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How You will be Enslaved

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posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 09:27 PM
I received an email today from a fairly well known American writer/researcher and I wanted to share his email. I thought it was well written (excerpt starts here):

The Coming of Corporate Collectivism

Benito Mussolini stated that "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power."

Quite so.

Interestingly, many, and perhaps most people today, lack an understanding as to the system under which they are ruled.

In the US in particular, most people who vote Republican take pride in believing that the US is a capitalist state.

Democrats, too, regard the US as a capitalist state, and take the view that that’s what’s wrong with America today. Increasingly, they seek a move in the socialist (or collectivist) direction to save them from the perceived evils of capitalism.

Interestingly, though, the evils to which they refer are the socio-economic inequalities that exist and the fact that those on the lower levels of society have decreasing opportunity to improve their lot in life. And, of course, since they believe they live under a capitalist system, they assume that capitalism must be the problem.

But this is not the case.

It can be said that the first major introduction of corporatist collectivism occurred in 1913, with the introduction of the Revenue Act and the Federal Reserve Act.

These were enacted under President Woodrow Wilson and were peddled to the American public as being anti-corporatist. The Revenue Act, which introduced income tax, was touted as creating a tax primarily for the rich, which would even out income disparities. The Federal Reserve was claimed to be a government agency that would ride herd over the greedy banking interests on Wall Street.

However, those few who actually read the bill learned that the Federal Reserve was neither federal nor a reserve. It was to be owned by the larger banks and would give them the power to control the currency of the US.

By promising collectivist changes, the goals of corporatism were advanced.

And so it is today. Virtually all the ills of American society, as described by liberals, have been caused by the introduction of collectivist concepts, capitalized upon by the plutocracy of the US.

The US is not a capitalist state. If we were to define it accurately, the economic system is corporatist and the social system is collectivist. It is, however, true that there exist the remnants of a free market, or capitalism.

Yet, to most – either liberal or conservative – this would seem impossible. We’ve been taught to regard Wall Street as a denizen for greedy capitalists. Surely, they would never support collectivism – the saviour of the masses.

Well, yes and no. Wall Street has dominated the American economy for over one hundred years. And in all of that time, they’ve sought a greater level of collectivism. They understand that collectivism (under any of its guises of socialism, fascism or communism) is a highly effective means by which to rule over others.

Collectivism does not raise up the masses, as Karl Marx suggested. Instead, it evens out the classes by lowering the great majority of people to an equal level of poverty.

The premise is a simple one: Promise largesse from the government, with the stipulation that basic freedoms must be relinquished in order to receive the largesse. Then, once all have been subjugated under collectivism, the largesse is steadily diminished. Corporate leaders convince the people to give up their rights, but then fail to deliver on their end of the bargain: to bestow riches upon the now-subjugated populace.

And again, this is nothing new. In 1917, one Leon Trotsky was hosted in New York by the most prominent banking and industrial firms. He was provided with funding, along with a US passport, courtesy of President Wilson. A contingent then went with Mister Trotsky to Russia with the funds necessary to wrest control of the new Soviet Union – to replace the Mensheviks with the Lenin/Trotsky-led Bolsheviks. The bargain was that the Soviet Union would be collectivist and that the goods needed by Russians would be supplied from New York, in perpetuity, unseen by the public in either Russia or the US.

Within a decade, the same firms began funding an up-and-coming Adolf Hitler. They funded his rise to power in 1933 and spent the remainder of the decade taking control of much of German industry, in addition to installing American-owned plants in Germany.

Prior to Hitler’s rise, Germany was flat broke and heavily in debt, but the massive monetary shot in the arm from Wall Street firms ensured that Germany would rise quickly and come to dominate Europe. Indeed, without US funding, the creation of the German war machine would have been impossible.

The term "Nazi" is an abbreviation for Nationalsozialistische – the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Like the Russian people, the German people had been sold the collectivist promise, believing that their lives would somehow be better if they agreed to give up their liberties and accept totalitarian rule.

What they received was the totalitarian rule without the promised largesse.

The effort to create the same situation in the US has long been in the works. In the 1930s, great strides were made toward collectivism under the New Deal. However, post-war prosperity made Americans unwilling to give up liberties for largesse.

But today, increased governmental regulation has diminished the free market, diminishing opportunities for the average American. This has created a condition in which roughly half of Americans now buy into the empty promise of collectivism.

America no longer has true "liberal" and "conservative" parties. They now have "liberal" and "liberal-light" parties. Regardless of who is president, the US is on course to go full-bore in 2021 into dramatic social and legislative changes that will complete the transformation into Corporate Collectivism. All that’s needed is a trigger, as occurred in Germany in February of 1933.

Just two weeks prior to the 1933 German national elections, Adolf Hitler hosted a secret fundraising meeting for German and American industrialists, which netted him millions in donations, upon which he could finance a totalitarian corporate collectivist government.

He then surreptitiously created the Reichstag fire, blaming it on dissidents and political opponents, ensuring that he would be elected.

In his address at that fundraiser, he stated,

"There are only two possibilities, either to crowd back the opponent on constitutional grounds, and for this purpose once more we have this [upcoming] election, or a struggle will be conducted with other weapons, which may demand greater sacrifices… I hope the German people thus recognize the greatness of this hour."

Germany was about to receive a totalitarian corporate collectivist rule, either through election or through the creation of civil unrest.

Similarly, the US today is about to undergo dramatic change. The remaining question is whether that will take place through election or its historic alternative.

(End excerpt.)

I and many others share similar views of what is occurring. If enough people know what is going on, perhaps we can change the onslaught of what is going on. Decades ago, more people were hip to this general plan and were aware of these things. Today, however, especially among young folk, they seem to be naive to these things.

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 09:27 PM
Here is another excerpt from a book written in 1971 called - None Dare Call It Conspiracy

"Socialism would be the bait … the excuse to establish the dictatorship. Since dictatorship is hard to sell in idealistic terms, the idea had to be added that the dictatorship was just a temporary necessity and would soon dissolve of its own accord. You really have to be naive to swallow that, but millions do?

The drive to establish SOCIALISM, not Communism, is at the core of everything the Communists and the Insiders do. Marx and all of his successors in the Communist movement have ordered their followers to work on building SOCIALISM. If you go to hear an official Communist speaker, he never mentions Communism. He will speak only of the struggle to complete the socialization of America. If you go to a Communist bookstore you will find that all of their literature pushes this theme. It does not call for the establishment of Communism, but SOCIALISM. "

I don't know how any organization can stay on an agenda that spans so many generations. Or perhaps it is a natural phenomenon.. Whatever the case it exists. Perhaps what we are witnessing are the final stages of their plan.

I am not going to make believe I understand their plan however this, which is happening right now seems like a big new step. The thing occurring right now is to change our financial system to what they have coined "The Great Reset"

(First excerpt written by Doug Casey)
edit on 26-10-2020 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 09:27 PM
placer 2

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 09:39 PM
I think the supreme Court would definitely be involved in such a transition of power these days.

It also remember over let's say 100 million Americans have firearms that they're immediate possession.

But what I've noticed from being outside is that the American rights are being diminished and being replaced with privileges you know just like a driver's license this is the greatest fear that is being put into the American consciousness the loss of Rights.

And my firm belief that the loss of Rights will eventually be lost and replaced with government given privileges and one of the privileges would be as we see today actually if you're on The blacklist no fly list is the privilege to fly internationally.

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 09:49 PM
Man’s Inhumanity to Man... Study history. Not going to change without divine intervention.

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 10:07 PM
I must look up the double post ss..tats as to variabiliy.

As for philosophical aspects in politics, the like of Prescott Bush only proves the corruptness in much of American political activity that amounts to no more than personal greed in the guise of politics.

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: smurfy

No president acts autonomously. Presidents are like hired actors (which explains why actors do so well).

They are controlled / "advised" by much greater powers.

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: nOraKat
a reply to: smurfy

No president acts autonomously. Presidents are like hired actors (which explains why actors do so well).

They are controlled / "advised" by much greater powers.

I know that, all you need to do is to look up the, Council for National Policy, NRA Russian interlopers, Bannon, Kelly Anne and more.

No, I'm more interested in the novel way you posted several times without your stats having any changes?

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: nOraKat

to me the most extreme example of Corporate Collectivism in the past 110 yrs is obumacare.
at no point in the history of this country has the president met with heads of a industry at the White House behind closed doors which only he and one other person met with them to concoct a plan, law or better yet a ponzi scheme to force U.S. citizens to purchase a product from privately owned/ corporations and if not be penilized/ taxed if you didn't.

what's so sad about it, people defend this plan, law or better yet this ponzi scheme did nothing to make health care more affordable, nor the insurance you were forced to buy.

edit on 26-10-2020 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Man, you do not even want to know the volume of ammunition that has been amassed with those firearms. Some of us will refuse to have less than a few thousand rounds per arm in stockpile which is rotated out for training as new stock is acquired. This helps to keep your ammo from just degrading from sitting around for years.

I do something similar with stockpiles of of rice and cooking oils. I mean even if it sat for years it would still be safe to eat down the ways.

The biggest concern is not the human police, as a significant percent of that population will refuse to enforce orders to enslave the population. My lovely Florida is a prime example, many sheriff's openly promoting their citizens be well armed and trained and many refusing to enforce the dictatorial edicts laid down by specific jurisdictions mayors and councils/commissioners. Some cities the mayor's have castrated policies passed by their council.

It is shameful though to see once great states like Arizona and Texas have succumbed on a state level. Wtf happened??
Whatever happens, Florida will and should lead this country into its renewed renaissance.

Our governor has freed the people. It's up to the people themselves to be free of corporate tyranny though, and the most powerful weapon in your arsenal is to stop giving companies like wal mart home depot and other grocers and general stores your money while they enforce anti-freedom policies.

Why is that so difficult?? Is it so #ing hard to sew a damn patch onto your pants or do without your favorite brand name niche foods?? Just because your local bodega does not carry velveeta or your favorite cereal does not mean you even need the stuff. Need wood, plumbing fixtures or tools?? There are usually independent lumber suppliers as well as plenty of independent plumbing supply businesses if you live even thirty minutes from an urban area with at least an 80,000 population. Stop paying the fascists to extort their own employees into enforcing tyranny on you.
Learn to live with a little bit less for now until the war subsides. And do. It be mistaken, this operation is a war against freedom and self empowerment. Freedom will win.

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: smurfy

I know that, all you need to do is to look up the, Council for National Policy, NRA Russian interlopers, Bannon, Kelly Anne and more. 


Is that all you need to look up?

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

Right, they're basically forcing you to buy health coverage or be penalized for it monetarily. Win win!

"No but we're helping you.." There also had a really aggressive sales force. I spoke to them on the phone..

Most people basically do not think about anything. Its like when you sell a Big Mac - you show a really juicy burger on TV.. When people go into McDonalds to eat their mystery patties - they don't see the ugly mystery patties and poor quality food, instead they see the juicy burger that was on TV. 'Hurray, the first Black president has come to save us!'.. Thats what people see in their minds.

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 02:52 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

The plan is mass shootings, like the Port Arthur Massacre in Australia that resulted in everyone handing in their automatic weapons. Even handguns and rifles were difficult to keep because you had to belong to a gun club or something and they had to be kept in a locker locked up and subject to inspections.

I think there are more people in older generations that are suspicious of government but in many of the younger generations, they seem oblivious to whats going on.

I don't think these guys care too much about handguns and rifles. They want your automatic weapons. They prob figure they can contend with any militias armed without them.

As far as "slavery", it prob won't be the case where they lock anybody up, but will be the sort of slavery where you are poor, in a rut and helpless; Or working somewhere every waking hour and just too tired to do anything, or homeless. Too weak, uneducated, disorganized, in-the-dark so to speak to rise up. Yup, that sounds about where everybody (or many people) are at today already. Perhaps they want to make anyone up to the upper middle class equally helpless. Well thats easy keep raising real estate taxes.

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: Maluhia
Man’s Inhumanity to Man... Study history. Not going to change without divine intervention.

Wouldn't devinity be responsible?

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: smurfy

I know that, all you need to do is to look up the, Council for National Policy, NRA Russian interlopers, Bannon, Kelly Anne and more. 


Is that all you need to look up?

Mind your manners, however i t is a good place to start, but only for those who are really interested, and not the three monkeys.

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum stated that:

Today’s consumers do not want more and better goods and services for a reasonable price. Rather, they increasingly expect companies to contribute to social welfare and the common good. There is both a fundamental need and an increasingly widespread demand for a new kind of “capitalism.”

So we the consumers will gladly pay an unreasonable amount for goods so that companies can determine where yet more of our money is spent. No doubt in lockstep with our benevolent governments.

He has also determined our new kind of "capitalism" will be Stakeholder capitalism:

To meet that need, the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council has developed a set of “Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics,” so that businesses can get on the same page when it comes to assessing value and risks.

Can't wait for the next elitists Davos meeting when they expand on their manifest to present to the deplorables.

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 09:54 AM
Socialism institutes, by law, a monopoly which is not easily revoked. This entity undergoes little to no oversight. All the promises for the people are slowly slipped out of the deal because the socialist monopoly has no competition and therefore can do whatever they want. Such a change would be a dream for the capitalist elites (who would inherit the socialist thrones of the new system), whereas it is a nightmare for us capitalist pawns. Once the system is established, it would be extremely difficult to overthrow - especially since media outlets would consistently be serving the socialist overlords.

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

"With capitalism, man enslaves man, with socialism, it is reversed."
-Mark Twain

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

Do you see the irony in complaining about Corporate capitalism on the World Wide Web?

edit on 27-10-2020 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: nOraKat

Do you see the irony in complaining about capitalism on the World Wide Web.

Is it fair to complain about only one edge on a double-edged sword?

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