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Anyone Visited By the MIB?

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posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 01:40 AM
You need your sarcasm meter fixed bub

EDIT: youre to your

[edit on 29-3-2005 by CmptrN3rd5]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 08:22 AM
I have been observed by MIB(if that's what they were). When my family and I moved from a european country to the US back in 199...(at most two) black chevy explorer SUVs, or trucks, were parked outside of my house at random times of day, over a period of approx. 1 month. Pretty conspicuous actually. Of course they could have been observing someone else.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by CmptrN3rd5
You need your sarcasm meter fixed bub

EDIT: youre to your

[edit on 29-3-2005 by CmptrN3rd5]


Who was this directed to again?

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 11:38 AM
I was visited once.

I didn't like his attitude or his empty threats so he is now buried back on the south 40.

BTW -- it was more of a dark gray suit, not black.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 12:12 PM
If you're 13, can you think of any reason the MIB would have a reason to tap you or anything of that sort?

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 02:50 PM
I saw 2 male MIBS and one female. 3 of them standing by a car. Strangest people I have ever seen that was not on a Halloween night.
I almost pulled over to ask them if they needed any help, but as I drew closer I was overcome with a paranoid feeling, and they all seemed to be staring at me.
I just drove by and went home.
I had guests at the time and immediately told everybody, and so we all got in my car and went back. Maybe 7 or 8 minutes had passed since I had seen them, but they were gone.
Green River Utah is a tiny town and we drove the length of the main road looking for the big black car.
No luck.

No people like THAT have ever come to my house.............(*knock on wood*)

[edit on 28-5-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 04:27 PM
I have been visited at home and at work by individuals that somehow seemed "strange" They asked questions concerning events that nobody but me knew about [personal stuff]. They made threats for me to keep my mouth shut but wouldn't tell me about what. They weren't wearing black but were dressed as hippies. This happened in the fall of 85 and there weren't many hippies around then. They asked for pencils to write their notes with and wouldn't use a BIC and wouldn't return the pencils. OK you can start the comments now. Like "anybody want cheese"

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess

No people like THAT have ever come to my house.............(*knock on wood*)

[edit on 28-5-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

Are you sure.

Maybe they did then got there little mind blanking things out and wiped your memory.No sorry that was the movie.Then again thats where the idea came from in it.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 12:16 AM

well , you musta been involved in somethin' , directly or indirectly

they don't just come out of the woodwork and screw with people over nothing

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 01:11 AM
I have had two vehicles with men in black inthem, "talk" with me. Lets just say they were more interested in knowing what I knew, and insisting that none of this was important. If you know what I mean, really nice guys, so long as I was cooperating, supposedly. It doesn't take a genius to figure out, the better route.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 06:13 PM
No, though I would like to see one.
Edit:Maybe the starter of the thread got "too close" to something. Probably just a prank caller on the phone though.
Note: What kind of tapping device "breathes?"

[edit on 5/29/2005 by Lifeadventurer]

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 06:45 PM
My former husband became involved with the NSA and CIA when we were both stationed in Panama. The last time I saw him, he was a MIB, sans the suit and glasses. Spooky is an understatement and I was not allowed to ask any questions...supposedly he has been dead now for 10 years, who exactly was buried in that coffin, I don't know, as I was not allowed to ID the body. However, I do know this...when you supposedly commit suicide with carbon monoxide, there is not a significant amount of blood at the crime scene, as was with the person that was buried under his name.
The MIB are real, and, yes sometimes the Gov't uses folks who have no traceable backgrounds nor family ties. Scary...well you better believe it.
Glitches on my puter and my phone line definitely cause me concern.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 08:15 PM
There have been a couple of things happen where I live. There is a woman that I know that has had multiple sightings of the classic MIB. The most recent was when she was riding the bus to get to work, and there were four or five people dressed in the black suit and had a car nearby. There was a woman with them, similarly dressed. She didn't like to talk about it a lot. I had to drag that out of her.

I was working as a security guard at the holiday inn here once and one night there was a convoy of trucks come in, some were all black and there were lots of military people with them. There were military trucks too, but the black ones were really black, almost new like with new paint, and I think there were 13-14 of them, all along the back wall. Only one army officer did any of the talking, and the rest jsut went to their rooms and didn't come out. I watched and watched but they kept their windows closed and nobody came out till the morning, about 5:30, when they all left. Different kinds of trucks, no big rigs, some had trailers. I'm suprised there weren't any guards posted.

I had my phone tapped when I lived in Tennessee, and it was a bad job of tapping them. I would dial-up the net and hear talking through the modem speaker. Other times I would hear people talking as if through a rag when I picked up the receiver. My sister's husband heard "Here he is! Shhh!" I guess Tennessee taps aren't very technologically more advanced than a guy with a rag over the mic listening in.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 08:33 AM
I find it creepy when things like that happen. Comp glitches. OMG, once, there was this web site that had UFO docs and things like that on it. I would visit it every couple days. One day, I visited it, and instead of the 404 Error Message, there was this big code with letters and numbers and stuff and underneath it, it said "closed for national security"and underneath it in smaller letters, "classified information". I couldn't manage to sneak a few images of the documents out, because the webpage was copyright protected.

I also hate when people see thing like UFO's or unifentifiable planes (aurora) or things like that and then don't want to talk about it, I mean, come on, what's the worst thing that's gonna happen? I think that they are afraid of being callled crazy or paranoid when they talk to people about these things. But if I'm asking you, I obviously have an interest in it, and I know you so I'm not going to ridicule you.

Humans are strange.

[edit on 12/31/2005 by TheRanchMan]

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 04:21 AM
Hey every one I am back afet the long and extended tour I had been suckered into. HA what a joke crazy mojos had the nerve to ask me to stay on.

I am back and have some word you are going to find enlightening. The MIBS are for real yo! I have had multiple encnters, these suits are not playing. hey still have us on survailance , under watch until some thing clears.

No matter what though, it wont intimitatde me to stay quiet. The contracts and non disclosures are BS, just the feds way of covering ther @$$e$, like how national security is abused. They are watching us, have us owned!

Will post more ina new thread. this is going to be something .

it is 1:30pm here why is the computer clock on ATS off, I'm no where near Japan?!

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