posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to:
If you think it's a surprise to white people that blacks think this way about us, then you're living under a rock.
And no, it doesn't do a damn thing to move anyone forward.
Let me tell you why, you go through your life working overtime to not hold negative stereotypes because it is constantly drilled into you that you
cannot. You go through life being told that things that these hateful people look down on as "white" are not actually "your" culture as a white
person, but "American" and belonging to those who live here, meaning belonging to everyone. It's wrong, in fact, for you as a white person to think of
anything as yours uniquely and part of your culture. So you effectively have none at all. There is zero white culture ... unless it seems, you happen
to be BIPOC, then there's plenty of white culture and it's all bad and it's whatever negative stereotype they want to pin on you.
So you find out that the very things you've been brought up being told not to do, never to do, that it was WRONG to do, the people you were trying to
protect by not doing those things have ALWAYS been doing them and been brought up seeing nothing at all wrong with it and everything, in fact, wrong
with you just because you are you.
And then you go out in the world and look at all the people you were working and living side by side with and thought you were getting along with,
even liked, some of them a great deal, and now all those relationships are poisoned with that new view.
No one moves forward like that.