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Scientists Proved Viruses Are Not Contagious in 1918

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posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: one4all

What about brewing alcohol? Or fermentation in general... You're the one claiming things, explain them.

There's 1000's of examples of actual working real life applications that laugh in the face of your silly conspiracy.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 05:35 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
The 1918 flu did not effect everyone, some people had resistance to it already. Either by past infections or possibly inherited immunity. Supposedly I have immunity to that disease because my grandfather had it and the immunity was passed on for a few generations. Or maybe there is something in our genetics that makes it hard for us to catch or we have asymptomatic cases. Who knows.

If they tried to infect people with the virus that had natural protection, they wouldn't get that virus....or show symptoms of it anyway.

Most of what we experience with a virus is caused by our immune system throwing chemicals at it. You can have a virus and have no symptoms, but it can just clot your blood and cause a stroke or heart attack. Same with a bacterial infection, people usually respond differently, sometimes people do not get an infection while others can die from it.
So to be clear, you’re saying a virus can infect you with no symptoms and clog your heart causing you to die of heart attack? No symptoms you say? Just brilliant minds denying ignorance as usual...

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 06:05 AM
The article cites Arthur Firstenberg, who is a nutcase.

Understanding of disease and viruses has advanced somewhat since 1918. It is incontrovertible that viruses exist and that they can be transmitted.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: Rob808

That’s only partially correct, our immune response does influence inflammation. Another major aspect is that viruses hijack and alter gene expression in our cells and change the expression of proteins. This is why we get sick.

In the case of COVID, yes in some patients they may only present with minor symptoms and then have clots forming in all the wrong places. The SARS like corona viruses can modify expression of p-selectin and depending on which route the immune response is taking, that can form aggregates with numerous types of immune cells from the innate and adaptive immune response.

The original article, incorrectly interprets a published source pretty badly. I’m still trying to figure out how they got “viruses aren’t contagious” out of that. Then they talk about B. influenzae which is actually H. influenzae and has been proven to exist and coinfect with other respiratory diseases, especially without modern medicine.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 08:17 AM
They believed in luminiforous ether back then too.
edit on 1 4 2021 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: one4all

What about brewing alcohol? Or fermentation in general... You're the one claiming things, explain them.

There's 1000's of examples of actual working real life applications that laugh in the face of your silly conspiracy.

Did you just fall off the Turnip Truck?

I am stating not claiming.

Do the research and explain it to yourself.

What are you doing or not doing to miss the Boat by such a distance?

Its over , feel free to cry as much as you feel you need to.

Anyone caught in these lies would feel like a Prostitute if they went to school for years and years and were used like a Second Hand Town Pump.

Educations can be like Anvils around your neck in Deep Waters.....sorry for your bad luck.

Reading is todays "degree"....anyone who can read now has access to the world of data......if you can read you can do pretty much degree needed,no pay scale adjustments,so yes you wasted your life in a classroom so you could let them recruit you against Humanity for a few scheckles and a shiny new Picture Frame you can hang on your wall and you have been complicit.You sure cant claim ignorance when the whole world is now learning things you werent even taught.

You do realise that there is no way for those who have lied to keep it going now right?.....even if you are just some idiot who hid in school for years and years instead of living your life and you now have Degrees and Accolades falling out of your Hoop .... stick to stitches and delivering babies because you are not prepared to duel with anyone who has a real education......not on an Academic Level and not on a Laymans have been tainted and ruined and need to be re-orientated.

I seriously LOVE that so-called educated People actually believe the Great Virus Lie.....thats the Gold Standard for adhoc I.Q evaluations IMHO.

I dont enjoy re-setting mouthy self-absorbed deaducated fools.

I give the bare minimum and force them to do their own research so they can screw themselves and save me the time and effort. One thing all the posers and fools with deaducations have in common is they are smart enough to know enough to refuse to incriminate themslves by doing their own research.....although I know the real reason is they are inadequate and simply dont know jacksh#@t.....

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: dontneedaname

Food for thought.

is a virus an artifact of some other process?

sometimes appearances and looks can be deceiving....


posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: Rob808

originally posted by: rickymouse
The 1918 flu did not effect everyone, some people had resistance to it already. Either by past infections or possibly inherited immunity. Supposedly I have immunity to that disease because my grandfather had it and the immunity was passed on for a few generations. Or maybe there is something in our genetics that makes it hard for us to catch or we have asymptomatic cases. Who knows.

If they tried to infect people with the virus that had natural protection, they wouldn't get that virus....or show symptoms of it anyway.

Most of what we experience with a virus is caused by our immune system throwing chemicals at it. You can have a virus and have no symptoms, but it can just clot your blood and cause a stroke or heart attack. Same with a bacterial infection, people usually respond differently, sometimes people do not get an infection while others can die from it.
So to be clear, you’re saying a virus can infect you with no symptoms and clog your heart causing you to die of heart attack? No symptoms you say? Just brilliant minds denying ignorance as usual...

If your immune system does not respond to a virus, like no symptoms of a cold, it can still cause agglutination of platelets and lead to blood clots in the arteries. But eating some plants can also cause that, Kale in excess can lead to blood clots, so can undercooked beans. The world is full of things that can kill you. The reason we can eat such a variety of foods is because we learned ways to process them, like cooking things, so that the plant is edible to us.

Same with viruses, part of our immune response is a fever, raising the body temperature increases metabolic enzymes which actually kill the virus. The temperature needed to kill this virus in our body is like ninety nine point seven degrees. No fever means less chance of killing it. Too high a fever and it destroys our own bodies cells, partly because it creates too much of certain enzymes basically going cytokine or autoimmune.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: dontneedaname
Dr. Fauci says they're contagious and there's nothing we can do about it. Even the Covid-19 vaccine isn't a cure. Just a symptom reliever.

Ease the symptoms and keep going:

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: one4all
I believe you.

There are viral sized objects and contaminates in our bodies....

Hint.....there are naturally occurring viral sized contaminates in our bodies....small bits of dead inert RNA/DNA that have been surrounded and coated or "encapsulated" by Antibodies forming wee little GARBAGE BAGS that our body naturally disposes of. We cannot "catch" dead inert RNA/DNA from each other.

Hint.... there are viral sized invaders that can get into us via our food chain ... these invaders are Pleomorphic Bacteria that are not dead and inert but are alive and actively polluting the body 24/7/365.....we CAN CATCH living viral sized bacteria coated with a lipid fat protective layer that fools our own antibodies and allows them to survive for defined time periods outside the body and outside fluidic conduits.

I believe you too. At least everything I left ☝.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: dontneedaname
Dr. Fauci says they're contagious and there's nothing we can do about it. Even the Covid-19 vaccine isn't a cure. Just a symptom reliever.

Ease the symptoms and keep going:

It helps your body fight the virus if it enters your bloodstream or nasal passages. Very few inoculations prevent you from getting the virus in fact the only one I can think of is the rabies vaccine your blood literally becomes incompatible for the virus. However, 99.9 percent of viruses will infect the host first but your body will quickly identify it and kill it before the virus can reach a critical point and make you sick. Also if you don't get sick you will not pass it on very easily requires blood contact. So if you don't have symptoms the only way to infect someone would be a blood transfusion.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam
So when we talk about “communicable diseases”, are you saying it’s just all bacteria? I’m not reading scientific data from 100 years ago. No offense. We just come a bit further in the last century on medical advances and all....

Viruses do not live

Viruses are exclusive intrinsic parasites, meaning that they are not “alive” when outside the body of a living organism. They are like a piece of meat: nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, water, etc. It is of major importance since, unlike bacteria that live and multiply in the environment, viruses cannot reproduce themselves. One virus out of a sick person is only one virus in the environment.

They can treat a ton of things with anti parasitic drugs well know an and work, but they don't. Even Alzheimer's and dementia illnesses are now known to be parasitical.

Viruses do not fly

Viruses do not have wings, legs or arms. They cannot move in the environment they were expelled in. If they want to contaminate someone, they need to rely on the host to touch a contaminated surface and bring the hand to a sensitive area (mainly mouth, nose or eyes). They can also trigger expelling symptoms such as cough to spread more easily and increase the chance to reach a new host. The SARS-CoV 2 virus responsible for CoVID-19 (CoronaVirus Disease 2019) does not spread in the air nor in the water.

Coronaviruses are fragile

Coronaviruses are surrounded by a lipidic envelope to protect them outside of the body. This envelope is really fragile and highly sensitive to detergent, such as soap or hydroalcoholic gel. Its lipidic components also make it sensitive to oxidation from the air. External proteins (known as spikes) that allow the virus to enter the cells are also very sensitive in the environment especially to warm temperature. Based on that, scientists consider the virus not viable after only 3 hours in the environment. Some papers mention higher survival rate (a few days) but they are based on detection of nucleic acids, which are not infectious when amputated from the envelope or spikes.

Barrier measures are efficient

Based on the three previous facts, we can efficiently protect ourselves and others from contamination with very simple measures:

Wash your hands regularly and efficiently with soap or hydroalcoholic gel: this will destroy the envelope of the virus and then you will not be prone to contaminate yourself by transferring the virus from your hands to your face.

Cough or sneeze into your elbow: you will then limit the spread into the environment and as you usually do not do so many things with your elbow you will not contaminate your environment (remember viruses do not fly, climb or walk on your clothes).

Avoid any physical contact outside of your close family circle: the virus is kind of “sticky”. If you remove physical contact such as handshakes, hugs, etc., you will remove a major contamination path of the virus.

Keep at least at 1 meter (~3 feet) between people:the coronavirus is mainly expelled by cough, sneeze and splutters. Fortunately, the mucus particles in which the virus is concentrated and protected are quite heavy and generally do not fall beyond 1 meter of distance from the mouth. If you keep at this distance from each other, you should be protected.

Use single-use tissues: it would be bad if you keep a collection of viruses protected in their mucus in your pocket. Viruses are not recommended as companion animals. Throw them away immediately!

Limit any movement to the strict minimum: social distancing has been proven as the most effective measure to contain viral spreads. Stay home as much as possible, postpone any family visit or event and do not gather with friends. It is a citizen’s responsibility to protect the weakest of our societies.
Be wary of fake news

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: Flesh699
Clearly a thinker you might enjoy this and yes it is still in context in my opinion.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: one4all

Why do fungi have antibacterial properties?

Please explain meningitis and the various types that would indicate viral, bacterial or viral infection.

You left out parasites, of you look into it and the fact that they are easily fought it will maybe stun you. Such an easy method of bio terrorism also and it can create a multitude of symptoms. All you need is to weaken a person since most have potentially harmful parakites already waiting.

gondii parasite and Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia today. The study focused on mice, some that were infected with the parasite and others that were altered to create an Alzheimer's disease model.

About one-third of people worldwide are suspected of having a T. gondii infection, and many more are at risk. This includes cat owners, who don’t wash their hands thoroughly after handling contaminated litter, and pregnant women, who can pass the infection to a child in the womb.
Once infection occurs, the parasite moves to the brain. Symptoms can vary widely, with some people revealing no outward signs of infection and others becoming acutely ill and showing behavioral and body-chemical changes that mimic schizophrenia.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: one4all

Why do fungi have antibacterial properties?

Please explain meningitis and the various types that would indicate viral, bacterial or viral infection.

You left out parasites, of you look into it and the fact that they are easily fought it will maybe stun you. Such an easy method of bio terrorism also and it can create a multitude of symptoms. All you need is to weaken a person since most have potentially harmful parakites already waiting.

gondii parasite and Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia today. The study focused on mice, some that were infected with the parasite and others that were altered to create an Alzheimer's disease model.

About one-third of people worldwide are suspected of having a T. gondii infection, and many more are at risk. This includes cat owners, who don’t wash their hands thoroughly after handling contaminated litter, and pregnant women, who can pass the infection to a child in the womb.
Once infection occurs, the parasite moves to the brain. Symptoms can vary widely, with some people revealing no outward signs of infection and others becoming acutely ill and showing behavioral and body-chemical changes that mimic schizophrenia.

Welcome Soul Warrior.

I hope you have fresh legs.

Run with are 100% correct.

I will sleep well tonight.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

Some people think that they can catch bullets in their teeth.

... until they get shot at.

Also, a virus isn't a bacillus.

And we have ample evidence of all sorts of contagion, going back into history.

The failures of these 'experiments' could have been for many reasons, but clearly, the actual 'real-life' diseases did spread somehow.

edit on 4/1/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2021 @ 01:00 AM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
a reply to: Flesh699
Clearly a thinker you might enjoy this and yes it is still in context in my opinion.

Thanks. I knew I’d missed some things around here! That was fascinating. And explains a lot.

“All Roads Lead to Rome” indeed! Still my favorite thread

posted on Jan, 5 2021 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
a reply to: Flesh699
Clearly a thinker you might enjoy this and yes it is still in context in my opinion.

Clearly the # has truly hit the fan....because that video is an open Declaration of War being gifted to the People..... yes that about sums it all up....I am shocked and awed.

posted on Jan, 5 2021 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

Not that article again you are trying to use medical knowledge from over 100 years ago, The largest leap forward was in the 40s and 50s as we began to fully understand our immune system. Foreign substances can be referred to as invaders or pathogens and may include microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

The cells and tissues of your body have proteins called self-antigens. Likewise, virusses that can cause infections do too, though their antigens are not the same. Your immune system "flags" foreign antigens to quickly target the invading microorganisms and destroy them, protecting you from harm.

your white blood cells are the cornerstone of your immune system and are called leukocytes. There are a variety of types of leukocytes, each with unique features that work together to protect you from infections. Macrophages are leukocytes that circulate throughout the blood and tissues, while neutrophils are leukocytes that circulate in the blood, patrolling for new foreign antigens. Both are protecting against different things. for virusses its our T-cells that identify antigens on the surface of your own cells. When a tiny microorganism, such as a virus, enters into your cells, your body’s major histocompatibility complex (MHC) can change the surface of your cells, adding new antigens to your own cells. Passing T-cells are alerted to the presence of the infection within your cell because of these altered antigens. T-cells themselves are useful in destroying viruses and cancer cells.

Now viruses there is still debate on if they should be called a living organism but their survival depends on replicating in living cells or in other words need a living organism, though they can remain dormant outside a host some for a very long time. In fact interesting side note there was a 3200 yer old mummy that we detected he had small pox.

Now viruses continue to change and adapt as organism do the same. so there will always be new viruses And this is an argument against the extreme actions we are taking with corona virus. No sooner then we destroy this something else will replace it. In fact is already happening there is a middle east version of corona virus that was transmitted from camels. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) currently a huge problem in Saudi Arabia

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

Actually it was religion behind the flat Earth bit. When early scientists/philosophers/thinkers started saying things were different they got threatened with being put to death as heretics.

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