posted on Oct, 28 2020 @ 10:07 PM
Gone are the day's of political censorship free video sites, political censorship free internet and public interest news sites like WikiLeaks.
Fear has closed down many of this and made other's tippy toe fearing reprisal's of one form or another, many are blocked by some nations as well of
course and in the supposedly free west the internet has faced growing control's both corporate (under copyright excuse) and government.
Some censorship is necessary to clamp down on suicide video's, child abuse and drug dealers using the net for there own end's but YouTube has gone
too far, Spotify will never have the saturation that YouTube has.
But that does not mean YouTube will last forever, it will in time collapse as it alienates it's user base more and more as the days progress and
corporate idiots both out of touch and having no moral backbone of there own close down the wrong sites while letting the quality of the rest of the
site go down as a result.
It is only a matter of time before many of these video sharing sites face the same ultimate demise as there predecessors such as Real Network's
RealNetworks AKA Real Player still exist but are no were near as front line as they once were, by contrast YouTube makes it's living by being front
line so if they lose that they lose there entire business model.
Given there poor choice of which sites to censor under the fake news banner targeting conspiracy sites etc they have it coming anyway but still
something has to fill the void there growing unpopularity will create, if there was a viable large freely and easily accessible alternative they would
face a huge exodus right now so someone out there knows and see's the business opportunity this will provide, sadly that someone has to have a large
amount of initial capital and some star content to get started.
Then they would have to be committed since once they started to bite into the big players share take over bid's would be inevitable and if they sold
out then that would come to nothing in the end.
An alternative would be for YouTube themselves to create another site, create there own competition and play the users likes and dislikes for
management and content styles that way.