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Covid Conspiracies Endanger Life

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posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro
originally posted by: tanstaafl
"Those who are reasonably healthy have no symptoms, or very mild symptoms."

Even if that's true, how many people are walking around out there with undiagnosed conditions, do we just let Covid rip through the populace to find out?

Yes. Or are you unaware that there is nothing we can do to stop it, and that destroying our economy will only slow it down a little - maybe... but maybe not.

So, yes, Get over it. Get over your fear. Live your life. Or at least leave the rest of us alone to live ours without having to deal with your insanity.

ETA- Most of the stuff I've read points to there being more to it than this but it does seem to hit hardest the old and, as you say, those with pre-existing conditions. So letting this get to herd Immunity without a vaccine program is going to kill those that would have succumbed to Covid anyway, those that would have been taken by the flu and great swathes of the elderly and sick and those with unknown underlying conditions.

This is too great a cost from where I'm standing.

So, you've been advocating for locking everything down and destroying our economy for decades to fight the flu too?

Please... just stop it.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 02:26 PM
I've spoken to my GP about it.

I've spoken stepson who has a master's degree in biology and working on another in chemistry.

I've spoken to friends who work in the NHS.

I've discounted anything that's shared on YouTube and Facebook and can't be verified outside of those mediums.

It's not hard to establish what is the most likely correct information really.

originally posted by: Nothin
a reply to: nonspecific

You're free to believe anything, or anybody you like.

Seems to me like we're talking about a picture of meat and potatoes, instead of talking about meat and potatoes.

So : an exercise if you will, for you, the OP, anyone else interested, Citizen A, Citizen B, and whomever.

Let's say you, or a loved-one is called-in for a Covid-19 vax for Wednesday morning 11AM Eastern time ( in 48 hours.)
The exercise is to take us through all of the information gathering process you would do, and then give us a yes or no decision, based on your now supposedly informed consent.

Tell us what dastardly dangerous misinformation you came across and discarded, and what you deemed trustworthy.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 04:32 PM
It's infuriating isn't it. A part of me wants to say "it's their own stupid fault" but unfortunately I'm empathetic to a fault.

Cognitive dissonance is one of the biggest dangers to society and people don't deserve to die because of their own stupidity.

Unfortunately there is an apparently growing movement of people who go out of their way to believe and perpetuate the precise opposite of what official guidance says, because everything is a conspiracy to control and subjugate.

It's evolution, I guess. Survival of the fittest.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
I've spoken to my GP about it.

I've spoken stepson who has a master's degree in biology and working on another in chemistry.

I've spoken to friends who work in the NHS.

I've discounted anything that's shared on YouTube and Facebook and can't be verified outside of those mediums.

It's not hard to establish what is the most likely correct information really.

Did your GP disclose to you, that he has a personal financial incentive to recommend the jab, or do you figure if they stopped paying him, he would still do his job for free ?
Or is that a dangerous conspiracy theory ?

Is your stepson free to think : or has he been influenced by his 'education', his 'position', or any ongoing grants ?
Or is that a dangerous conspiracy theory, just asking ?

Are your friends at the NHS free to think : or have they been influenced by their 'education', 'position', or any ongoing grants or such ?
Or is that a dangerous conspiracy theory, just to ask that ?

Plenty of vids posted in threads here, with links to back them up. Great that you are skeptical of unsourced claims.

Do you figure that trusting the advice of people, whom have a personal financial concern involved, is good enough ?
Would you ask a car salesman if you need a new car ?

Did they all tell you that the vax is an unproven, unapproved under normal methods, experimental gene-therapy ?
Did they tell you any info about adverse reactions, and whom should not take the jab ?
Did they tell you that getting the jab won't prevent you from getting the supposed Covid-19, supposedly spreading it to others, and you'll still supposedly need to wear a mask ?

So how did you make-out with the ..."...most likely correct information..."... ?

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 05:11 PM
I really can't continue with any degree of enthusiasm with this.

I could tell you that my GP has been the families gp for decades but that means nothing to you.

That my stepson understands thinks I don't even try to and has no financial obligations to anything or anyone right now, as I said he's studying again.

As to the rest of it I suppose I could question people's reasoning and choose to side with the people making videos on YouTube about it I guess. But then I'd have to question their reasoning beyond ad revenue so I think I'd choose people I know and trust with nothing I can see to gain from lying to me.

originally posted by: Nothin

originally posted by: nonspecific
I've spoken to my GP about it.

I've spoken stepson who has a master's degree in biology and working on another in chemistry.

I've spoken to friends who work in the NHS.

I've discounted anything that's shared on YouTube and Facebook and can't be verified outside of those mediums.

It's not hard to establish what is the most likely correct information really.

Did your GP disclose to you, that he has a personal financial incentive to recommend the jab, or do you figure if they stopped paying him, he would still do his job for free ?
Or is that a dangerous conspiracy theory ?

Is your stepson free to think : or has he been influenced by his 'education', his 'position', or any ongoing grants ?
Or is that a dangerous conspiracy theory, just asking ?

Are your friends at the NHS free to think : or have they been influenced by their 'education', 'position', or any ongoing grants or such ?
Or is that a dangerous conspiracy theory, just to ask that ?

Plenty of vids posted in threads here, with links to back them up. Great that you are skeptical of unsourced claims.

Do you figure that trusting the advice of people, whom have a personal financial concern involved, is good enough ?
Would you ask a car salesman if you need a new car ?

Did they all tell you that the vax is an unproven, unapproved under normal methods, experimental gene-therapy ?
Did they tell you any info about adverse reactions, and whom should not take the jab ?
Did they tell you that getting the jab won't prevent you from getting the supposed Covid-19, supposedly spreading it to others, and you'll still supposedly need to wear a mask ?

So how did you make-out with the ..."...most likely correct information..."... ?

edit on 26/1/2021 by nonspecific because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
I really can't continue with any degree of enthusiasm with this.

I could tell you that my GP has been the families gp for decades but that means nothing to you.

That my stepson understands thinks I don't even try to and has no financial obligations to anything or anyone right now, as I said he's studying again.

As to the rest of it I suppose I could question people's reasoning and choose to side with the people making videos on YouTube about it I guess. But then I'd have to question their reasoning beyond ad revenue so I think I'd choose people I know and trust with nothing I can see to gain from lying to me.

Sorry to have contributed to diminishing your enthusiasm.

Let's just leave it at :
You are concerned about folks believing unfounded conspiracy theories surrounding the whole Covid™ thing, and myself am concerned that folks are too trusting of untrustworthy authorities, and uninformed, but well-intentioned contacts.

If you're ever interested : there are plenty of references to 'supposedly' independent investigative journalists work in these areas. And yes : most of them ask for donations or subscriptions.

Struggled with that for a few years, thinking that if someone was truly acting for the benefit of all mankind, that they should give their work away for free.
But that just isn't practical, in a world where most of us have bills to pay.

Youtube isn't the ideal place for clear and complete info, as they have purged many 'supposedly' independent investigative journalists, in a strong purge this year.

If you wish : have a gander at James Corbett, and The Corbett Report.
His remarks and claims are all sourced with links below the vids, so that all can verify on their own.
His vid on Bill Gates is very well done IMHO, and chock-full of contextual info on this whole Covid™ mess, and more.
Haven't seen any refutations of his work yet, and would welcome that info anytime.

Disclosure : am in no way, shape, or form connected with James Corbett, and The Corbett

Bill Gates.

The Corbett Report : Who Is Bill Gates?

Full transcripts available from the link, to Corbett Report website. Also in previous link.

Please consider this an offering for your supposed informed consent, and keep asking questions.

posted on Jan, 27 2021 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

The COVIDIDIOTS are the morons whom have seen your own left-wing leaders/never-Turmpers do not wear masks in public, and do not use social distancing. Or demand that a saloon they closed open up for your fascist dictators like Pelosi, and then when video showing her ignoring wearing a mask and going to a saloon appeared, she claimed the saloon owner set her up...

The COVIDMORONS are the people still wanting the economy closed meanwhile millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and millions more will lose their jobs, meanwhile your fascist dictators ignore every demand they made of you...

Last but no least, in the U.S. alone every year 1.5-1.6 million Americans die from influenza and pneumonia, and the country was never shutdown.

edit on 27-1-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on Jan, 27 2021 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: Nyiah

I'm not saying that they are handling this correctly. I'm saying there is a virus, it is killing people and folk need to stop denying that.

The virus isn't killing anyone.

What it is doing is causing pre-existing serious conditions to kill them.

Those who are reasonably healthy have no symptoms, or very mild symptoms.

That's a load of bollocks.

22% of perfectly healthy 18 - 49 year olds hospitalised by Covid ended in ICU, 10% needed mechanical ventilation:

Perfectly healthy kids are dying, having limbs amputated and displaying post stroke symptoms due to Covid causing MIS-C.

A number of athletes with no underlying conditions have died. Those that survive show extensive lung damage equivalent to a lifelong chain smoker as it causes holes in the lungs and heart.

posted on Jan, 27 2021 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: bastion
"Those who are reasonably healthy have no symptoms, or very mild symptoms."

That's a load of bollocks.

No, it isn't.

22% of perfectly healthy 18 - 49 year olds hospitalised by Covid ended in ICU, 10% needed mechanical ventilation:

Define 'perfectly healthy'. Sorry, but lack of evident symptoms does not equate to 'perfect health'. The vast majority of Americans are extremely unhealthy, even if they don't have any overt symptoms (ie, have no diagnosed 'pre-existing conditions').

Also, the above article links to 'observational studies' which are worthless. Try again.

Perfectly healthy kids are dying, having limbs amputated and displaying post stroke symptoms due to Covid causing MIS-C.

Fixed your busted link (you're welcome)...

But again... I submit to you that they are far from 'perfectly healthy'.

A number of athletes with no underlying conditions have died. Those that survive show extensive lung damage equivalent to a lifelong chain smoker as it causes holes in the lungs and heart.

All supposition. Maybe there is a different virus that is much more virulent that is causing this kind of damage. Or maybe the virus is weaponized, and targets specific attributes.

Whatever, all I do know is that there is ZERO reason to panic and destroy the worlds economy over this thing.
edit on 27-1-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 01:22 PM
Here is something that is not a conspiracy.
Govt overreach is stepping up to dangerous levels, the likes we have not seen in half a century.

Arriving in the UK?
Just announced that forced isolation - i.e. prison - will be required for all people arriving from 33 countries (even if they have been tested negative in the last 3 days).
The prison sentence for travelling to the UK (which, by the way, seems to only apply to countries of mainly black and brown folks) is 2 weeks.
If you are coming, be aware you will have to pay for your own prison bill - somewhere between 1000 and 1500 Sterling per person in your party.
You'll be expected to clean your own room - including the toilet. No guests or any hotel staff are allowed to see you.

The prison facility you will be put in will be guarded on every floor by govt security services to make sure you do not leave your room. If you smoke, you will be escorted outside and then back in again.

Fines of 10,000 sterling if you manage to escape.

You'll also be logged and all your personal contact details recorded for tracking purposes.

Meanwhile, the announcement is expected over the next few days that vaccines will be enforced by local councils - with visits from local council officers for those refusing to take the needle.

I wish I was exaggerating.
I am not.

If you think the Govt is EVER going to relinquish this kind of control of the population, think again.

edit on 5/2/2021 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 01:25 PM
Forced vacination?

Have you got some links to the source of these claims please.

originally posted by: UKTruth
Here is something that is not a conspiracy.
Govt overreach is stepping up to dangerous levels, the likes we have not seen in half a century.

Arriving in the UK?
Just announced that forced isolation - i.e. prison - will be required for all people arriving from 33 countries (even if they have been tested negative in the last 3 days).
The prison sentence for travelling to the UK (which by the way seem to only apply to countries of main black and brown folks) is 2 weeks.
If you are coming, be aware you will have to pay for your own prison bill somewhere between 1000 and 1500 Sterling per person in your party.
You'll be expected to clean your own room - including the toilet. No guests or any hotel staff are allowed to see you.

The prison facility you will be put in will be guarded on every floor by govt security services to make sure you do not leave your room. If you smoke, you will be escorted outside and then back in again.

Fines of 10,000 sterling if you manage to escape.

You'll also be logged and all your personal contact details recorded for tracking purposes.

Meanwhile, the announcement is expected over the next few days that vaccines will be enforced by local councils - with visits from local council officers for those refusing to take the needle.

I wish I was exaggerating.
I am not.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth
Meanwhile, the announcement is expected over the next few days that vaccines will be enforced by local councils - with visits from local council officers for those refusing to take the needle.

I wish I was exaggerating.
I am not.

You are.

There's no rumour of any such event happening. UK Gov issued a reminder to employers last week not to introduce a mandatory vaccination policy as it would be illegal under UK law.

There's no mandatory vaccination. No register of people deciding not to take it and no legal framework whatsoever for a local authority to take such action. The claim is completely false.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 01:40 PM
As far as I am aware there is nothing that comes close to allowing mandatory vacination in UK law.

The only situations where someone can be vaccinated without consent is if they are unable to comprehend the issue due to mental health issues and in these cases a health professional will liaise with family members and take on board any opinion made whilst the person in question was in a position to make one before deciding if vacination is to take place.

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: UKTruth
Meanwhile, the announcement is expected over the next few days that vaccines will be enforced by local councils - with visits from local council officers for those refusing to take the needle.

I wish I was exaggerating.
I am not.

You are.

There's no rumour of any such event happening. UK Gov issued a reminder to employers last week not to introduce a mandatory vaccination policy as it would be illegal under UK law.

There's no mandatory vaccination. No register of people deciding not to take it and no legal framework whatsoever for a local authority to take such action. The claim is completely false.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

There's been talk about requiring vaccinations for employment and travel. So while they may not say they are "forcing" you to vaccinate, they will make it next to impossible to live your life without vaccination...

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

It's one of the times where having an uncodified constitution is a major benifit. There''s a few hundred laws and documents that would need to be abolished or rewriten before mandatory vaccination could be legal in the UK main ones being Human Rights Act, Data Protection Act and NHS Constitution.

The UK gov also state vaccinations aren't mandatory in a pandemic and the ethics and benefits of introducing a vaccine polkicy that includes some coercion, let alone mandatory introduction are higly questionable at best in the recent vaccine review:

a reply to: Edumakated

I'll be suprised if it isn't mandatory in the UK for air travel and major sport or music events but it's illegal for any employer to do that due to Article 8 or the Human Rights Act (Right to Private Life) and Equality Act in the UK (Right to Belief). Employers also have no right to know or be kept informed if staff chose to get vaccinated or not.
edit on 5-2-2021 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: nonspecific

It's one of the times where having an uncodified constitution is a major benifit. There''s a few hundred laws and documents that would need to be abolished or rewriten before mandatory vaccination could be legal in the UK main ones being Human Rights Act, Data Protection Act and NHS Constitution.

The UK gov also state vaccinations aren't mandatory in a pandemic and the ethics and benefits of introducing a vaccine polkicy that includes some coercion, let alone mandatory introduction are higly questionable at best in the recent vaccine review:

a reply to: Edumakated

I'll be suprised if it isn't mandatory in the UK for air travel and major sport or music events but it's illegal for any employer to do that due to Article 8 or the Human Rights Act (Right to Private Life) and Equality Act in the UK (Right to Belief). Employers also have no right to know or be kept informed if staff chose to get vaccinated or not.

Our 'uncodified constitution' obviously means jack sh*t.

Seemed to be a 'thing' when we were trying to leave the EU, but trampling all over people's personal freedoms now during Covid, not so much.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: UKTruth
Meanwhile, the announcement is expected over the next few days that vaccines will be enforced by local councils - with visits from local council officers for those refusing to take the needle.

I wish I was exaggerating.
I am not.

You are.

There's no rumour of any such event happening. UK Gov issued a reminder to employers last week not to introduce a mandatory vaccination policy as it would be illegal under UK law.

There's no mandatory vaccination. No register of people deciding not to take it and no legal framework whatsoever for a local authority to take such action. The claim is completely false.

What would you call local council staff visiting people who have refused the vaccine door to door, having placed them on a list and targeted them?

No register you say? Pfft.

The Government is considering sending council staff to visit people who have refused an offer to get vaccinated, the minister responsible for the roll-out has suggested. Amid fears a sizeable proportion of the population are still sceptical of getting the Covid vaccine, those who have so far turned down the chance to get inoculated may soon get a knock on the door to find out why. Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi told MPs he wanted to identify ‘at an individual level’ the people who still need to be reached, according to The Times. He said he wanted to then use councils to seek out those who had refused offers and see what might convince them.

Read more:

Twitter: | Facebook:

I call it enforcement through coercion and intimidation - and I would not be surprised at all to see it actually turn into fines and then arrests for refusal.

You also ignored the main part of my post - announced today - which is, in effect, a prison sentence for people visiting this country even if they have tested negative.

There are no excuses at all for how far the Govt is pushing their draconian measures and 'laws'.
edit on 5/2/2021 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: UKTruthThere are no excuses at all for how far the Govt is pushing their draconian measures and 'laws'.

agreed. they are power-crazed. their minds have snapped.

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 12:45 PM
It's not really a prison sentence if you are fully aware of what will happen if you choose to travel to the UK is it.

And the important word here is choose.

No one will be forced to visit the UK will they.

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: UKTruth
Meanwhile, the announcement is expected over the next few days that vaccines will be enforced by local councils - with visits from local council officers for those refusing to take the needle.

I wish I was exaggerating.
I am not.

You are.

There's no rumour of any such event happening. UK Gov issued a reminder to employers last week not to introduce a mandatory vaccination policy as it would be illegal under UK law.

There's no mandatory vaccination. No register of people deciding not to take it and no legal framework whatsoever for a local authority to take such action. The claim is completely false.

What would you call local council staff visiting people who have refused the vaccine door to door, having placed them on a list and targeted them?

No register you say? Pfft.

The Government is considering sending council staff to visit people who have refused an offer to get vaccinated, the minister responsible for the roll-out has suggested. Amid fears a sizeable proportion of the population are still sceptical of getting the Covid vaccine, those who have so far turned down the chance to get inoculated may soon get a knock on the door to find out why. Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi told MPs he wanted to identify ‘at an individual level’ the people who still need to be reached, according to The Times. He said he wanted to then use councils to seek out those who had refused offers and see what might convince them.

Read more:

Twitter: | Facebook:

I call it enforcement through coercion and intimidation - and I would not be surprised at all to see it actually turn into fines and then arrests for refusal.

You also ignored the main part of my post - announced today - which is, in effect, a prison sentence for people visiting this country even if they have tested negative.

There are no excuses at all for how far the Govt is pushing their draconian measures and 'laws'.

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 02:37 PM
the conspiracy that covid is an actual thing is certainly dangerous. it is responsible for the destruction of society and millions of (non - covid) deaths. it is a lie. the pandemic is horse s**t.

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