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Is this audio I recorded of a Yowie (Australian bigfoot)?

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posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 05:23 PM
Cards on the table, I have a YouTube channel researching Yowies (Australian bigfoot), but am not spamming for views. Im after opinions please

I recently went on a trip to Strickland State Forest in NSW, Australia (a hotspot if there ever was one) with the intention to walk the trails and seek out any evidence of Yowies in the area. I had spoken to witnesses and am (still) quite confident that Yowies do seem to frequent the area.

The video of the trip is below, spoiler alert - i didnt find any real evidence (which honestly surprised me), however while walking back to the car i heard a very distinct call off in the distance. I could only describe it as the a-typical yowie/bigfoot style call. In the video, the actions starts at about 18 minutes.

You will need headphones or your speakers turned up as the call was a few kilometres away from me and hence not dominant in the sound mix

Have a listen and see what you think. It wasnt human, mechanical or any other animal ive ever heard. Its certainly unusual thats for sure.


posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: srsen

It's not exactly a remote national park. Bounded by the M1 and the burbs........and you heard an unidentifiable noise away in the distance......hardly surprising to be honest.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: srsen

A beautiful woodland, I love English woodlands but natural ones are very rare up here (and non so unspoilt - though you know the native peoples have shaped and burned the wood's there for the last forty to sixty thousand years (if anthropologists are to be trusted?) and that land has probably been wooded barring aboriginal burn's from time for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years barring major climactic swing's.

Beautiful place to walk, I bet it calm's the spirit.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: srsen

Breath taking view of the forest!
I just heard birds though.

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: srsen

I miss the Aussie bush. Grew up on the edge of the bush.

That fern shown at 6:35, if you touch the leaves, they curl up and close right before your eyes.

I don't hear any whoops either.

Perhaps if he made less noise, he'd have been able to see some wildlife?

posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 10:23 PM
Productions not bad. I’m not really into Bigfoot type stuff, but the production and your on screen presence has potential. Keep it up and broaden what you’re putting out there to get the followers.
Everybody digs great whites and you’re right there!

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 05:22 AM
Thanks for the feedback everyone. To those that could not find the sound - whack on some headphones and skip to 18min mark... the action starts from roughly there. There is IIRC 4 individual instances of this noise which sounds like a long howl of sorts. There was no other time in the video it occurred. As i stated previously, I have never heard a sound even remotely similar before and ive spent many, many hours camping in the bush.

As for the location, yeh i absolutely dont claim its a remote location. As a matter of fact, in Australia, the majority of Yowie encounters occur in areas that intersect human activity. At least the amjority of the cases i have researched anyway. So yeh, no claim of remote wilderness here - just simply a known hotspot with many sighitngs in the past. The actual state forest is only 5 square kilometres in size - very small. BUT it does attach to a very large strip of bushland that covers 100s of kms up the coast.

Here's hoping more of you can hear the sound and see what you think. I think there's value in comparing experiences, particularly from people in other parts of the world.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 06:54 AM
The so called bigfoot audio which most people can't hear. It doesn't start until like 18mins into the video. Give me a break, it's obvious what the OP is really after and that's youtube ad revenue. If he wanted a real discussion, the video would be 1-3mins long with only the section containing "bigfoot" audio. Normal mode and amplified mode, not 21mins of nonsense.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 06:59 AM
Bloody Aussies.

a reply to: Echo007

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: Echo007
The so called bigfoot audio which most people can't hear. It doesn't start until like 18mins into the video. Give me a break, it's obvious what the OP is really after and that's youtube ad revenue. If he wanted a real discussion, the video would be 1-3mins long with only the section containing "bigfoot" audio. Normal mode and amplified mode, not 21mins of nonsense.

Firstly, I have not enabled monetization on my channel, so YouTube ad revenue is absolutely impossible for me to achieve.

Secondly, look at my channel, I don't do 1-3 minute videos. Never have. If the call was super amazing and absolutely significant I may do a shortened version, but its in the distance and requires headphones to hear, so I'd be a tool to try and make it out as something its not.

Thirdly, its not my problem that some people can't hear it. If you simply listen with headphones as i suggested you will absolutely without doubt hear it. The fact that not everyone takes that advice is not something I can control.

Instead of being negative just have a listen and join in the conversation. Thats why we are here - to discuss our favourite topics, one of which is cryptids (or else we wouldn't be here). Thr reason I posted it here is to see what people think of the call, thats all. No secret hidden agenda.

Have a listen with headphones and see what you think of it

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
I miss the Aussie bush.

So girls down under shave down under? As for the sound, all I hear is a long hollow sound, no idea what it is.

posted on Dec, 10 2020 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect

originally posted by: chr0naut
I miss the Aussie bush.

So girls down under shave down under?


Actually, the New Zealand natural bushland is denser, darker, not as dry, and not as 'airy' as the Aussie bushland.

There is something about the quality of light that is different, as well as the appearance of the plants and trees.

New Zealand is more like a fernery than a forest.

As for the sound, all I hear is a long hollow sound, no idea what it is.

The bushland in the video isn't really that far from suburbia. I also hear a low-frequency long-duration sound but I think it is more an artifact of compression and processing of the video.

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