originally posted by: schrodingers dog
I was very pleased to find your thread. I hope you can forgive my delay in responding. I will risk missing the point of the thread, for just long
enough to address you directly. I only recently returned to ATS, after a long hiatus filled with the same human baggage few seem able to escape. At
this point the best that can be said my presence is that it effectively restored, I will have to shy briskly away from 'legendary.'
As to your reference to the "they/them" distinctions, I suppose that such a conversation would be lengthy, and full of obtuse points that are quite
often not generally well-received. I ken to your use of "aspects" though... I think it is much more in harmony with my perceptions.
I think we are generally on the same page with the inevitable fate of those orchestrating the farce, and the cloistered reality from which they
project their efforts. It's the "bubbles" in which they tend to aggregate. What some might perceive as arrogant/clinical segregation from others is
possibly explained by a similar need to be "tribally cohesive."
... Gaia is done … it will dent your self esteem and next thing you know you’re looking in all sorts of weird places of the internet for
tribal validation.
Perhaps personal intent is the driver of our collective quest to communicate with each other. But the truth is, I think, that we are all
problematically inclined to embrace a "tribal" sense of identity with a set of stated beliefs, and once having done so, we fall prey to same biased
thinking patterns that express the mainstream of human behaviors. The defect is in our oft-time failure to perceive how our own feelings color what
we can perceive.
But I’ve already said too much about all that … the thread topic is you people ruined conspiracies.
Conspiracies, as I was introduced to the 'perspective,' always struck me as potentially the very best way to tackle issues which are made in
communications meant to inform - when the source of those ideas exist far enough outside me to merit deeper investigation.
We all must use the mental tools we have available to us to unravel such matters, and those tools are not equally distributed by the nature of human
existence. Not all will discern the same thing (and frankly, some might not even need or want, to make the effort to extract a judgement on the
"thing" at all.) We congregate, we aggregate, and exercise "who we are" upon the perception of "what it is."
The conspiracy theory "community" (if there is, in reality, such a thing) suffers from the same defects as any other subject-focused group. Being
comprised of individual thinkers, all must express themselves with honesty, sincerity, and clarity. There will be argument. There will be the
smothering of passion, the fizzling of zeal, the social pressure to reject dissent and conform. The only solution in my mind is patient persistence,
dispassionate objectivity, and a willingness to accept that our perspectives can benefit from alteration without threatening our sense of truth or
The problem of pointless dissolution and socially engendered angst manifests itself here, and elsewhere, because our communication form and function
have been harmed. Schools don't teach rhetoric; our children aren't rewarded for critical thinking unless it serves the agendas of those who teach.
We are programmed, at a fundamental level, to reject "values" we may find natural in our minds, in deference to "values"
imposed as a condition
to "pass" a class, or please a mentor - or a socio-political construct.
Such is the conditioning of many of the people whose hearts and minds drive them to the more inquisitive constructs of 'conspiracy theory.' No-on
asks to be responsible for the way people think... but some are willing to teach their "way" as a cultish ritual - to extend and reinforce their own
tribal identity. Perhaps the conspiracy theory community is dysfunctional, fragmented, and rife with nonsense. But so is the outer world we live in.
My friend, a sincere thank you for indulging me here. I hope we can find more ways to exchange ideas... I cherish opportunities to learn.
on 12/9/2022 by Maxmars because: Because I'm not perfect