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Dr. Anthony Fauci and Top Officials Chose the Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine over Pfizer.

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posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 02:00 PM
Moderna vax was co developed by the US government. Makes sense they would endorse it.
edit on 5-9-2021 by munchinschorn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Dr UAE
I dont believe them, those people will never get the vaccine, its a saline injection

Often times, simple direct TRUTHS, as you spoke on 12/28/2020 are the most accurate TRUTHS.

Congratulations, DrUAE.

bro ive been through this years ago, remember the H1N1? here in my country back then they introduced a vax for it and I was skeptical about it and asked a close doctor who was a close friend of my father " whats with this vax that is being introduced and we see our leaders taking on national TV? his response was, " dont believe it, its saline ".

ever since I never believed the MSM, it was propaganda to encourage people to get it.

why saline? because if you inject a popular person with an experimental vax and he gets sick and die, then no one will take it, its as simple as that.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: munchinschorn

Exactly and you know who else right? strange for a drug marker that has not released any drugs to the markets before..

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: Dr UAE

I believe even with these covid vaxs majority of our leaders and polticans are problary taking the saline while pushing vax mandate and passports for the ordinary people.

I think an Anger of some kind and pushback is likely going to happen agaisnt the polticans. And MSM
edit on 5-9-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

with the brain washing that is happening nowadays I dont think so, sadly they are winning and we are loosing

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: munchinschorn
Moderna vax was co developed by the US government. Makes sense they would endorse it.

Thank you. I suspected they had some type of financial interest in modernas product.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: Dr UAE

Here in Chicago, the news media doesn't know what to make of Jesse Jackson being hospitalized with covid-19, because he was one of the leading advocates in the minority community of the covid-19 vaccine, after President Biden was elected.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

When the White House press Secretary was forced to reveal that top officials at the White House were exempt from the vaccine mandate, I knew then and there that millions of VIPs we're steering clear of these potentially dangerous vaccines.

I would love to know how many who attended Barack Obama's 60th birthday party had been vaccinated.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: Dr UAE

Of course, it has to be saline, simply because a random health incident after the real shot like a heart attack, would do the exact opposite of what it was supposed to do which is creating the illusion of safety.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I assume its the same with every other politicians not just the WH just like with the H1N1 vaxs. None of them got it.

I would love to know how many who attended Barack Obama's 60th birthday party had been vaccinated.

If they weren't masked nor masked nor were they afraid of this something strange is happening.... You even had the maskless arnold schwarzenegger saying screw your freedoms while walking with the expensive cigar. I wonder if none are even vaxed...

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: anonentity

These vaxs and vax passports are the example of "Giving you the false illusion of safety"

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

I think everyone (who cares) has seen the video clip of the careless nurse pretending to give this big time actor his vaccination. She squirts it on the ground after pretending to inject him.

These VIPs and Authorities can do whatever they like, so long as they don't try to dictate my life choices and actions.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 12:38 AM
Thanks to ATS Member "Metal Thunder" for uncovering significant investments by both ANTHONY FAUCI and BILL GATES in Moderna.

ATS Post:

As noted in MetalThunder's post, USA Today went out of its way to LIE...stating that Fauci and Gates have "NO TIES" to Moderna.

When an MSM outlet does that, you can bet your last dollar that the exact opposite is the truth!

(Remember 90% of all major media outlets are owned by just 8 corporations...Corps that collude on what to "push" on any given day.)

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Monday, December 28, 2020

The Moderna Covid-19 vaccine was FDA approved approximately 1 week after the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.

Rather than take the Pfizer vaccine, Dr. Fauci and colleagues waited until the Moderna vaccine was approved. From Tuesday 12/22/2020:

WASHINGTON — Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top government health officials received their first dose of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine on Tuesday.

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, received the shot around 10 a.m. ET at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

The first vaccine to be authorized and distributed was the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine starting last week.
More at:

Is it possible the Moderna vaccine is safer than the Pfizer vaccine?

Of the "side effects" we're hearing about in people vaccinated, it seems that most of them come after a Pfizer vaccine inoculation.

This ATS thread describes one Pfizer recipient's adverse reaction:

This ATS thread describes another Pfizer recipient's adverse reaction:

If the top people at Health and Human Services (FDA / NIH are subsidiary departments of HHS) are choosing MODERNA, shouldn't those who choose to be vaccinated, request the Moderna brand also?



Fauci told Rolling Stone he took Moderna, because that's what arrived first.

Truth or Lie?:

Most importantly, evidence is surfacing that Moderna was involved in the creation of Covid-19, along with Fauci.


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