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SARS‐CoV‐2‐induced remission of Hodgkin lymphoma

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posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: rickymouse

So what if China did develop such a virus to kill cancer and tried it on their population in WuHan because as we know Chinese are prolific chain smokers. However, the downside is that if you have no lung cancer.....well we know the results if you catch it.
Interestingly, this has also just reminded me of something a front line nurse here in the UK said to me. On her Covid department/ICU etc, not one that has been admitted in with SARS-Cov-19 WAS A SMOKER!!

You got me thinking outside the box.


There are a lot of compounds in cigarette smoke, I would guess the Harmane or B-Carbolines might have an effect on the virus.

Also, Methyl folate or folic acid supplements have been shown to help fight Covid-19, but the association needs more research yet but some doctors in Europe are now giving the supplements after looking at the evidence.

I take a b complex about four times a week with the Methylfolate and Methylcobalamin in it, but I have the 1298C genetic variant where it is needed. My grandkids have one 677 on their snp which is also kind of a risk factor for viruses.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 11:18 PM
Radiation therapy put me into remission of Hodgkins back in 1982. It came back after 5 years. Chemo did away with it.

My oncologist told me I was lucky. If you have to have cancer Hodgkins is one of the most treatable.

Cancer is not a single disease. Some people don't know this.

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Phage

Strange part is that I did suffer some form of Excess Flu. I had been painting outside of house and suddenly became weak all over, blocked sinuses, problem taking deep breath plus rise in temperature. Doctor came home, kept a distance from me, suggested 'FLU' and adminstrated prescribed Anti-Biotics. Took around 6 weeks before I felt better. ( aged then 69 - 70). Few months later had a normal Flu jab. Six month's after that swelling in the Groin - right side - saw a Doctor who sent me to Hospital for a Scan. Biopsy - 3 in fact - waqs taken and result was Hodgkins Disease. PET Scan carried out and was told I had Cancer in Thigh bone, In Blood and in Lymph close to colon. Chemotheray became the prescribed treatment . When that finished was Diagnosed as being All Clear. Well the Hodgkins started in 2017 and Doctor so far reckons All clear, said if it returns that is usually within 2 years. Still keep fingers crossed, still under the Hospital.

Had 1st Vaccine shot ref; the said anti - Covid 19 - last Friday and await a possible call for 2nd shot. Trying hard to find out wether the Medical World May have concluded in how Covid gene could - maybe - used as a Good extra force for the immune syatem, against many seperate invaders ?? Have had a low count in Red blood cells since day I was born. Anaemic aged 3, had Bone marrow test and was given 1 pint of Blood. So as said, still hoping and would simply appreciate any further found Medical reports ref; the assumed use of dodgy virus being now used as a Rescue ??Thank you.

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