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No Stopping Global Warming, Studies Predict

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posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 05:23 AM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Even if people stopped pumping out carbon dioxide and other pollutants tomorrow, global warming would still get worse, two teams of researchers reported on Thursday.

Sea levels will rise more than they have already risen, worsening the damage caused by extreme high tides and storm surges, and droughts, heat waves and storms will become more severe, the climate experts predicted.

That makes immediate action to slow global warming even more vital, the teams at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado report in the journal Science.

"Even if we stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations, the climate will continue to warm, and there will be proportionately even more sea level rise," said the NCAR's Gerald Meehl, who led one of the two studies.

"The longer we wait, the more climate change we are committed to in the future."

Virtually no one disagrees human activity is fueling global warming, and a global treaty signed in Kyoto, Japan, aims to reduce polluting emissions. But the world's biggest polluter, the United States, has withdrawn from the 1997 treaty, saying its provisions would hurt the U.S. economy.

Meehl's team ran two computer simulations of climate change -- complex programs, he said, that took months to run on supercomputers.

Those models included as many variables as the researchers could think of, such as human carbon emissions, other pollution, current temperatures and their rate of change, emissions from volcanoes, changes in solar radiation and shifts in the ozone layer.

"Then we ran for the 21st century three different scenarios," Meehl said in a telephone interview.

One scenario assumed human production of carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse gases stabilized in 2000 and ran the model to the year 2100.

This article is offered without specific comment by the originator. Any pertinent or factual reality based information presented by the originator may be deemed “offensive” to some members of this forum. Such action would be a violation of the San Angeles “verbal Miranda act” according to the “Magi” that control this website. Please offer any comment no matter how obscure or fact less as such information will immediately be found “brilliant” and your personal self esteem shall be stoked accordingly by the “Maji”.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 05:44 AM
How To Spot Propaganda And Disinformation

From the source article:
Virtually no one disagrees human activity is fueling global warming [...]

We may choose to call this statement "incorrect" or more accurately, a "lie". There is, in fact, a great deal of disagreement on this point, all over the world.

The disagreement can be found all over this website as well, in fact -- and it is by no means limited to ATS.

This statement, which we are expected to accept in passing, is a lie.

It is also a lie to say that the U.S. “withdrew” from Kyoto.

Propagandists like to spread lies like these, however, to bolster their claims.

The Kyoto treaty has never been ratified by the U.S. Senate. By law, the United States was never bound by that treaty.

But partisans like to say “it's all Bush's fault” because he was honest about rejecting it, unlike certain other politicians dishonestly pandering to naïve public sentiment.

President Clinton signed it, but he never presented it to the Senate for ratification, thus giving it no legal effect. It was an empty political gesture, and nothing more.

The Senate would have never ratified it -- not even close, and he knew damn well it wouldn't. Such was Clinton -- and most politicians.

Either way, the presence of statements like those above -- made by the author, not by a source -- tells me that the article is agenda-driven, contains demonstrable lies, and is therefore untrustworthy.

Since Maggie Fox, the author of the article, has demonstrated a willingness to lie to me, I see no reason to trust anything else she writes.

I don't like having pungent feces mixed in with what is purportedly "news".

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by Majic
How To Spot Propaganda And Disinformation

From the source article:
Virtually no one disagrees human activity is fueling global warming [...]

We may choose to call this statement "incorrect" or more accurately, a "lie". There is, in fact, a great deal of disagreement on this point, all over the world.


Either way, the presence of statements like those above -- made by the author, not by a source -- tells me that the article is agenda-driven, contains demonstrable lies, and is therefore untrustworthy.

Since Maggie Fox, the author of the article, has demonstrated a willingness to lie to me, I see no reason to trust anything else she writes.

I don't like having pungent feces mixed in with what is purportedly "news".

Thank you for your brilliant and insightful comments, have a "joy-joy" day.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:06 AM
two questions........
do you believe that there is a change in climate going on?

and well.....
how many people will be building their million dollar mansions in places that, well, if they would take the warnings seriously, they would realize that their dream castle was destined to be swept into the sea, or blown away by the wind?

that's what is getting me, these people are still going ahead and building these luxury homes, when well, there's a good chance they won't be standing too long if what they are saying about the effects of the changes are true. It's gonna place an outrageous strain on the insurance industry and it's a waste of resources.....
and well, I am only mentioning the castles because it seems like when the pictures of the destruction (like the homes in Cal. that slid off the mountains..) is shown on the tv, that's mostly what is shown..
it kind of debunks the idea that these people are rich because they are intellectuallly "superior" to the rest of us, doesn't it???

if the claims as far as the effects are true.....well, then maybe the government should be acknowledging them and preparing???

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:11 AM
majic that is right that statement it's just such a dammit lie!!!

humans most humans >>>drive cars

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by dawnstar
two questions........
do you believe that there is a change in climate going on?

and well.....
how many people will be building their million dollar mansions in places that, well, if they would take the warnings seriously, they would realize that their dream castle was destined to be swept into the sea, or blown away by the wind?

Wow, your wisdom and in-depth knowledge of this subject is mesmerizing and you should be very content in the obvious mastery of your research capabilities, have a "joy-joy" day

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:23 AM
Ummm...the earth is changing and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it, except adapt to the new changes.

People need to be aware of potential natural disasters and prepare for them, stop living on the coast where your house will get washed away into the sea, stop living at the foot of volcanoes and mountains, look at maps, move if you living on a fault line for god sakes. If we adapt to the changes we can save lives and roll with the punches, start looking at dome homes, building seawalls and retaining walls etc...

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:25 AM
sorry, Doc....happy-happy and joy-joy, decided to take a nice long vacation in a warmer clime......said they'd be back when the climate was a little less hostile.....
but, thanks, none the less......

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
Ummm...the earth is changing and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it, except adapt to the new changes.

People need to be aware of potential natural disasters and prepare for them, stop living on the coast where your house will get washed away into the sea, stop living at the foot of volcanoes and mountains, look at maps, move if you living on a fault line for god sakes. If we adapt to the changes we can save lives and roll with the punches, start looking at dome homes, building seawalls and retaining walls etc...

dam right thats true, but some people might not have common sence to do so rember that there are idiots in this world

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by lepracornman

Originally posted by worldwatcher
If we adapt to the changes we can save lives and roll with the punches, start looking at dome homes, building seawalls and retaining walls etc...

dam right thats true, but some people might not have common sence to do so rember that there are idiots in this world

Unbelievable brilliance, your wisdom and in-depth knowledge of this subject is without measure among your peers, have a safe joy-joy day.

[edit on 18-3-2005 by DrHoracid]

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 07:26 AM
we need to be working on ozone technology.building of machines that produce ozone around the clock.telsa might have some patents that might be a good start.time for the world to do something than just sitting here waiting for the end.......

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 09:04 AM
Dr, why don't you stop posting stuff without any of your own opinion? Has someone rattled your cage?

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