posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to:
There are a lot of gaps in your understanding that need to be filled in.
God doesn't need to understand who He is. He already knows. He is the "First and the Last", the "Beginning and the End". Your role is to understand
and accept Him for who He is. He is infinite and there is nothing "finite" about Him or his mind. The Bible tells us that His thoughts are higher
than our thoughts and his ways are higher than ours. While He wishes for all of us to develop a RELATIONSHIP with Him, we will never know Him fully
until this life is over and we move on to the next one with Him. This is when God will become "all in all", as the Bible states. Many people and the
earth itself will be destroyed before we get to that point. All evil people and entities will have to be destroyed before that can happen. God will
NOT override the freewill of those people or entities to include them as part of that plan.
Jesus will return to earth, but not as a "simple human". He will return with the force and might of God in his resurrected and incorruptible body
(heavenly body) to reign for a thousand years before the earth is destroyed and is replaced with a new heaven/earth.
As you mentioned, Jesus had plenty to say about the "Word of God" that he preached. You should strive as hard as you can to understand what that
COMPLETE message was, not just the parts that make you feel good. The evil entities that are clearly working overtime in the world today would love
nothing more than to bring you down with them by feeding you half truths with no complete understanding. Pray to Jesus for guidance on the remainder
of your journey and ask that you not be allowed to be deceived.
edit on 21-11-2020 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)