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posted on Jan, 30 2021 @ 01:29 PM

I can't remember how I ended up googling the topic, but I was searching for info on UVB-76 some 11 years ago or so, and I stumbled across this place. I was poking around until I came to the "live" page and noticed right away a Robert Anton Wilson post. I was intrigued enough to keep visiting back & it wasn't long before ATS became a regular stop between work tasks or kicking around at home.

I setup an account a while back, but I vowed not to post at all until I had an avatar. I knew what I wanted to use, but it meant removing some text content from the source I had available & I put it off indefinitely. Recently for unrelated reasons I stumbled across the original artist and sort-of original versions of his art & I ran out of excuses - sure I still had to edit the image some which required a string of computer-related tasks, but I finished those this morning, so here I am...

I've been a regular reader long enough now that I've been witness to the changes that have occurred around here over the years. But the one that really gets me is the unmistakable change from a forum of discussion & debate to the increasing frequency where posts come from a position of emotion & reaction. RAW spent a good amount of his time on this planet promoting Timothy Leary's 8-circuit model of the brain, and to put this change in terms of this framework it would be that it's been a shift from the symbolic/conceptual circuit (3) to the emotional/territorial circuit (2).

I wouldn't bother with an introduction if I thought it was too late for this place. I'm here to do my part for MA3A - Make Abovetopsecret 3-circuit Again.

posted on Jan, 30 2021 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: IagainstEye

Hullo, welcome to ats. I'm sorry, i'll probably never see your avatar, I pretty much only use ats on my phone. It lacks avatars and user scores on mobile which I find refreshing. I'm sure it's a very nice avatar though.

Glad you made an account and are ready to join in the fray. Always nice to have more points of view and people taking part in the conversations. Even if a lot of them lately get ridiculous.

posted on Jan, 30 2021 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: IagainstEye

I setup an account a while back, but I vowed not to post at all until I had an avatar. I knew what I wanted to use, but it meant removing some text content from the source I had available & I put it off indefinitely. Recently for unrelated reasons I stumbled across the original artist and sort-of original versions of his art & I ran out of excuses - sure I still had to edit the image some which required a string of computer-related tasks, but I finished those this morning, so here I am...


I identify with this harrowing tale of hardship, bravery, and sacrifice. Maybe not with avatars, but all the same;

posted on Jan, 30 2021 @ 05:33 PM
Welcome! 😊

posted on Jan, 31 2021 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: IagainstEye

Hello and welcome!

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