posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to:
You are
MOST WELCOME! and I'd like to thank you and every other member of ATS, past and present, too.
Also, like you LookingAtMars, I would like to thank
every staffer, past and present, for keeping the site from burning down due to incivility
and childishness.
Seriously, our all volunteer staff of Moderators, Super Moderators, and admins are
THE reason this site hasn't gone the way of so many others
that tried to emulate it.
Bill and I have never been micromanagers, we sought people with Hugely diverse world views intentionally and the singular directive we ever gave them
was try to help the members "keep it civil".
We (the staff) are not the arbiters of truth or the editors of anyone's thoughts as long as they can present them within the Terms and Conditions of
the site.
"Editorial agnosticism" within the bounds of the TAC has always been our mantra.
The fact the site is still here is thanks to these Staffers and
hundreds of thousands of Members.
This has been an amazing journey over the last 18 years and I wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything. :-)