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Project Warp Speed

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posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 07:01 AM
Have had some tight fight tin foil hat topics at times, iDK? Good to have a community to help keep some of these ideas realistic.

Something about Operation Warp Speed don't seam right in the current field of play. It started off as $6 Billion or something to fund Covid vaccination research.The media promotes it to around 50% of the population that wants it.

I will pass, from my current understanding it gets your cells to make Covid virus components to engage antibody production. This also allows for more cellular infrastructure primed for when Covid-21 comes. It is part of the reason why SARS type vaccinations have never worked in the past.

Surprise Attack!

For the Generals statement: Twitter link

With the symbolism of the flags in the background, the red stars with gold fringe looks like China law. The Blue and Yellow looks like an EU faction, has the vibe of the Atlantic council, the wording 'Human Serv'.

Also a link on Brighton to some of the Generals statements, the commentary sucks.


Anyway, we are in an information war and anything a general publicly says should be handled with care. Part of the accepted rules of war is to lie, cheat, steal and deceive. For anyone to think that some group can forcefully stick a needle in everyone arm in America within a 24 hour period is crazy talk.

What I have been getting hints and ideas about with Warp Speed is that the vaccination is designed against the Deep State. To round up a good chunk of those associated to the theft of the constitution and take over of the nation through fraud and deceit. If this can be done within 24 hours it would be good. It will likely result in a shock to the organizational structure of a lot of things. Otherwise the BLM and Antifa thing burns on. Don't expect another fair election ever again.

Maybe I am wrong? Could be some Star Trek, woo woo, multidimensional stuff with a name like Warp Speed? Maybe we get a boot on our head and some nano tech shot in our butt?

Anyway, just some thoughts, a heads up and a wish. How are you feeling about this?
edit on 19-11-2020 by kwakakev because: grammer

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 08:57 AM
I think it is a good excuse to distribute the military around the country for mass arrests. They had this as a cover for quite a while before the really meaty election fraud information came out. The logistics of preparation would be very similar.

One thing for sure...we're gonna find out here real soon. Front row.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Michielli

I think it is a good excuse to distribute the military around the country for mass arrests.

Mate, the USA looks stuffed at this time. One way or another, survival of the fitness whatever? Trump has the population, Biden has the dollars. The polarization of this election is hot. I know a lot of the lower troops like Trump. The upper hierarchy like Biden. If this is not wrapped up in 24 hours then the decent into civil war sucks. If it ain't done in a weekend, it is what it is.
edit on 19-11-2020 by kwakakev because: spelling

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Miller on Special Operations

Looks like Trumps new guy in the Pentagon has moved special operations under his direct control. As he is talking about campaigns and transitions...I can't help but think these comments are a dog whistle for patriots who are watching.

It's always in the setup...

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Read this and you will see how serious they are on vaccinating everybody..

US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media

They are using NSA & GCHQ for cyber war against vaccine hesitancy. This is not a drill , they will go to war against truth, so it tells a lot how important the covid-19 vaccine is for them .

Their actions go far beyond normal , they are obsessed with the plan to vaccine all. I call it war....because that`s what it is period.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: Michielli

I am too drunk to able to make sense of what he said. Had some good moments, general ra ra. It would suck to be Trump trying to sort the good fron the bad apples.

So far the plan from X22, keep your enemies closer. It is not my game. I know deception is part of this world, I am just going to call it as I see it, let the chips fall where they do.
edit on 19-11-2020 by kwakakev because: spelling

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

Common man... Have you seen the the depersonalisation going on in the internet? If you have not been banned you are not trying hard enough.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: Kenzo

There are some good articles there, looks like Shadow Gate has been engaged for the pro vaxxers. With all the money involved I guess weaponizing truth pays the bills. It is troubling, but not surprising that the intelligence services are being used this way. It is clear that the MSM and big tech have signed up to this agenda.

If these organizations where truly intelligent, then reviewing the complex science behind vaccinations is more of a national security threat than defending corporate profits. Calling it a war is reasonable, lot of people getting injured and dying with a big fog over the facts.

They do look fairly successful in promoting vaccinations and silencing any decent. It is a tough one to cover up with all the damage going on and specialists that do sort out the facts from the fiction. A lot of medical licenses have been taken away and smear campaigns used.

With how the whole Covid thing has been playing out, I am concerned that this vaccination push is part of a depopulation agenda. The people will not die straight away, but when the next version of the virus is released it is going to hit the people a lot harder. With no liability for the manufactures and time delay between injection and infection, it does raise enough doubt to pull this scam off.

Also been some talk of nano tech getting added to help with the space based and 5G tracking. IDK? With all the disinformation and lack of candor going on around the vaccination industry, I don't trust it.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

To me it look's more and more thay the Modus operandi those organisations now want is slaughter by vaccines They use every trick to blind people not to see what is the real goal. They will "sell " the slaughtering using terminology like it is all for greater is good for people.....the govermnent will save them from deadly virus.

I wonder will they target ATS also, since people discuss here openly about vaccines & rona ?

This is depopulation agenda.

edit on 20-11-2020 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

If ATS falls so will a good chunk of America. Has been a lots of clear and open discussion on many things. It has a long legacy and been battle hardened with many kind of attacks over the years. Will hold up better than a lot of other sites if it comes to that.

How the big steal goes will determine how some of the eugenic agenda plays out. It is a big job killing off the human population, going to be all kinds of problems along the way.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 08:37 AM
Operation Warp Speed Small Ancillary Kit Description Overhead Shot on Nov. 19th, 2020.

Goes through a few things that will be in the kit with the vaccinations: Face Shield, mask, 2 needle sizes, alcohol swab and a card for when to come back for the next shot in 21 or 28 days.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

I think, in times like this, we should start support ATS financially. I was hesitantly first with the the idea when news start coming about ATS money problems.....but with this all new information, i would be ready to support.

I dont know what is the current situation of ATS , hopefully it wont shut down tomorrow ?

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

I dont know what is the current situation of ATS , hopefully it wont shut down tomorrow ?

It won't be due to money if it does. There was some talk back about funding, seams like it was sorted. Maybe message DontTreadOnMe or another mod for more information.

Communication shutdowns are a standard part of active engagements. Usually wont be for long, enough to cleanup the mess.

As for some other pressure from trolls, bots and other internet nastiest, take it as it comes I guess. Has a good community that will do what they can, denying ignorance makes a good rally call in such confusing times.

Operation Warp Speed to discuss COVID-19 vaccine distribution plans on Nov. 16, 2020.

Short cut of some quick soundbites with the preparations.

posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Yeeh well...i am thinking ATS will need war fund. Game changed..... this is not anymore about just keeping website alive, it is a fundamental way of thinking, about supporting free speech.

Could someone mod/admin maybe comment about the current ATS situation ? Are you okey for now or not ?

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 03:41 AM

originally posted by: Michielli
a reply to: kwakakev
Miller on Special Operations

Now I get what this is about,

Dark Journalist X-Election: Deep State Showdown - Trump Uses JFK National Security Memo 57!

So Miller is taking CIA control out of Special Ops. Wow. Cool. Take care.

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 11:27 AM
Commander Update: 11 discussing some upcoming holiday events, tonight, Thursday, November 19, 2020.

This 20 min briefing provides a more reasonable approach to Covid matters. The 24 hour aim for dispersion of the vaccination is about dealing with the extreme cold storage requirements. Once a batch is mixed and warmed up there is not much time before it starts to degrade.

Uncertainty is expressed about the mandatory nature of the vaccination. I assume these questions are for military staff. To line every citizen up in 24 hours for a vaccination ain't going to happen. For those that want it, plan and organize what you can.

Emergency Update - Nov. 20 - Trump readies special forces units for domestic action

The Health Ranger, Mike Adams has a good, realistic talk about the vaccination and special ops things going on. A bit of a heads up if things get kinetic.

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 04:15 AM

U.S. Navy SEAL Michael Jaco has revealed that 17 nations are currently involved tonight in the largest military sting operation of its kind. Special forces have been activated and are presently arresting top Democratic brass. A worldwide Emergency bro…

posted on Nov, 22 2020 @ 06:16 AM
'ALL America MUST Receive VACCINE in 24 Hours!' Says Military (Sharing Info With Friends #13)

Links to a 20min video compilation of different scenes from political leaders, citizens and events around the virus.

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 10:08 PM
Operation Warp Speed is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor to Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret

Last Tuesday, while most Americans were distracted by the first US presidential debate, NPR quietly reported that the US government’s “Operation Warp Speed,” a public-private partnership launched by the Trump administration to rapidly develop and distribute a Covid-19 vaccine, had taken the unusual step of awarding contracts to vaccine companies, not directly, but through a secretive defense contractor.

Though NPR named the defense contractor – South Carolina-based Advanced Technology International (ATI) – they declined to explore the company’s deep ties to the CIA, DHS and the Department of Defense and how ATI is helping to lead those agencies’ efforts to militarize healthcare and create an all-encompassing surveillance Panopticon that not only monitors the world around us, but our physiology, as well...

Advanced Technology International, or (ATI), is a non-profit company that organizes consortia of public, private and academic organizations that perform Research and Development (R&D) on behalf of the U.S. government. ATI mostly manages R&D consortia for the Department of Defense for things like weapons manufacturing, metal casting and forging, ship production and technology aimed at “countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs).” They also manage the Border Security Technology Consortium (BSTC) for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which is largely comprised of surveillance technology companies, among other DHS research projects...

Given that Operation Warp Speed’s official purpose is to use taxpayer funds to produce, accelerate and distribute a medical treatment (i.e. vaccine) to Americans, there is no reason for such extreme secrecy and also no reason for the excessive role of the military and secretive contractors like ATI and ANSER in the execution of this “public health” effort.

While the officially stated purpose of Warp Speed makes the extreme secrecy involved seem not just unnecessary but absurd, it is worth noting that several recent revelations regarding Warp Speed’s structure, strategy and execution strongly suggest that the reason for the operation’s secrecy is because its scope goes well beyond its publicly stated purpose.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 08:19 AM
For a different angle to Warp Speed,


Charlie Ward does talk about a lot of topics, his calmness with all the crazyness going on is reassuring. In this episode he mentions that Warp Speed is about the new Quantum Financial System in development. He has talked about this in past, looks to be a stronger accounting system to help remove some of the fraud going on.

Looks like SWIFT has some big leaks in it. Naked Short Selling has gone bad. The information assault on the stock market profits is huge. What will really be there as commerce and industry keeps getting hit with covid lock downs and riots?

From what I can see, Trump has a good grip on the US treasury, lot of things have gone quite. Not too sure about the EU banks, paying out well for the lock downs. Deutsche Bank seams to have similar problems to some of the big USA ones. China looks like trouble trying to help steal the election and pushing for the lock downs. The Belts and Road Initiative is funding a lot of China expansion.
edit on 24-11-2020 by kwakakev because: added last sentence.

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