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How Are People In Their 20s Finding A Mate During The Pandemic?

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posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 12:20 AM
The conspiracy theorist in me can't help but wonder if making it difficult for people at the peak of their sexual attractiveness to find a mate is just another aspect of TPTB's plan to lower the population. And also by acclimating the 20 something's to the idea of only interacting with each other via the internet.
What say you ATS?
edit on 12/2/2020 by MissSmartypants because: Edit

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 12:28 AM
1. You start going through old numbers.

2. You just keep swiping right until you get lucky.

3. Hop on messenger at 2 am sending out "Hey girl, you up?" texts.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 12:31 AM
They don’t care about the pandemic, it’s business as usual.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 01:00 AM
It's not just 20 somethings, us older single folks are also nae too happy. Covid1984 sure is making dating more difficult but not impossible, if you are in Rebel Club, Tinder / PoF is a good place to start 😉😉😉

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: MissSmartypants
The conspiracy theorist in me can't help but wonder if making it difficult for people at the peak of their sexual attractiveness to find a mate is just another aspect of TPTB's plan to lower the population. And also by acclimating the 20 something's to the idea of only interacting with each other via the internet.
What say you ATS?

We were discussing this over Thanksgiving, it wouldn't have stopped me in my 20's at all, the '80s-'90s herpes threat didn't slow me down LOL hell it doesn't stop me now. Might be our area or just the crowd I hang with or where I go. I damn sure will not be kissing on some lady while we wear a mask.

I guess there are areas where they can't congregate, but I have no doubt they get together it just might be the more adventurous and rebellious ones. 20-year-olds think they are invincible, the chances of serious complications are minor.

All I know is the world meters population stats are continuing to climb rapidly

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: MissSmartypants

IDK, but I bet pornhub traffic is off the charts.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 02:09 AM
By doing what normal-thinking, right-minded people do

Ignore the fascist ‘lockdown’ rules and live as though the china virus is innocuous

Because it is

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66
They don’t care about the pandemic, it’s business as usual.

I'm married. soon to be 40. But this is exactly correct.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: MissSmartypants

They're still going on dates 'round my parts. May be just for a picnic date in one of the parks (not the playground kind) but they're definitely out & about still. I'd wager I haven't EVER seen this many folks, of any age, having picnic dates ever before in my life, it's actually nice to see people doing that. The two doe-eyed youngins on a blanket at a park we frequent, trying to pull a Lady & The Tramp with spaghetti lunch & boxed wine (lmfao) was, and I make no apologies here, stinkin' CUTE to see.

Edit: Just realized I made it sound like W MI is a hub for picnic dates, it's not QUITE that many, lol. We used to see one or two couples the whole year having a picnic lunch date. Now it's more like one or so each week that we happen across.
edit on 12/2/2020 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: MissSmartypants

I doubt it’s slowed down for anyone that’s willing.
Not sure why most men would want to get married anymore though. Women today are nuts.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: MissSmartypants
The conspiracy theorist in me can't help but wonder if making it difficult for people at the peak of their sexual attractiveness to find a mate is just another aspect of TPTB's plan to lower the population. And also by acclimating the 20 something's to the idea of only interacting with each other via the internet.
What say you ATS?

Being 20 something is over rated, you don't have the money of a 30 something but you still have most of the hangups of a teenager.

Trust me, they're not hooking up much, and never were. And a mixture of social suppression, crusading feminists, the availability of Internet porn, and the accessibility of fortnite means that young men are happier on their own than ever before. Some don't want to hook up, and the rest weren't hooking up much anyway.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: MissSmartypants

I doubt it’s slowed down for anyone that’s willing.
Not sure why most men would want to get married anymore though. Women today are nuts.

Given the state of modern feminism and the availability of Internet porn more men than ever are opting out of relationships all together until they are much older, at which time they're in a stronger economic position and can have more choice in a relationship.

This is why so many women in their 20s and 30s are angry about the dating scene. There are fewer men on the market and those that are available are either socially and economically unattractive (poverty, drugs, crime and so on) or are much older and simply don't want to date a radical feminist.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

It's not just feminists.
Asking a man at 30 years old with a good job to get in a serious relationship with a single mom is ignoring good sense.

She will always be behind the financial 8 ball and her kids will always come first..(they should)

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: MissSmartypants

Since trying to turn the young population gay (instead of letting them figure it out on their own as they've done since forever) didn't work out past a couple percent, your idea makes a lot of sense.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66
They don’t care about the pandemic, it’s business as usual.

I know something like this wouldn't have cramped my game one bit if it had happened when I was a teen. I would have met with my buddies and girlfriends of their girlfriends just to be a rebel against the demands of a lockdown. The only time I heeled was when my mom, dad, or one of the many teachers I looked up to told me to. In the 90's, the teachers were still respectable.

BUT! Social media has really put a drain on our young society. These kids can talk all day long over texts and instant messages, but once you get them face to face it's all crickets and nervous smiles.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 08:16 AM
Human females give off pharmons which the male homes in on he then does a Look at My cool car dance enticing the female with his condo .

She divorces Him takes the car and the condo and lives haply every after .

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: midnightstar

Well 75% of divorces are initiated by women, so as with most jokes, the best ones contain some truth.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 08:23 AM
They're going to have to get creative.

They may have to do what kids back in my hometown did:

Everyone gets together and contributes to the alcohol and you go out in the country to find some random farmer's field or pasture and you have a country kegger. No it's not the sleek nightclub scene, but in small town 'Merica, you don't have those, so you make do.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: midnightstar
Human females give off pharmons...

Are those the things that make them nutso? Or are those harmons?

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
They're going to have to get creative.

They may have to do what kids back in my hometown did:

Everyone gets together and contributes to the alcohol and you go out in the country to find some random farmer's field or pasture and you have a country kegger. No it's not the sleek nightclub scene, but in small town 'Merica, you don't have those, so you make do.

To be fair, that was rural UK too back when i was a nipper. Have to say, no it's not the sleek nightclub scene - it's far more fun than that.

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