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Pandemic's 'Hyper Hygiene' Could Have Long-term Health Impacts

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posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 10:48 AM
Remember all those crazy 'conspiracy theorists' who were banned from various platforms and ridiculed for touting such evil ideas as health risks from mass lockdowns, weakened immune systems and lowered overall health?

Well, turns out, a new study published is showing lockdowns may have drastic long term negative consequences for our immune systems. They could lead to an increase in allergies, diabetes, obesity and asthma, especially in children.

Newborns from last year are especially at risk as it's been found babies and young children not exposed to environmental microbes while young have a significantly higher risk of developing the above mentioned conditions.

Even physical distancing alone can have a significant impact on thr immune system, according to the study, let alone the other measures.

In a paper published in January, members of the Canadian Institute For Advanced Research’s humans and microbiome program raised the possibility the pandemic could profoundly change the human microbiome, making some people more susceptible to chronic conditions and diseases, including asthma and obesity.

It gives us an experiment that you can’t normally do: If you lock people up for a year, does it have long-term consequences?” said Finlay. The paper, he said, is a call for scientists to study the issue, especially its impact on young children.

The microbiome is made up of the microbes living on and in the human body that play a role in human health and disease. Changing that with use of antibiotics or by limiting contact with microorganisms, especially in early childhood, can have health consequences

Although sanitation and distancing to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (which causes COVID-19) are necessary to protect human life, scientists warn in the paper that people should be ready for changes to the human microbiome as a result.

That could result in health consequences. Allergic responses, asthma, obesity and diabetes have all been linked to changes in the human microbiome in recent decades due, in part, to less exposure to microorganisms.

He said growing rates of obesity, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease and other conditions, especially in children, have been linked to exposure to fewer microbes.

Physical distancing, alone, makes a difference to people’s exposure to microbes, something that is especially crucial for infants, he said.

“A child born today in a COVID world, who is that kid interacting with? They are not getting the microbes they are normally exposed to. We know in early life it is really important to have diverse microbial exposure, and that is just not happening in COVID, so I think there is some significant concern about what goes on there.”

edit on 1/2/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: dug88

so like when kids used to go to school with other kids, and they would all share colds and flu, and build their immune systems, not doing that doesn't also build their immune system? I think I need one of the ARB to show me the error in my thinking.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: network dude

Yeah, that's part of it. But it's more than that. Humans are actually pretty 'gross'. We're covered in microbes, inside and out. To the point where, I remember one of my biology teachers telling us this, if you took away everything that is 'you' and just made it disappear. There would still be a perfect outline of you from all the bacteria covering the outside of every person.

Just the world itself. The air, the dirt, every surface is covered with living things we're exposed to every day that our bodies have to fight against.

Constant sterilization, avoiding everything around you means your body isn't getting exposed to as many things, meaning your immune system isn't being built up as much as it would in a normal year.

The thing about microbes is, they reproduce and evolve fast, so in that year, there's likely dozens of new microbes that many people haven't been exposed to that are going to keep on reproducing and evolving .

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: dug88

All I know is that I have NOT eaten out, been to a restaurant nor a gym since late February 2020. I wasted and lost an entire year of my life.

When I go out to shop for food I wear a mask. Why, because my wife is a "critical infrastructure" employee who works in the food industry, in Accounting. They still wear masks all day long, social distance and get their temperature tested daily upon arrival and departure. CDC has been on site since January 2020 but the media wont tell you. Those abnormal temperatures are sent home with pay. Those sick same thing.

Me, I am compromised from a genetic disorder inherited at birth so my immune system is compromised. So for sheets and giggles I wear the mask.

My personal experience is that when I return home from being out and about I feel sick so I take an Ibuprofen. It happens when I am alone or with her.

Based on what your wrote and personal experience I believe what was reported out
edit on 1-2-2021 by Waterglass because: typo

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 11:40 AM
This has ben known about since the early 1970s when the years before everybody was told to disinfect kitchen surfaces. Before then the disinfection products all promised to kill all known germs. After then, even till today, in their adverts they say they kill 99%, or some such figure, of germs. Please note their advertisements, whether it's disinfectant or toothpaste, the visuals always leave a little bit of plaque or germ.
I have always believed that this (plus chemicals in our food chain) has led to the proliferations of odd conditions.
When I was a child, in the 1950, if anyone had cancer it was the talk of the area, it was ultra rare. Also we never ever heard of anybody, children or adults, suffering from ADH, nut allergies, child cancer etc. etc. and we never thought about playing in a muddy stream, getting completely filthy with god knows how many "dangerous" germs.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 11:47 AM
Let's also not forget that everyone staying inside and sheltering in place has probably led to many cases of Vitamin D deficiency.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
This has ben known about since the early 1970s when the years before everybody was told to disinfect kitchen surfaces. Before then the disinfection products all promised to kill all known germs. After then, even till today, in their adverts they say they kill 99%, or some such figure, of germs. Please note their advertisements, whether it's disinfectant or toothpaste, the visuals always leave a little bit of plaque or germ.
I have always believed that this (plus chemicals in our food chain) has led to the proliferations of odd conditions.
When I was a child, in the 1950, if anyone had cancer it was the talk of the area, it was ultra rare. Also we never ever heard of anybody, children or adults, suffering from ADH, nut allergies, child cancer etc. etc. and we never thought about playing in a muddy stream, getting completely filthy with god knows how many "dangerous" germs.

I bet you drank water straight from the hose too, eh??? And you're still here to tell the tale -- fancy that!

Seriously, I remember that as well. I remember one of the flus going around -- Hong Kong? London? I don't remember which now -- and dishwashers being promoted big time because they sterilized everything and would protect your family from that flu. Even my parents bought one. And it wasn't too long after that we started hearing that our bodies need some germs to fight and build immunities in order to be able to fight the worst viruses. We apparently got too good at "protecting" ourselves!

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 12:09 PM
People afraid of germs should know this, one of the first things a mother elephant does after giving birth is feed it's baby some of her poop, because without the germs the babies digestive chemistry will never develop enough to be able to digest the plants they eat.

They should make soap with extra germs now to make up for past stupidity

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: dug88

We've known this for years, particularly with parents who use too much cleaning product in their homes having kids with more asthma and skin conditions.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 12:16 PM
Could lead to "Hoard" immunity ! 😃

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: dug88

This would really only affect adults and children who are not getting their daily does of vitamins. All covered here, well for the most part.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Aliquandro

Not just giraffes, but also human babies seem to require some poop during the birth process.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

I agree with most of what you said. I disagree with the Cancer part of it. I don't believe that Cancer is increasing, I think that we are getting better at finding and identifying it.

Does anyone remember the FDA approving "poop transplants" several years ago? A lot of people made a joke about it, but, in reality it isn't funny. In 2008 I got a bad infection in my right leg. When I got to the hospital they drew a magic marker line around it just below the knee. If the infection didn't lessen or if it passed the line they were amputating my leg. I was on massive doses of antibiotics for a few weeks. Those killed all of the bacteria in my intestines. This bacteria helps the body digest food. There are still things that I can't eat to this day because of that. That's what the "poop transplant" is supposed to help with. Repopulating the bacteria in the bowel to aid digestion.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 10:00 PM
I read that article when it came out. There was a previous one that said basically the same thing about three months ago too. The first one was mostly to do with isolation, masks, and the immune system losing it's umph. Which would make common illnesses much more of a problem since people are not being exposed to them on a regular basis.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Aliquandro
People afraid of germs should know this, one of the first things a mother elephant does after giving birth is feed it's baby some of her poop, because without the germs the babies digestive chemistry will never develop enough to be able to digest the plants they eat.

They should make soap with extra germs now to make up for past stupidity

Ever heard of the fecal transplant?

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: halfoldman
a reply to: Aliquandro

Not just giraffes, but also human babies seem to require some poop during the birth process.

I haven't had any children of my own yet, but I've been there for friends during their time giving birth. The damn things aren't out of the womb for even an hour before the nurses are sticking them with needles.

I asked what the shots are for and they said it's for Hep-B. Like holy #? Can you not just test the mother and father for hep? There is literally no reason to be sticking just born babies.

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