posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 12:03 PM
Sounds like a great name for a music title or a movie, right? On NPR radio yesterday I heard that there is more tiny bits of plastic in the ocean
than there are plankton now.
At least 10 years ago I read that a scientist who had been studying zooplankton in the ocean was alarmed to find that this base of our food chain was
dying off incredibly fast. I don't hear much about it , as important as it is. Now We have plastic occupying space that was meant for life giving
plankton. I don't know what's next in the chain. What is just a little bigger than plankton? what hunts and eats the stuff? It will be a little
harder for whatever it is now. "Honey, I brought home the plankton. It's on the kitchen table!" Later- "Mr. I don't what you've been drinking
but all I see on the table is a bunch of plastic!!" Another plankton Hunting family ends in divorce....
[Edited on 14-7-2003 by tr]