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Paulides on Bigfoot and missing 411

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posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

All Native land was stolen and their people slaughtered and then eventually one of their legends became merchandised and branded by white people. This is a fact. It is also a fact that Bigfoot has never been proven to exist. I watch Bigfoot docs constantly and their is nothing Native American at all about them, from everyone involved in the credits to the script, location and actors.

I love the Bigfoot legend and would love for them to be proven real but I'm not going to not say what's reality.

For David, yes I find his little political commentary at the beginning of some of his videos very corny. I'm not going to dismiss him, his stories are fascinating. Are him and Steve trying to capitalize on internet cult worship addiction that's clearly true and taken directly out of Trump's playbook? Yeah they probably are and it's not a good look. If you've been watching their videos for some time you will notice they have clearly evolved from their older videos. They're definitely jumping on the bandwagon.

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: game over man

Do you have any idea what conflict was like between the various "First Nation" peoples, pre-European settlers?


It always makes me scratch my head when people portray Native Americans as some naive, innocent, monolithic culture that was peaceful and refined prior to first contact with the Europeans.

If you watch David's work as much as you claim, you'll know that he makes no assertions about what is behind the missing person phenomenon. He doesn't say it's Sasquatch, or ET, or serial killers, or anything else. He presents the facts of the cases and lets his audience drqw their own conclusions.

I don't know who Steve is? Is that the hunting channel dude? I'm not aware who that guy is.

Can you cite some examples of what you find to be 'political commentary' in David's videos? Is it that he calls himself a patriot? Or he thanks first responders and search personnel? I mean.....that's kind of reaching don't you think? I've never heard him make mention of Trump once in dozens of videos, so not sure what you're getting at there.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: reject
a reply to: BiffTannen

Evolution is real.

It's how viruses evolve.

Viruses even mess with our dna.

Mitochondria even used to be two organisms before they symbiotically fused.

They can trace hominins like neanderthal, denisovans, unknown hominins, etc in our dna.

Then there are vestigial organs in us and other animals.

Great apes are at least 98% genetically identical to us; chimp and bonobo, 99%+.

Then there's this molecular something even I don't understand that they say proves evolution.

Plus loads of other stuff.

Fair response however evolution has not been proven when it comes to life beyond viruses. We have yet to find that missing link. I applaud your faith but I do not have that kind of faith. Science has failed to deliver that missing link.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Paulides gets legit dings from me for being so self-aggrandizing in every video they are unwatchable.
It's pathological at this point.

He's past reaching the point where his bloviating about his low subscriber count, sniveling about his hate mail, ONLY reading correspondence that flatters him COMPLETELY obscures any cases he eventually gets around to discussing.
Him fawning over other people in the field that he likes is also juvenile.

His original topic is a sound one but he's honking it up so badly with his antics it's shameful.

BTW being patriotic is being used as a selling point. He tosses it in when he needs a boost an I have absolutely NO RESPECT for those kinds of antics. He doesn't donate to SARS organizations, he doesn't contribute to families of the missing, every dollar he makes goes into his own pocket. He doesn't even volunteer his time. So yes. Him giving lip service to first responders an search& rescue falls completely flat.

He got let go from the Police Force for misappropriating charitable donations.
Researching the missing is his new job.
Don't mistake that for altruism.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Caver78 said it way better than I could have, I 100% agree with them, but I still tune in to watch CanAm missing project. So I'm a viewer with a critical opinion I guess.

I know David leaves it up to the viewer to figure out and for me it's either they get lost, fall, chased or attacked by an animal, or murdered. The truly unusual maybe Bigfoot, maybe supernatural forces from a native american spell. It would be great if ATS had threads dedicated to a specific uploads of his to discuss the details.

Steve Isdahl is a professional outdoorsman (hunting and fishing) from Canada who had a youtube page called how to hunt . com which he recently changed to the Facts by how to hunt . com. He makes apps for hunting and has been on youtube for a long time vlogging his hunting expeditions.

In 2019 out of nowhere Steve started talking about Sasquatch and he never did before on his channel. He was getting a lot of requests over the years to talk about Sasquatch and he shared his personal experience and he shared his father's. The reason he went public with Sasquatch is because his father had passed away, and Steve wanted to share his father's experience.

Steve is pretty convincing because he just looks straight into the camera and tells you these things are real and he's not here to prove to you they're real. Steve thinks there is enough evidence that we can find online to know they're real. I beg to differ but his stories are fun to listen to and he's always in a beautiful location. He says the US and Canadian governments cover up the existence of Bigfoot and the BFRO is part of the cover up.

His youtube channel has evolved to his fans emailing in their stories of Bigfoot encounters and he reads the emails out loud and uploads it to YouTube.

Steve and David network with eachother online promoting eachother and have done at least one conference together in Washington state.
edit on 24-1-2021 by game over man because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: Caver78

Altho he gives a platform to people who need it, he's also got a nice video of lights he filmed on a mountain that even he can't explain.

Link to Steve Isdahl's Sasquatch Channel

Am curious.. is this the video your speaking about from a Dec. 1st 2020 upload entitled: 'I Video Taped These Bright Lights In The Mountains" ?

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: Caver78
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Paulides gets legit dings from me for being so self-aggrandizing in every video they are unwatchable.
It's pathological at this point.

He's past reaching the point where his bloviating about his low subscriber count, sniveling about his hate mail, ONLY reading correspondence that flatters him COMPLETELY obscures any cases he eventually gets around to discussing.
Him fawning over other people in the field that he likes is also juvenile.

His original topic is a sound one but he's honking it up so badly with his antics it's shameful.

BTW being patriotic is being used as a selling point. He tosses it in when he needs a boost an I have absolutely NO RESPECT for those kinds of antics. He doesn't donate to SARS organizations, he doesn't contribute to families of the missing, every dollar he makes goes into his own pocket. He doesn't even volunteer his time. So yes. Him giving lip service to first responders an search& rescue falls completely flat.

He got let go from the Police Force for misappropriating charitable donations.
Researching the missing is his new job.
Don't mistake that for altruism. tell us how you really feel (don't hold back!).

I have read a few of your posts that give me the impression you don't care for Dave. No, I would actually go beyond that, and say it seems you have a strong dislike for the man. Just to be clear... do you know or have you known him in a personal capacity? You seem to know a lot about his activities and personal background.

Look, I respect you and your opinion, and I'm not going to defend Paullides on some of the subjects you raise about his past or providing support to Search&Rescue, because the fact is I really don't know the history on Dave's track record in those areas. I would contest your view that Dave doesn't volunteer his time to families, unless you feel he's being dishonest about hist claims of fielding calls/contacts from the families of the missing that reach out to him, without asking for money? I think he also provides a good deal of gratuitous hints/tips for safely experiencing the outdoors (personal locator beacons, a good basic travel backpack with survival gear, how to deal with encounters with dangerous animals, safe practices in hiking/climbing etc). I would say he's not completely raking his audience over the coals for money, given the frequency of his YT videos and topical references to cases that he could just omit and tell you to buy the book.

I just don't have the negative reaction you guys have to the openings of his videos I guess. IMO he is not super, overtly political in his material, that's just my opinion. Also, it's one thing to accuse somebody of trying to monetize their patriotism/support of first responders (that's a legit criticism if he does that, in my view), versus knocking him down a peg just because he says he's a patriot?

At the end of the day on balance I think Dave is a good researcher and seems, superficially, like an OK guy. I've never met him or corresponded with him so I may be off base. Like I mentioned, Caver, if I didn't know better I'd say you have interacted with him and that has shaped your opinion, but I could be wrong.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: game over man

Alright, I'll check this guy out. Thanks, genuinely, for mentioning him.

From what you describe, the fixation on Sasquatch kind of parallels what happened with Les Stroud. After he met up with Todd Standing and did the Survivorman: Bigfoot series, it seemed his content veered off of his previous track and focused on Sasquatch, where a big portion of recent films are on that topic. I prefer Les to stick to filming his survival ordeals, and his Beyond Survival series (traveling around the globe staying with socially dwindling cultures) rather than Bigfoot research.

It should be obvious that there's a lot of money to be made as a Bigfoot content creator, and these guys are aware of this too.

posted on Jan, 26 2021 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

Yep! That's the one!
It's curious as all giddy-up. But since it'd been recently filmed and not just a 10 second clip I thought it merited a look-see.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 01:25 AM
He sounds more and more like
a QAnon...

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