posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 06:49 PM
Any supplements taken need to primarily focus on boosting immune response. Vitamin D supplement is a good one to take, but you need to support it by
taking K2 supplement as well. Other supplements might include anything that aids oxygen transportation.
I have had to work all through this bull#, and apart from having a cold back in February, nothing ever since. I wear a face covering at work, while
shopping, and while using public transport. I find wearing them uncomfortable, as the inner-side of the covering becomes a very good breeding ground
for bacteria and genetic viral material, it's moist and warm. Meanwhile, the outer-side of the covering is open to all sorts of airborne crap landing
on it. The virus is only a couple of microns wide, it will sail right between face-covering fabric onto the breeding ground of the inner-side, and
taken into the body with every breath intake. Disposable face-coverings are probably the better way to go, rather than using coverings for style
rather than practicality, because you wear this kind of face-covering for longer periods. Only wear a face-covering once and for short periods, then
dispose of it.
Drink plenty of 'good' water, and take commonsense precautions, not ones of fear. Apart from the ludicrous responses from government and state
officials (who are clearly following globalisation agendas), you should be okay. The human body has no correlative for combating viral invasion, it is
the best manufacturer of a natural vaccine there is, and it doesn't charge a single penny or cent for it. While it is developing anti-bodies to deal
with viral infections, you will feel ill and get sick. Symptoms will be mild to severe depending upon your immune response, your age, level of
fitness, and any underlying health issues (even if you are fit).
No matter what we do, some people (a small percentage of the population) will die. Government and state responses have exacerbated the crisis beyond
all and reasonable precautions. They have compounded the crisis by making it more wide-spread and more calamitous, more destructive to society, and
are using tyrannical legislation to impose their slapstick will. On this side of the issue, it is down to you people to sort, not politicians.