posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 06:07 AM
I beleive that the earth was colonized by a rebel group from another planet. I think they were exiled on earth and eventually inter-bred with early
humans, creating modern man. I think they were left here with limited technology and had to make do with the materials at hand, but they were
responsible for the anomolous mathematical and astronomical knowledge in most of the ancient cultures.
I think they built colonies all over the world and at some point split into factions and ended up going to war with each other. I think the
survivors, or a relatively pure strain of their descendants were still living in the early Egyptian civilization and they may have built the Giza
Pyramids before they died out, as a record of their existance and a marker for future generations. Just like we bury time capsules under the biggest
buildings and monuments, I think we'll eventually find their records there.
I think that most of the UFO's we see today are just natural phenomena that we don't understand yet, but occasionally we're visited by aliens,
either from the same race or another that stumbled across us, and we've become a genetics and social science experiment. Maybe they're trying to
decide if there's a genetic advantage to cross breeding and if we should be turned loose, or kept in isolation.
Anyway, that's just what I think. For me at least it explains most of the creation myths, archeolgical anomalies, genetic anomalies (we have
something like 12 genes that are unrelated to any other animals on this planet and can't be explained by evolution), and the presence of the little
grey proctologists.