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If You Agree With This Then You Are A Racist

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posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:19 PM
Kendrick Lamar? He's sh%%. His "music" isn't even any good.

I'll give everyone an example of how we do things down here in Australia, at least to some extent still. To illustrate how overly sensitive and stupid most of the rest of the planet has become.

Decades ago, around the 1950's and 1960's when mass migration from war ravaged Europe was occurring when Australia's industrialization was gearing up to go into full swing with the influx of new migrants, people particularly from Greece and other similar places, were called "wogs". At the time it was used in a derogatory manner. Yes, racism.
Yes, white on white racism.

Italians, Yugoslavs, Poles, and other similar "European" looking migrants got called Wog as well, mostly because the Anglo-Saxon Australians lumped the new arrivals in the "you all look the same" category. But there were special words for each migrant group too, Italians for example were called Dagos (day-goes), and Wog was more aimed at the Greek migrants.

At some stage, the word has been "reclaimed". It was done so through comedy, mostly by Greek migrants or by the children of Greek migrants who got into the entertainment industry as actors and comedians.
People such as Nick Giannopoulos, Simon Palomares, Mary Coustas and George Kapiniaris. They even did a tv show called Acropolis Now, and many stage shows. The tv show in particular, besides Greeks, had a Spaniard and several Australian characters as well, even had a couple indigenous actors as well.
In true Australian Ethnic fashion, it was a huge as we say down here pis$ take of our selves and our society.

There was other shows too by others. Such as Kingswood Country. Most older Australians will remember this one, and the term from the show "bloody wog".

Today, the tradition of using comedy to take the pis$ out of our selves and our differences continues.
We have Paul Fenech, Maltese, with Pizza, Fat Pizza, about you guessed it, Pizza. But it was more a piss take of ethinc stereotypes, at the time the Lebanese. His other shows like Housos and its various spin offs. Taking the pis$ over the lower end of the socio-economic ladder, or as we call them bogans or dole bludgers.

We then have SuperWog, but that's pretty lame and I find it more aimed at the boneheads. The guy's a Lebo, and from what I saw most of his material was about drug culture and the stereotypical Lebanese drug dealer.

Then there's Sooshi Mango, three Italian guys who do a hilarious job of portraying old Italian and Greek migrants.
They've worked with some of the older generation of comedians who broke barriers to begin with.

The point of all this? It's taken the sting out of the racist intent behind a word.
In the past the word wog was used to discriminate, to put down people.

Today, it's barely considered offensive. Sure, there are still racist people who will use such words to discriminate, but they are few and far between, and maybe it's just me but I find most such people are too scared to be open about it and too scared to say it to someone's face.

And when ordinary folk use it, it's not done so with malicious intent.
Its almost the same as saying Aussie now.

Now you see similar things in America, with black comedian using the word nig$$r constantly.
Dave Chappelle for example.
But it's still a controversial thing in America. Why?

I'll tell you why. Because your society is full of people who are #$#$#$. Yep.
Here in Australia, we aren't hung up so much on the past. Well, us ethnics and Anglos aren't anyway.
We're we wronged? Yes, of course. But what is achieved by throwing that in peoples faces, and trying to control what they can and can't say? Not a great deal of anything positive, but plenty of division.

Wasn't the point of reclaiming that word, and taking the sting out of it as an act of discrimination, to bring down barriers? So if you try and control who can and cant say it, aren't you just putting barriers back up? Or keeping them in place..

This seems to be a common issue among black people. In America and in Australia.
All hung up on the past. Trying to punish people today, for what happened decades and hundreds of years ago.
That's not to say we should forget about the past, but what they do, and what they do isn't pushed by their own communities it's pushed by non-black globalist scum trying to divide, isn't helping anyone, least of all them selves.

I don't have a problem with someone saying the word wog in general. Of course if it is used in a derogatory and discriminatory manner, then yes we have a problem.

But I think, black Americans should grow up and get over it. Racism and discrimination didn't just happen to you, it doesn't just happen to you. Most of you (who are black Americans) wouldn't even know that white on white racism and discrimination existed until you read my post.
Some may even turn around and say 'yeh but you weren't used as slaves', to which I'll say yeh but your own kind had you and sold you as slaves.

You can't use something, like the word nigg$# to make money, to sell an image or whatever, be in thrown comedy or music or movies, to a wider general audience of various ethnic groups, have that word be part of popular mainstream culture, and then bitch and moan like cry babies when that wider general mixed ethnic audience starts using that word.

That's what we call stupidity.

But of course, most of you have yet to realize you're being controlled, you're manipulated. What you're angry about is what you're manipulated into being angry about.

Just the other day I was reading how two wealthy black men in America were interested in buying Reebok.
Those two men managed to turn it into a race thing. Because somehow Reebok sponsoring black athletes and making them multi-millionaires, was the exploitation of blacks that Reebok got rich off.
Never mind the non-black athletes who got made rich. Never mind the non-black consumer who also bought Reebok products.

But somehow, if Reebok is owned by blacks, it's ok to use black athletes to sell their products.

This right here is what's wrong with America. Complete and utter stupidity.

There's plenty of non-Anglo Saxon Australians who are in prominent positions. There's plenty who have become very wealthy, are very successful in what they do. Across virtually every field possible. From the public sector to the private sector. Hell even in the criminal world, with the Italian mafia crime families, to prominent bikies being of Greek or Serbian descent.
But not one of them uses their position of wealth and success, to show us how hung up they are over the past. Because none of them are.

Like I said above, what good does it do clinging to the past and trying to control what people can and cant say?

I mean wow guys, blacks have been in America a lot longer then Greeks and Italians have been in Aus, and Greeks and Italians in Australia are magnitudes more successful overall as ethnic groups then black Americans are. Says a lot about the mentality of said groups and where their priorities are.
Heck even the current back to back NBA MVP, Greek born to Nigerian parents Giannis Antetokounmpo with the biggest contract in NBA history doesn't go around acting like the moronic black rappers and show-pony sports stars. I follow quite a bit of his social media and I've yet to see the obnoxious showing off that others take part in. Although give it time I'm sure he too will be influenced to act like them.
edit on 30-12-2020 by mortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Frankly, I don't have a problem with the word in any variation. There are situations where the "er" sums it up fairly well. Be tactful and respectful of others. Don't be uncouth. However, sometimes it is what it is. Ask any old respectable black lady. N***ers exist, and they don't like them.

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: mortex

This is an excellent post. Well thought out and very logical. You make so many mature points. So many people need to just grow up here in the U.S.

from an actual adult in the U.S. !

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 02:22 AM

It's not just for White People.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: mortex

You're not wrong when you compare your struggle to blacks and see the problem. As a whole, the black community takes no responsibility, ever. They need to be the victim and they need to have the privilege argument to justify their behavior. Any prominent black person that says yes we need to start from within, is immediately labeled an uncle tom sellout and liberal whites have been trained to blindly support it out of fear they might not be viewed as well liberal.

The democrats have traded money for votes for decades and it's obvious to everyone, yet there's no real conversation or acknowledgement of it, any negative at all is grounds to label that person or source racist.

Eventually the pendulum will swing back and the cycle will continue until we refuse to reward or punish people based on race.

posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: matafuchs
I respectfully disagree, it should be based on context , nothing else , let's not buy into either or aether..we can think, we can discern, Eg a 9 yrs old pointing a gun finger at another student, is he playing star wars?? or does he or she have the intent to one day shooting up the entire class so lets call security ,??? about let's atop being lazy with this cookie cutter approach Bull sht, and reason like our parents used to do.

edit on 1-1-2021 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
That's all right. I'm pretty sure we can all sing to WAP, and it's supposed to be the best song of the year.

To be fair there is nothing more sexist and insulting than telling a women "baby it's cold outside" .

Making them sex objects and calling them female dogs is caring and accepting.
edit on 28131America/ChicagoFri, 01 Jan 2021 15:28:13 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 04:02 AM
white people can say the n word. they just have to deal with the consequence. pretty simple. stand on your square and what you believe in

posted on Jan, 3 2021 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: magnetik
white people can say the n word. they just have to deal with the consequence. pretty simple. stand on your square and what you believe in

If you believe there should there be a consequence if two white people minding their own business called each other n-word then you are being racist. Pretty simple.

posted on Jan, 5 2021 @ 12:47 AM
a reply to: Alien Abduct lol, say the n word to white people i know and youd be picking yourself off of the floor, but go right ahead. lol

posted on Jan, 5 2021 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: magnetik
a reply to: Alien Abduct lol, say the n word to white people i know and youd be picking yourself off of the floor, but go right ahead. lol

Many of them do say it to each other. The n word ending with a. Nig*a

posted on Jan, 5 2021 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Imagine being so fragile over a word.

Brown fragility?

posted on Jan, 5 2021 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: SKEPTEK
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Imagine being so fragile over a word.

Brown fragility?

I agree. Imagine allowing a WORD to hold so much power over you. I taught my half black kids to treat it just like any other insult like di***head or a$$hole. If someone calls them the n word it holds the same weight...which isn't much.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: Alien Abduct
go for it since its so important to you , lol

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

imagine being white and deciding what is or is not offensive to black or brown people lol. the privilege lol

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: magnetik
a reply to: Alien Abduct

imagine being white and deciding what is or is not offensive to black or brown people lol. the privilege lol

Imagine you assuming I'm white.....

People can be offended all they want. But saying someone can't say a word because of the color of their skin is racist.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: Alien Abduct
id bet some of my bitcoin you are. dont lie to yourself. you act like white people dont use the nword lol. i said they just have to deal with the consequences. look at what your trying to defend lol. and it was a general statement. plenty of white folks think they know whats best for everyone but themselves. a good example is world history

edit on 01pm91America/Chicago3127k by magnetik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: magnetik
What "consequences" do you have in mind? A lot of people seem to think they get to criminally beat people for saying words they don't want them to. That part of those "consequences" you speakin on?

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: magnetik
a reply to: Alien Abduct
id bet some of my bitcoin you are. dont lie to yourself. you act like white people dont use the nword lol. i said they just have to deal with the consequences. look at what your trying to defend lol. and it was a general statement. plenty of white folks think they know whats best for everyone but themselves. a good example is world history

Thanks TKDRL, I'll use your reply if you dont mind.

What "consequences" do you have in mind? A lot of people seem to think they get to criminally beat people for saying words they don't want them to. That part of those "consequences" you speakin on?

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: TKDRL

choose your own adventure. freedom of speech. cheers. RIP to the law enforcement officer murdered by trump supporters

edit on 01pm71America/Chicago3130k by magnetik because: (no reason given)

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