What will be the sequence of events?
I want to get far more detailed in the sequence of events. Generally, a sequence of events conveys to us that we should watch for the conclusion...not
for the event itself. But I want you to be prepared and to study the events!
For instance, you are to be watching for the change of different Governments, currencies; you are to watch for different diplomatic actions and
certain disasters through nature.
Okay, where are we right now in History? The event we, the American people, should be watching for will be a major earthquake which will occur in the
central part of the U.S. (from the straight line that runs up and down in the middle and vertically across the country, west of the Missouri); this
major earthquake will destroy a city by fire.
This will most likely be Kansas City. But, Heaven has never said which city it will be, so, it is not definite that it must be Kansas City. But the
earthquake that will destroy the city will last most of a day. There will be constant earthquakes in that area, causing the church bells in the states
near the gulf coast and all the way to Florida to ring from the shock waves.
This will also cause ruptures in the oil wells on land near the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean and also on the oil rigs out in those two bodies
of water. This will occur right about the same time that Cuba will be given full diplomatic relations with the United States. Overlapping this event,
there will be a sinking of a major warship in the North Atlantic. It will be either an aircraft carrier or a full cruiser because Heaven said there
will be several thousand deaths. Only those types of ships carry such a large number.
When that has happened, there is supposed to be right at the same time, a revolution, a civil war in Italy. This civil war will follow a war that has
already started in Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Austria, and all the different countries along the Baltic and even in Georgia. It also
includes Lebanon, Israel, Syria and other countries. At this point in time, the only country that is not at war is Romania.
When this breaks out into continuous wars, Italy will be invaded in a matter of a few days.
The president of France will be assassinated and also the leader of Germany within two days.
* Note: 5 or 6 different mystics (who have support from their local bishops) in North America, Columbia, and Ecuador have received the same
Now as I have stated previously, the red forces are those who are led by evil. They are all those who are against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, specifically Catholics and other Christians! The different Saints of history have identified these red forces to be
predominately Muslim. This is not to condemn the Muslims. But it points out that the communist Muslims and also the communists themselves, who are
Anti-God, are Anti-Christ, place themselves in that position of being the "red forces." This is also Socialism and Marxism; they are different
tentacles of the same evil.
When those wars break out, when Italy is invaded by the red forces, that is when the Holy Father (Pope John Paul II) flees. Because the Vatican will
also be invaded. When the Holy Father flees, we will be told that he is dead. So there will be no declaration that he has fled. This is where the
people who are following the messages have to realize this is the time we follow from point to point what we have been told in faith, because the
publicly released facts will all be erroneous.
When the Holy Father flees, he will go through Belgium, France, and into Canada. From Canada he will bi-locate into other countries. He will mostly
stay in exile in a remote part of Canada. His stay will be in a part of Canada that will be "passed over" during the invasion of Canada and the
United States.
The United States will be invaded about nine weeks after the Holy Father has been declared dead. The U.S. will be invaded and occupied for a period of
six to seven months. It will not exceed 7 months. At the end of this 6 - 7 month time period is when the Great Warning comes. (The Warning is used by
God, to stop a Third World War.) The United States will have over a third of the country side occupied by a foreign force (and as many as a third of
the population dead). The foreign force will actually be NATO. It will be NATO and the United Nations. The U.N. will invade the United States! As
They will invade us, just as we have invaded other countries, including the former Yugoslavian nations. We have gone in there as a peace keeping force
to make them and their own countries stop fighting. We went in there with our blue helmets and blue berets and everybody backed off. We went there to
liberate that country from it's own occupation. This is exactly the same way that they will invade the United States. At the time of the invasion,
the U.S. will be having racial wars. Obviously this will be an excellent opportunity for the foreign invasion to take place. In 1997, Our Lady allowed
me to see a vision. I saw military aircraft (belonging to other governments) flying over different countries in populated areas. Canada, The United
States, Mexico, Europe, and many nations of Africa. They were spraying fumes into the air. Our Lord told me that this is an attempt to decrease the
number of the population. These are chemical warfare gases that will kill thousands of people, thousands upon thousands of people and yet some people
wonder why we are being told to store water and food, to stay in our homes, and to use sacramentals.
The United Nations will be a united communist force, stating that they have come into the U.S. to liberate the Americans from an occupying force. This
is their plan.
When the United States is invaded, almost every country will be at war. The United States will already have been involved in three foreign wars when
we are invaded. So, that is a clue. We are already involved in two wars, one in the former Yugoslavian area (Bosnia, etc.) and in the Iran, Iraq area.
Those are two wars we are involved in right now. Now all we have to get involved in is a third war. Then we will know that part is completed.
We already know that Heaven has warned us that the United States must give "political recognition in hypocrisy to three nations" that it would not
recognize otherwise. Those three nations are China, Vietnam, and Cuba. They are communist nations that are all against the U.S.A. and what our society
is supposed to stand for. Even the U.S.A. will give them recognition and preference over other countries.
We are having trouble with China right now with stolen American technology, like computer chips and so forth. Yet the United States still gives them
full priority in their dealings and trade with the United States. This is ludicrous.
When the Warning comes, it will stop all the wars. I will go into detail about the Warning later. But for now, know that the Warning will stop all the
fighting. Scripture refers to the "turning swords into plowshares.” Mankind will put down its guns and immediately and impulsively begin to
rebuild. They will leave the cities by the millions and go into the countryside and build hamlets upon hamlets. The only thing is that until they have
the wisdom that is given to them at the time of the Great Miracle at the Second Pentecost, they will not completely understand all truths and
Christ's Teachings.
The Anti-Christ will proclaim worldwide that he brought all these things onto the world to lead the world to him. He will instruct all leaders of the
world to gather together. When the leaders of the world do gather together at the Unite Nations, the Anti-Christ will not show up and none of his
leaders will show up either. And this is the warning that Heaven gave about the United Nations building and parts of New York being destroyed.
taken from:
Father Wingate has these visions which he states as end times prophecy. The thing is...when I was a kid I remember reading in the bible that we
shouldn't listen to or preform any kind of divination. Is he to be beleived?