posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 03:58 AM
I just had to log back in after reading this. The abovenetwork is not going anywhere. The agency is doing that header because it is attempting to
subtly tone down the topics and information being discussed about the globalist plans and the patriots counter attacks in one of the only domains even
allowing the topics to be discussed.
I promise even in 2022, you will all still be having "i hate libtards/i hate alt-right neo nazi racists" topics saturating the mud pit.
Your all acting like a bunch of girls at the end of high school in tears hugging each other passing around the yearbook.
Grow back your balls, and remember there is still a real world that needs your direct action. Our president has not been fully overthrown yet, and
neither and neither has the republic. If you were wondering when was the time to get your hands dirty that time is now.
We already know who the enemies are. Now we do what we can to attack their properties, real world assets, and agents however we feel we can. Even
something benign and simple as informative graffitti on train box cars or news station affiliates' walls WILL make an impact.
But know this, ATS will not be sold in the next 3 years despite a red 'Breaking News' header.
Like a typical MSM banner designed to instill fear. We already know a 3 letter agency with a declassified established relationship with all domestic
media outlets who utilise the same tactic in their own businesses. Open that third eye folks, too many people on ATS keep a hot poker in it instead.