posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 08:06 PM
When me and my friend,Sydney (girl), got locked in a store when it was open...and the door wasnt even locked (we just couldnt get the door open cause
we were all lightheaded from all the running and candy we had just eaten). We go out allmost every Saturday to a certain street in the old part of our
town, alot of things to do there.
The store is open and we're locked in...we have interesting Saturdays ne?
When we were watching Finding Nemo in French class say something and then I shout out something out of no where
Sharkbait Ho Ha Ha CHOCOLATE!
(luckily we had a sub)
And finally (there will be more) out of nowhere I said
Sally's a man?!?!?!?!?!?!
I was sleeping, shot up and said that and fell back the middle of class...LOL