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Just in case ATS gets shut down or censored

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posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 07:09 AM
That subreddit is pure hell. It’s a place where ATS’ers can go and talk sh!? on other ATS’ers and nothing more. A bunch of cowards who can’t hold their arguments to intelligent people here so they’ve taken over that place and made it their little cry baby support group.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam
I don’t want to think about. This place is such a joy.

Usually.....lately it’s a bit grim and disturbing

Lately we aren’t debating CTs as possibility. Or at all.

I don’t care what you believe or for who you root, but you may agree with me when I say we aren’t talking CTs here anymore.


posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Klassified

I haven't seen Reddit actively pursuing the r/Conservative or r/ATS groups. The former is alive and well and is how I keep up with conservative headlines every day.

That's good to hear. Perhaps they will limit their purge to anything Trump, and leave the generic conservative sites alone.

I also check r/Liberal and r/Libertarian. That may change though. There is a clear attempt by social media outlets to purge all non-approved "free speech" from society.

I hope you're wrong (in the best way though!). I hope they at least try to feign a respect for "loyal opposition," if only for strategic purposes on their part, but for our exploition as well! At some point, I do think the Big Social Media groups will have to draw a line, and not ban everyone willy nilly. For starters, doing so would definitely cut into their profits. (They still need a way to fund their agenda!) It would also alienate plenty on the left who have issues with the Dem agenda, such as the Feminists fighting the Transgender agenda, which will alienate other liberals who do actually respect and want free speech for all.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 08:34 AM
Speaking from a purely technical/IT point of view,
discord is just another platform and they will switch off your channel the moment they're told to.

Setting up shop on internet 'platforms' instead of using protocols is when the internet started to turn to garbage.

Some of you probably remember ICQ- this was like a platform, but it used its own protocol.
Obviously protocols can be stupidly designed, but generally the dumb ones don't take off.
In the case of ICQ, I believe a central server DID exist to initiate connections, but once you were connected to a person or group of persons to talk to, your traffic and communication went from you to them and vice versa. That means nobody else is in the middle, deciding what is and is not appropriate for you to say.

ICQ was later bought by AOL, and they used the idea to create the Aol Instant Messenger.
I'm sure a lot of you remember that one.
At first it worked the same way, but over the years as they forced version upgrades they slowly switched to a platform style service. This is why it was eventually shut down- the platform was no longer profitable, and the application can't function without the platform.

I'm almost hesitant to point out IRC on these boards. IRC predates ICQ. If any of you remember the BBS systems of yore, IRC is probably one of the reasons they faded away. It's easier to use, and just as robust.
Discord is a platform, IRC is a protocol.
Discord can shut down your chat- because you're setting up your chat on their service.
IRC is more like a language.
Obviously its more complex than that. Within the protocol someone still has to host a place for people to communicate, and that someone could decide to pull a and censor/ban you. If you don't like it, find another or make your own- the PROTOCOL is free to use, and doesn't require anyone else to approve what you're doing with it.
Much like the English language. People can try and tell you what you can and cannot say, but in the end they can't stop you.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 09:45 PM
For clarification purposes:

I created the Discord channel and will continue to run it as long as people are interested.

The subreddit linked in the OP however has absolutely no affiliation with ATS at all. We do not know who founded it, we do not know any of the names listed as their moderator staff.

Apparently it's been around since 2012. Go figure. Either way it has nothing to do with us.

I appreciate those coming to hang out on discord though, it's been quite fun chatting with so many of you.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: lordcomac
Speaking from a purely technical/IT point of view,
discord is just another platform and they will switch off your channel the moment they're told to.

Setting up shop on internet 'platforms' instead of using protocols is when the internet started to turn to garbage.

Some of you probably remember ICQ- this was like a platform, but it used its own protocol.
Obviously protocols can be stupidly designed, but generally the dumb ones don't take off.
In the case of ICQ, I believe a central server DID exist to initiate connections, but once you were connected to a person or group of persons to talk to, your traffic and communication went from you to them and vice versa. That means nobody else is in the middle, deciding what is and is not appropriate for you to say.

ICQ was later bought by AOL, and they used the idea to create the Aol Instant Messenger.
I'm sure a lot of you remember that one.
At first it worked the same way, but over the years as they forced version upgrades they slowly switched to a platform style service. This is why it was eventually shut down- the platform was no longer profitable, and the application can't function without the platform.

I'm almost hesitant to point out IRC on these boards. IRC predates ICQ. If any of you remember the BBS systems of yore, IRC is probably one of the reasons they faded away. It's easier to use, and just as robust.
Discord is a platform, IRC is a protocol.
Discord can shut down your chat- because you're setting up your chat on their service.
IRC is more like a language.
Obviously its more complex than that. Within the protocol someone still has to host a place for people to communicate, and that someone could decide to pull a and censor/ban you. If you don't like it, find another or make your own- the PROTOCOL is free to use, and doesn't require anyone else to approve what you're doing with it.
Much like the English language. People can try and tell you what you can and cannot say, but in the end they can't stop you.

The host is the weak link here, unless we are talking about the host being a node in a private WiFi meshnet. Otherwise, are you suggesting some kind of dial up connection (perhaps a phone app?) like in the old days of bulletin boards? Connections via encrypted digital signals on a HAM frequency? Maybe in addition, a whole new protocol like IRC, but more in line with current platforms?

A hybrid network composed of many different methods will likely be the best solution.

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