I'm in a lateral thinking kind of mood today, and I had a thought. Dangerous business, I know, but I managed it.
What if UFOs & their occupants (at least, perhaps a great number of them) are benevolent beings who do not communicate with us, but instead silently
watch over our world, and prevent us from accidentally unleashing armageddon at strategic junctures. I guess there must be rules about involvement in
our affairs, but what if their well documented interest in nuclear power stations & missile silos, is principally concerned with stopping us from
having a meltdown every other Thursday..? Nuclear power scares me, because any number of crises could inadvertently trigger a destructive meltdown.
My suspicion is that they prevent accidents, but cannot get involved when human decision has led to a regional disaster, such as corruption with
Chernobyl & suspected weather/earthquake warfare in Japan at Fukushima. That one happened straight after Japan tried to kick the USA out of its
Japanese territory bases. The Japs changed their minds pretty quickly after the warning shot. I also suspect that they can prevent tit for tat
warfare that would cook the planet into a radioactive wasteland, but the smaller scale events we're supposed to learn from, as in, learn from our
mistakes. Incidents of silo shutdown during the cold war have been well documented on both sides of the Iron Curtain.
I'm not sure that they can intervene (except in exceptional circumstances) to prevent a natural disaster such as a tsunami, because part of what
makes us feel fully engaged & purposeful, at one with & overcoming the conditions of our world, is our ability to face obstacles & crises, to rise
above & repair that which is lost. Nice line from Star Trek Discovery:
"Duty exists so that you have prepared yourselves to reach for your joy & be complete" (paraphrased) I forgot the actual line, but it was pretty
much that, in a nutshell. I thought it was nice that some genuinely positive philosophical meme found its way into the show.
We work, so that our joy is all the more wonderful. We fight, so that peace remains sacred. We die, so that others may live.
At least some of those UFOs up there have no interest whatsoever in channelling messages from the galactic federation (deception) or in abducting
humans to raise a hybrid race that will overthrow the natural order.. They zip around in those little silver bubbles so that you aren't overtly
freaked out seeing a humanoid being whisk past you in superman style levitating flight! Control of mass includes negation of mass, faster than light
travel & negation of gravity. And let's face it - if they were hostile we'd have been decimated years ago. I actually think that they have worked
very hard to keep our world in a state of balanced potential, where choices of the many matter more than the choices of the hugely powerful uber-rich
evil geniuses who actually do plot our overthrow in frequent satanic rituals. The silver bubbles may just well be the angels' earthly transport
system - their craft are of insanely advanced tech, such that their control of matter is total, they can merge their ships & grow them, dissolve them
at will & all sorts of canny maneuvers.
I think they're here to help, not hinder or harm. But they are not 'the Pleaidians or the Sphere Being Alliance - that's deception; the devil can
appear as an angel of light sometimes. And remember that Lucifer was cast down to 'Earth', which is not strictly this planet only - 'Earth'
referred to the entire physical universe in the original intention of the texts. So there were bases on our Moon at some point, there was a giant
planet named Tiamat which was destroyed in the first 'war in Heaven' - Mars was her original moon & the asteroid belt is her remains - she was an
earthlike planet apparently, and a scalar weapon was used to destroy her, a genocide in the most murderous of terms. Mars had a greater atmosphere
then apparently, with water, but the destruction of Tiamat ripped away the bulk of the atmosphere & screwed with the geological processes. Anyway,
that was a bit of a tangent, but try reading Joseph Farrell to get a hint or two at the Cosmic War which is obliquely referenced in the Bible.
Fascinating stuff.
Cheers, FITO.