posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 04:55 AM
After Action Report - Turkey turned out 'okay' (in my book). For all the additional work, the wife and I both agreed the turkeys I've just thrown on
the simple Weber kettle grill in the past were just as good if not better. Don't get me wrong, it came out really well, and was moist, but for all
the additional steps it certainly wasn't miles better as I had hoped it would be. It'll make good sammiches though.
So what was the winner of the Thanksgiving culinary adventure? Well, it turned out to be a dish I forgot to even mention in my initial post about
what we were having. The wife made this beet terrine dish which was just so far out in front of any other contender it wasn't even close. It was
absolutely fantastic. The dish was basically a layered fresh beet and goat cheese terrine, and the goat cheese had minced green onion, garlic and
thyme as well as other spices blended in. Served chilled and sliced so you could see the layering. Absolutely off-the-charts dish!! 11 out of 10
(on a scale of 1 to 10) in my opinion.
We don't really do a 'competition', it's more just a fun thing. We always try to do some adventurous stuff and then we like to compare notes later on
the pros and cons. Oh sure we do a lot of the conventional stuff too, but we'll usually make at least a couple dishes which are different and/or
The lobster appetizer was really good too, but the beet terrine was out of this world. I knew that one was going to be tough to 'beet' (get it?) when
I tried a sample during the prep. I still had hopes I could pull it out with the turkey, but there was really no contest in the end. Honestly, I
didn't even feel I got 2nd place, maybe honorable mention. My bride is some tough competition!
So that's about it for my report back.
ETA - Oh, and I will probably skip the injection steps next time. Not only did it not add that much, I think it may have detracted from the end
product, not to mention it makes one hell of a messy cleanup.
edit on 11/27/2020 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)