I decided to join ATS after a long while. I don't really pay attention to all of the political jib-jabs going on in the news, on social media
websites, etc so pretty much have ignored most websites and news the past many months. I did visit ever so often to read the threads about COVID-19.
I was on quarantine just like a lot of you for a large portion of 2020, but started to work about the last quarter of 2020. During that time I somehow
came into contact with the virus, I don't know how.
So this is my personal experience with it so far and some comfort for those who want to listen to it. I was actually incited to write this after one
of the first posts I made on this website was an attack from a poster. I mean I got attacked almost immediately when I said that God can reveal
himself to anyone he wants to. The very tersely worded first reply to me on ATS made me think of writing this thread.
(Link to a reply to my post about my personal experience with
December 10 I woke up with my back neck muscle in a lot of pain. I couldn't move or do anything it was so painful. I didn't understand why, this had
never happened to me. I went about three days like this until the pain started to ease up when my wife got a fever and a real bad headache. I told her
she should test for COVID-19. It came back positive. But all she had was a low-grade fever and a headache for a few days. Then I got it. And a week
past and we thought welp that was easy. All through this time I had a pain in my chest that started almost unperceptibly, but because of the pandemic
and my heightened sense I noticed it and paid attention to it. It kept getting worse day after day. Until December 20 I was in constant extreme pain
in my chest. My wife was also now in bed. What we thought was something not that bad started turning into something that was worrying me.
She had myalgia and so did I. I would get up in the morning to make my bed and after extending the blanket I had no more strength for anything and my
chest was hurting worse. A friend called and said we should get an oximeter to monitor our heart rate and oxygen levels. Oxygen levels were good. My
wife's heart rate was fine, mine started to go very erratic. Then there was a period of time from December 21-25 when I couldn't sleep. Every single
time I tried to sleep my heart would race and jerk me awake. Once I literally felt my heart jump as I was just falling to sleep. And then I was scared
my heart was getting damaged and my lungs were because of the constant pain that kept getting worse and worse. I had no energy, constant bad headache,
fever, and now tachycardia.
I told my wife I needed to check to see if I had pneumonia because of my constant chest pain and me being cautious. So the doctor had an array of
blood tests done on me and told me they were all fine. That is I didn't have pneumonia. Now through this really difficult period where I couldn't
even sleep I was praying to God for understanding and wisdom to get me through the predicament.
I would read the Bible late at night when I couldn't sleep and felt God's spirit and his comfort. On December 21, when I couldn't sleep at all
because of the tachycardia I had developed, and I was monitoring my heart rate and oxygen levels, the heart rate when from as low as 50 to as high as
145 in a matter of seconds. Up and down up and down, all over the place. I have Valerian root, and would boil it and make a tea out of it, and noticed
it helped a lot. Also I would breath in vapor with water boiled in eucalyptus leaves, that seemed to alleviate some of the chest pain.
I asked my doctor why my chest hurt so much of I didn't have pneumonia, he said that everyone that gets COVID-19 gets lung damage, even if they
don't have symptoms (are asymptomatic). Also it may have done some damage to my heart.
Some of the comforting scriptures I felt God showing me while going through this. one I couldn't sleep on December 21 I read through Luke 12 and
these words stuck in my mind as if I was being told, don't worry, don't be anxious:
(Luke 12:22) Then he said to his disciples: “That is why I say to you,
stop being anxious about your lives as to what you will eat or about
your bodies as to what you will wear.
(Luke 12:25) Who of you by being anxious can add a cubit to his life span?
(Luke 12:26) If, therefore, you cannot do such a small thing,
why be anxious about the remaining things?
It was as if God was telling me, calm down, don't be anxious, why are you being anxious. Calm down. This helped me relax and calm down. I think this
helped me greatly with healing and with my heart. I have talked with close relatives and others who have had COVID-19 and even a Doctor who is a
friend, an anesthesiologist, and a number reported having tachycardia, even months after having COVID-19. An uncle of my wife told me he still is
shaken awake at night from his heart racing like I was going through.
On December 26 when I couldn't sleep I was up all night praying and reading the Bible to help pass the time and find comfort. And I was directed, I
am sure, without a doubt by the spirit of God to read this scripture:
(Isaiah 49:15) Can a woman forget her nursing child Or have no compassion for the son of her womb? Even if these women forget, I would never forget
I found great comfort in the knowledge that not only was god listening to my prayers but he was responding, telling me he was listening to me. He was
paying special attention and would never forget me.
On the 28th of December after being awoke from the tachycardia, and praying and then reading scripture to calm down I was directed to another
comforting scripture:
(Isaiah 26:3) You will safeguard those who fully lean on you; You will give them continuous peace, Because it is in you that they trust.
This really calmed me down and gave me the strength I feel I needed. I never panicked or was worried through the crisis, because, as I have said, I
kept close to God and prayed continuously and read his word and let him speak back to me. When you do this you will know when God is speaking to you
from his word, his holy spirit opens your heart to understand he is speaking with you personally. That he cares for you. That he notices you.
Well, all through January I have been under the weather, the pain is still in my chest, and I had 3 weeks of diarrhea and feeling weak.
So that leads up to the end of January, today.
I got it easy. I know a lot of people, well, more than two handfuls, personally, who have died of COVID-19. I have attended over 10 funerals in the
past two weeks on Zoom of people either my wife or I knew who have died. Ranging from 32 years old to 95 years old.
Welp that's it. Take it for what it is. If you are skeptic you can keep it to yourself. I am not here to argue the existence of God or his ability to
answer prayers by using his word in the Bible. But if you do believe in God, or take comfort in my experience maybe this is God's way of reaching out
to you to let you know he is there and is listening and cares about you.