a reply to:
Everyone has tried to conquer it at some point or so it seam's, the weakest most beaten tribe used to be one descended from Mongol Warriors whom also
stormed through there under old Genghis (and never really conquered it) and left some of there people living there, we British tried - to bring
Civilization to the heathen Barbarians ha? - and while it is true to say we did not bring the then considerable might of the British Empire to bear on
the matter the small venture was an utter disaster with supposed Afghan allies switching sides and ambushing our people as they retreated in a bloody
massacre in which men, woman and children were butchered - or perhaps enslaved?.
Nasty warriors whom have been fighting one another for at least the last 1200 or so years and were a tough bunch even before that, they are fickle
allies at best and will happily betray if it is in there interests to do so.
Yet for all of that Afghanistan is one of the historically most important regions in the world, great empires and come and gone and entire chapters
of human civilization, city's, farm's, kingdom's and empires have dwelt there.
Bactria or the Oxus Civilization being a noteworthy one.
Western civilization probably owes as much to these ancient civilizations most people have not heard of as it does to the Greek's or even the Roman's
though the people whom live there today are not quite the same as those old cultured and culturally rich peoples of yesterday, there genetic legacy
does however live on among them if watered down by successive invaders over the ages.
Sadly these days Afghanistan is home to Islamic inbred Clansmen much like Northern Pakistan is, in fact they are the same people to a great
Morally they are let's just say flexible and while they are religious nutters following that particular cult they are also very fond of Dancing
Boy's, young boy's trained to dance like girls, belly dancers etc whom they have sex with, not nice but it is there way and one reason total warfare
should never have been banned, it would be a lovely nice quite place today full of western farm's had we actually gone medieval on there arses.
But why are the US and other NATO Element's really there?, not the same reason as the Russians once were which was to incorporate it into the soviet
union, no we were not there because of the twin towers either though that was a most convenient excuse, in fact it was all about a pipeline that was
planned by some oil conglomerate whom wanted to pump oil from Azerbaijan or Uzbekistan or somewhere like that which was going to be lain right through
Helmand Province and into Western CHINA were it would have made a packet for those oil guy's, that right all those lads that died over there laid down
there lives because back room deal's and bent politicians wanted to cash in on an oil pipeline that in the end was never built and if it had been
would have only made China now a thorn in our side even stronger.
It's not over yet though, once we withdraw guess whom will most likely move in, China and why, Oil Pipeline (they won't be as nice as our soldiers
were, no more trying to win hearts and minds the Afghan's will probably end up in Organ Bank Re-education centres and Sterilized out of existence).
So is it really wise to withdraw? for short term political gain's? at the expense of making a potential far worse and GENUINE threat to world peace
even more powerful.
edit on 3-12-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)