posted on Dec, 22 2020 @ 08:43 AM
Here's something I just can't wrap my head around.
Why do the labor unions stand with the democrats??? It doesn't make any sense.
There used to be a time when republicans / conservatives were in opposition to organized labor...way back in the old days. Republicans were viewed as
union busters because they opposed organized labor driving up wages and forcing employers to look out for employee welfare, because it reduced
corporate profits, right? Right? But that was all back in the "old days".
Now, it's republicans who are trying to bring jobs back on-shore, trying to encourage investment in America.
The democrats are doing everything in their power to send business off-shore. Even worse, what businesses the democrats are encouraging, things like
green initiatives (wind, solar, etc) involve about 80% imported materials, and employ almost exclusively non-union personnel. Individually, these
projects aren't big enough, nor do they last long enough, for organized labor to get a foothold and demand their trades be used. The current
democratic plans discourage jobs, not create them, they discourage investment in America. What with government incentives, and subsidies, who can or
would try to compete?
One of the biggest organized labor industries who stand to gain from green energy initiatives of the democrats is the mining sector, but the democrats
are regulating this industry into oblivion. They stand directly and openly opposed to it. Why the mining sector? Because you have to mine all the
materials (rare metals, etc) to make solar panels, batteries, etc. People just don't realize how much either. For example, to make just a single
solar panel you have to mine about 200 tons of material. But when the democrats regulate the mining industry into extinction, one of the only
industries which is consistent with their agenda, they only drive this process off-shore.
So explain to me again why organized labor supports the democrats???
It makes absolutely zero sense!