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Today they were forced to admit that Covid virus does not exist in Ireland

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posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: Nothin
a reply to: Salander

I see people are already dying all over, the US, South Korea, Europe, Africa, India, etc., from the "vaccine" cum virus. Back in 2006/2007 I was doing some viral modeling on mRNA, RNA and rDNA transport and splicing engines. I settled on an HIV style virus, but about half the size so it could breach the blood-brain barrier. The object was genome correction by splicing in the correct GACT components, based on a corrected genome sequence plus chromosome repair and telomerase extensions. Most people won't understand where we were going, but we were modeling to see if we could create a regressed human returned to a near perfect age with perfect genetics and a lifespan of thousands of years.

There's just one "little" problem, that is called binary conversion vectoring. One injected vaccine/virus repairs each cell, one step at a time, creates two new copies of the vaccine/virus and then the process continues in a binary fashion. At some point, depending on cellular conversion rate and new viral manufacturing time, one half the body will try to change the other half of the body, all at the same time. These changes to biological systems over time produce both extreme energy requirements, larger waste evacuation and auto-immune issues, even when treated with drugs like imuran or methotrexate (imunosuppresants). The net result of the process is in the end there is a perfect human than could live over a thousand years, if they weren't already dead due to massive organ failure (kidneys, liver, pancreas, lungs, heart, etc).

So I have a pretty good understanding of the process and what can go wrong. I don't see a good outcome here and really only three;

a.) we will have the process described above occurring resulting in horrible and painful deaths, in anywhere from a few hours after vaccination to maybe a year tops. Again as I said, conversion rates ;-)

b.) introduction of a second vaccine which contains the other half of the binary assembly whereas the second half will activate the conversion process, which will result in again horrible and painful death ;-)

c.) cytokine storm after introduction to the body of a similar virus, could be common cold (rhinovirus), any coronvirus or maybe the flu or a viral pneumonia, where the autoimmune system will over-react and attack any cholesterol building block based system, meaning all of the cells in your body. Remember, squalene, synthetic cholesterol as part of the adjuvant trigger for many vaccines. Thimerosol and aluminum are bad, but nothing compared to your immune system creating a cytokine storm attacking all your cells.

Couple these possibilities with the simple fact that big pHARMa doesn't create cures, they create customers based on a financial model anchored in greed. Why would they even be honest about what is in these vaccines. Personally, I think they are for human GMO conversion, you know, patent your DNA. It makes it easier to have owners and of human products. Owners can destroy or do whatever they want with their products, right?

Then there is the additional problem of binary or tertiary viri or biological machines that combine over time and the vaccine regimen is used to facilitate injection. There was a movie not so long ago called "I am Legend" loosely based on the 70's movie "The Omega Man". In "Legend" an mRNA/rDNA vaccine was created that had the appearance of fixing everything, then suddenly after a few years, it mutated and mutated or killed everyone on the planet, except possibly two people. Sometimes Art does mimic life ;-)

As a side note, I will not take the vaccine. The way I look at it is simple, if one tries to put something into me against my will that has the potential to kill me, I will put something into them to return the favour. My efforts and their results are generally considerably quicker.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 1/6.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

What an effort Dave !
That's a colossal post, with a heck of a lot of info.
Much of the more technical aspects, are beyond the grasp of this ole arse.

Their theory, or story, is that since the new compounds will be produced by our own cells : that there will be minimal rejection : is that close ?

Your possible/potential outcomes are not very encouraging at all, for those that are hesitant, yet may soon be coerced into taking the jab.

Have you seen reports of vax injuries from these new courses that you could link for us ? Or were you referring to deaths from the 'supposed' WuWuFlu™ ?

Had thought of the GMO angle, and the parallels to the patenting and rabid defense of 'ownership' of GMO fruits and veggies, and if this vax would be leading down that path. But haven't seen any 'supposedly' independent journalists discuss it, yet.

Yeah : they were showing "I am Legend", "Planet of the Apes", "Contagion", and "12 Monkeys" a lot on the movie channels in March and April, you know : just to ramp-up the fear a little bit !

Do you take any supplements, or special foods to keep your immune-system and gut in top-shape ?

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Wow that sounded impressive to someone who doesnt understand microbiology. First lets start with size of the HIV virus i tried hard not to laugh. To get thru the blood brain membrane a virus uses proteins.

Since you mentioned HIV that would be the S1 protein. It is the S1 protein that signals to the virus which cells the virus can enter. In addition, S1 proteins can independently cause damage by detaching from the virus and cause inflammation. In the human brain, this is probably through the release of cytokines (protein products secreted by certain cells of the immune system and have an effect on other cells) and inflammatory products.

However the virus itself cannot cross the barrier you might want to contact your former collegues and tell them to use ecoli why reinvent the wheel. So which way where you attempting to get through the BBM? Really only two methods either receptor-ligand mediated transcytosis (RMT) or Absorptive-mediated transcytosis (AMT) neither of which would be effective to transport mRNA.

However if you could pull this off you could cure brain cancer and have a nobel prize waiting you.

Please stop misleading people with science fiction

edit on 1/7/21 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

I built the computer models based on the information I was given and like I said, it was modelling for a potential process that involved genetic manipulation and life extension. It is possible that this was taken further by others later looking at direct injection into cerebral or spinal fluids and how that model would play out. The objective was to create a viral machine that would auto-replicate, do the splicing/genome repair, increase telomerase and perform the heavy lifting, like a domino effect. I have a bit of interest in this area because I have genetically based autoimmune disease, a few of them, but I have also done a great deal of programming and hardware design for governments, universities, the NRC, military, etc ;-)

As I said also, the greatest issue is that eventually in any auto-replicating system that is going to change cells in a host, the autoimmune system will quickly start attacking those altered cells, hence the use of immuno-suppresants. However there is still the issue of energy use and waste byproducts of the process and binary conversion rates.

If, as in this "covid" case, an mRNA is used to alter biological factories in individual cells, there is a reasonable probability of unexpected mutations in the future, after all, changing the ways cells work is in itself a mutation. The original mutation could have a cascade effect to the point where the nucleus is altered. If an rDNA is used instead of an mRNA, you are going to get genetic mutations/changes almost immediately. Do you really believe the big pharma lot are going to tell us exactly what they are doing? They haven't in a very very long time, at least not since the greed model over-weighed the cure model. In addition, looking at the potential for a binary or tertiary auto assembling "agent" is reasonable and considering the nature of the players involved, necessary.

Whatever the purpose, the genetic structure of the entire body has to be altered including the brain, or none of this restructuring and life extension will work, at least not in the models we were running. However at the same time we found that it can't work anyway, because of the energy required, the waste byproducts produced, the timing or rate of conversion and the auto-immune system's response. Which of course brings us back to mRNA/rDNA in "vaccines" and the potential for runaway mutations causing the same kind of catastrophic outcomes, which of course was the point.

Cheers - Dave

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