Agreed, I love looking for old hi fi, I have an old pioneer quadraphonic amp, the only record I have is pink floyds dark side of the moon, it is a
really amazing experience listening to it.
I have several nakamichi cassette decks, in my opinion these are the best decks made, especially with a high quality metal casette.
I hate mp3, I tunes, the audio quality is so poor. Less than acceptable, give me a real cd any day.
Compare say the matrix laserdisc to the blu ray, the laserdisc audio is superior as it is full range dolby digital, not compressed like the dvd, plus
the colours look terrible on the dvd. I have both and compared, the lobby shoot out scene audio is superb on laserdisc
I have an older boston thx speaker system, with an older pioneer thx amp, it is a great system. I have looked at newer systems, and they appear to be
all show no go.
I still record onto minidisc, the compression is less brutal than newer alternatives.
I guess the reason is people dont want to shell out for quality, and prefer to use cheap systems for 99 bux on a cheap foreign made product.
For example people want cheap televisions, back in the early 2000, toshiba and canon developed sed technology, a tv with the depth of a plasma though
with the superior qualty and contrast ratio of a cathode ray tube, these werent cheap though were superior to lcd.
Its a sad state of affairs where people think ani phone is high quality hi fi.
Even my old bose 901 series 4 are still kicking and sound great.
Even old marantz power amps are sought after, it took me about three years to find two ma 700 power amps, they sell like hotcakes in australia.
edit on 25-1-2021 by robsmith because: Incomploete