posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 11:32 PM
I remember an article in Wired magazine a few years back titled "savant for a day". It was about Allan Snyder experimenting with a technology
called transcranial magnetic stimulation. Basically they put a crazy looking cap with electrodes on it on your head and stimulate parts of the brain
with tiny magnetic pulses. I was wondering what other people know about it?
Here is a link to a different story about TMS and Allan Snyder from Wired:
Here is another link I found to the International Society for Transcranial Stimulation
I think a combination of TMS or a similair technology and brain imaging will lead to some amazing things some day. I think itwould be a wierd
expierence toundergo TMS. I know the military/govt must be interested in the idea so they could incorporate it into helmets for super soldiers,
pilots, sailors etc...