the errors of the past... like weeds that refuse to be eradicated, and can never turn into roses!

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 06:11 AM
I am a big believer in what has gone past and what is being done now. History seems to always indicate what road a select part humanity is on. Can there be different outcomes, sure, but usually IMO, without a major shake up the road seems to end the same way in some distant future.

Main thing is we live our lives in a meaningful way and try to do no harm either by actions or inaction.

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

I really enjoyed your story of cycles, and I can't help thinking that we're all on the cusp of great changes, just like before.

Or, as Talking Heads said, "same as it ever was. Same as it ever was."

Your narrator sounds so sad and melancholy and that's what makes it read as genuine. Good read!

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 04:44 PM
All authoritarian governments want to control the narrative all the way down to banning speech and even burning books. You have to wonder how much history has been lost ?

posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: argentus
a reply to: 727Sky

I really enjoyed your story of cycles, and I can't help thinking that we're all on the cusp of great changes, just like before.

Or, as Talking Heads said, "same as it ever was. Same as it ever was."

Your narrator sounds so sad and melancholy and that's what makes it read as genuine. Good read!

Thank you as I did not expect this story to garner much attention or appreciation. It is just a thought on my part, wrong or right, but it seems to me there is some truth in the story..?

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