originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Whodathunkdatcheese
That parallel universe would be called the United States of America.
Lancashire, West Lancashire actually we down to earth ordinary English men of the Shires.
Though I have to admit many of you in other regions have some really daft idea's, lack of common sense in my opinion that or you are doing rather
well under the Tory's, we remember when we had industrial estates, busy dockland's, mining industry all sacrificed on the vanity projects and short
lived boom of the 80's as thatcher enacted her Burned earth policy's, we remember and it still enrages to this day how the sacrifice of our
forefathers, the fight for right's as squandered by short sighted idiot's that kept on voting those lout's into power.
Crowd control, blaming Liverpool fan's for the Heysel stadium riot when in fact it was the Italians that stood up and fired a starter pistol at the
stands in which English men woman and children were sitting, well how would YOU react if some Italian's thug's did that to your family?.
Thatcher used that to enact more powers AGAINST the British People, to bring in more crowd control laws and to curtail rights, she attacked public
But then what do you expect of a woman whom was patently dishonest to the point were she changed the law's for her own selfish reason's, destroyed
our coal industry for one vested reason AND it had nothing to do with stamping out the union's it was about old Dennis and his investments in south
American coal, if she could get rid of the Coal Board she could then bring in her husbands very dirty sulphur filled nasty low quality coal for
penny's instead of pound's for our own high quality coal and make even more money for her family by selling that # to our coal powered electrical
company's, to cover up the money trail she privatised the national grid, get it, her idea of bringing BACK the class system was to ROB the British
people of there asset's by selling them off fast and letting herself and her well to do cronies steal it all for - well a - steal.
I mean alright we NEEDED Chile when the Argies invaded the Falkland's and for that brief instant she was the right woman in the right place at the
right time but the rest of her rule was bloody awful.
Also she was friends with and up Pinoche's arse long before Galtieri tried to keep power by trying to become popular through invading what they call
the Malvinas, Chile is (or was most if not all are probably long dead now) home to many Nazi's and even had very strong ties to older imperial Germany
closely copying the German's uniform's and style for many decades even after WW2, my mother (Anglican) was asked to help get a Priest (Catholic) whom
had jumped ship in Liverpool to Scotland were he would be given safety at a catholic safe house, she agreed and took him to the safe house as it was
through a mutual friend, he stayed one night at our home and I may very well owe him my life, he was also a TOP medical doctor in Chile and his family
had been murdered by Pinoche in the 70's so despite being a Priest he was classed as an enemy of the State by the Junta, while staying that one day
and night he saw me and diagnosed illness which our own doctors had not, he even told my mother what to feed me (a very young boy at the time) to get
me well.
So Let's just point something out to you idiots that are saying what reality am I in, What bloody arsehole reality are YOU in, you do not know me,
you do not know my life and you have no ground upon which to stand.
Now back to OUR politics, there are arseholes in both of OUR party's, the best prime minister we have had since BEFORE Thatcher was John Major,
thatcher was evil, Blair was an utter scum bag and covered up for fraud his wife was involved in, Cameron was a disaster (except getting us that
referendum and to be frank he thought that we were going to vote to stay in so resigned when it all went pear shaped for him since he had all his
money in Europe), may was useless and now another Etonian educated nincompoop is in charge, only the fact it would have been "I will not push the
button" Corbyn makes that even remotely palatable - that and despite difference in political opinion he is still likable having even worse hair than
You know manners, I have NEVER attacked another poster in such a rude and disgustingly idiotic childish and moronic manner as whodathunkdatcheese has
and to be fair if we analyse peoples chosen avatar names? well it boggles the mind, also I find it highly doubtful that someone using that form of
spelling? (Well the education system has gone to the dogs after the brain drain though come on - then again maybe he was educated at Harry Enfield
secondary school or somewhere - bloody dime bars) is actually English or in Britain ANYWHERE for that matter.
edit on 4-11-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)