posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 05:02 AM
This is really interesting, I can't wait to find out what they derived the material from.
There have been some really fascinating advances in alternative materials. Like, maybe a year ago a company pioneered the use of chicken feathers to
make lighter weight circuit boards that are incredibly heat resistant and apparently allow for faster embedded electron channels. There's some sort
of resin they mix in with the feathers, and then mash the whole goop into flat boards ready for chip stamping. That, combined with the flu vaccine
shortage, and the need for refuse chicken parts for Thai and Chinese crocodile farms, makes we want to open a chicken factory!
I would raise
chickens by the millions, sell their meat to US consumers, sell their feathers to the circuit board manufacturers, sell their inedible bits to the
Chinese, their eggs to Big Pharma, and their poop to farmers. Make money 5 ways! Who wants in? I'm taking applications for investors.