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How is Covid getting Spread the most?

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posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

You do know that Contact tracers are NOT allowed to ask about protests and rallies? I wonder why?

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 12:49 PM
Dont know, but the Ganges River in India seems to be killing the virus, along with everything that quite possibly foreign.

India has the second largest population yet the lowest deaths.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

President-elect Joe Biden COVID-19 adviser: We will not lock down the country

No they wont. But States themselves have the power to and a few like my state WILL. Theyre already doing it as we speak.. as of Friday.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

This article from 2009 looks familiar doesn't it?

This was written about the coming H1N1 pandemic they had that year. Somehow, they did not go into panic and lock everything down over this stuff then.

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