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UFOs Over Schools.

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posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit

Sadly, I've given up hope of it ever appearing, mate.

I'm not holding my breath either mate but last time Randall spoke to Martin Willis the release was still on - his website is still up (with reviews) and it rather optimistically states 'Coming Soon'.

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit

Meanwhile, James Fox's new film 'Phenomenon' serves as a decent summary of the Ariel school event, itself the climax of the entire documentary

Haven't managed to watch that one yet (or the Juan Perez doco) but did find it interesting that Nickerson was going pretty in depth on other UFO reports around the same time and area.

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit

(which did NOT, much to my blessed relief, end up as a pseudo-promo for TTSA and the Nimitz saga).

Good to hear and have to say I was a bit concerned when I saw the trailer.

As for Dennett he makes some pretty intriguing comments here about how other researchers down the years like John Keel, Raymond Fowler, Shannon Quinn, Marcus Lowth and APRO's Coral and Jim Lorenzen have also made the UFO/school connection.

Following the Hillsdale sightings, pioneering researchers Coral and Jim Lorenzen (the founders of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, APRO) realized that UFOs were strangely attracted to schools. They also had a theory as to why.  In March 1966, with no knowledge of the Westall High School encounter about to occur two weeks later, Coral Lorenzen wrote, “We have mentioned previously that an outstanding number of sightings of UFOs have been made in the vicinity of or over schoolyards. If the appearance of the objects over cities for long periods of time and repeatedly during the last year indicates an attempt at indoctrination, it may be that a peaceful contact may be attempted, and that schools are being overflown and the craft are exhibiting themselves there for a very good reason: Children are definitely less subject to dogmatic or pre-conceived notions than adults. Perhaps the visitors hope that exhibitions over schools will influence the population to some extent.”

At the same exact time that the Lorenzens noticed this pattern, pioneering researcher Raymond Fowler discovered the same thing. “During the month of April 1966,” writes Fowler, “I received a total of twenty-two reports that were evaluated as being in the ‘unknown’ category. Six of these involved UFOs hovering over or around school buildings.”

Also in 1966, researcher John Keel was investigating and documenting a wave of sightings and unexplained events in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Like the Lorenzens and Fowler, Keel noticed that a large number of his cases involved schools. After investigating the case of a landed UFO, he wrote, “I was perturbed to find that it was right next to the Duncan Falls Elementary School. An unusual number of sightings and Fortean events seem to be concentrated around schools, and the largest percentage of witnesses consists of children between the ages of seven and eighteen.”

Other researchers have noticed this pattern. On February 16, 2018, researcher Shannon Quinn wrote, “There are countless sightings all over the world, but some of the most compelling stories come from not just one person, but an entire group of people who witnessed a strange phenomenon together. For whatever reason, schools have become a common place for UFO sightings to occur. True believers think that young schoolchildren are less threatening to aliens, so it makes them easier to approach with their messages from beyond our galaxy.”

Researcher Marcus Lowth, after investigating the Crestview Elementary School case in Opa-locka, discovered a long history of schoolyard encounters and writes, “UFO sightings witnessed over schools by multiple students is not quite as rare as one might think.”



posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: karl 12

I was interviewed by Randall NIckerson some years ago. . . very interesting man, who was also a "victim". A distant acquaintance of mine thought my sighting had been in Africa (it was in Europe) & gave him my address etc.

Anyway, I won't discuss him (RN) as he can & should speak for himself, but I (& many other kids) saw a silver sphere high in the sky, which our science teacher insisted was "The Planet Venus", which was never seen before or after. . .

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: karl 12

and that schools are being overflown and the craft are exhibiting themselves there for a very good reason: Children are definitely less subject to dogmatic or pre-conceived notions than adults

Also children dont (at least shouldnt) have guns. If there hasn't been any reports of a child being abducted from a school yard then its an interesting puzzle as to why they are there. First thought that comes to mind is abduction. If its not that, and it doesn't seem to be, then it begs the question why are they above schools?

posted on Oct, 28 2020 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1

Josh Gates for the Travel Channel did a segment with J. Fox on Ariel school UFO also back in 2017.

Thanks for posting that one amigo, hadn't heard some of that testimony before - some insanely bad camera work whilst they're interviewing the witnesses but I suppose that's the way it's done these days - could be nothing but there's some degraded, low quality tape on this vid from Wao Central School in 1991.

Also found this entry in the Gribble archives but haven't found the specific call yet.

Among other disc tracks is the case of children at a California school who watch a Saturn-like UFO hover over their school, accompanied by a massive vibration in the area..

Robert Gribble's Audio UFO Collection.


posted on Oct, 28 2020 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: kiro8lak

Seems like a great guy mate, here's his most recent interview where he talks about other UFO (and humanoid) sightings during the same timeframe as Ariel.


There's also a good search tool below provided by Albert over at RealTVUFOs which focuses on UFO events over schools (great shame that the UFODNA database website has been recently shut down).

Website Searches: Focus On UFO Incidents At Learning Institutions (Schools/Universities/Colleges)

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge

then it begs the question why are they above schools?

Beats me and guess that's the big question mate ..although they're also disproportionately witnessed over mines, power stations, power lines, hydroelectric dams etc..

Completely off topic but Preston also presents some UFO cases here involving UFOs over prisons.


posted on Oct, 28 2020 @ 10:31 AM
Awesome thread mate - S&F

An underappreciated / hardly spoken of topic in my opinion

posted on Oct, 28 2020 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: pigsy2400

An underappreciated / hardly spoken of topic in my opinion

Yes mate and does seem like in a number of these school cases the gov/military folks who turn up shortly afterwards are positively jumping over themselves to silence and intimidate witnesses (both child and adult) and impose some kind of lame debunk onto proceedings.

One of the schoolteacher witnesses in the Westall case even claims he got a house visit one evening from three rather intimidating men (two in dark suits, one in uniform) who threatened him about ever discussing the incident (19:45) and there are quite a few similar accounts out there.

Did see Shawmanfromny authoured another thread a while back featuring Dr. James E. McDonald interviewing another Westall teacher witness - also thought McDonald's Australian TV comments were pretty much spot on.


TV interview:

Interview of James E. McDonald on Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) television program, This Day Tonight (TDT), hosted by Bill Peach and filmed in Melbourne, Australia. Broadcast date: 4 July 1967

edit on 28-10-2020 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2020 @ 12:39 PM
This may sound like an odd comment to make etc - but did any of the children in any of the incidents then go on to work in the military?

Edit: I am going to assume that a percentage of some of them would have done, I am more looking at those that then went onto do a lot in their chosen careers - not just military.
edit on p481246202400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

edit on p10208202400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2020 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge

Hhahaaa he was asked to leave after making Devil's Mountain with his mashed potatoes.

They just deleted it lol.

posted on Oct, 28 2020 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
a reply to: karl 12

and that schools are being overflown and the craft are exhibiting themselves there for a very good reason: Children are definitely less subject to dogmatic or pre-conceived notions than adults

Also children dont (at least shouldnt) have guns. If there hasn't been any reports of a child being abducted from a school yard then its an interesting puzzle as to why they are there. First thought that comes to mind is abduction. If its not that, and it doesn't seem to be, then it begs the question why are they above schools?

Ever heard of "child soldiers?"

Rest assured...As far as my knowledge --- There hasn't been a single documented incident about ET aliens kidnapping or abusing children.

posted on Oct, 28 2020 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Concerning the artist's depiction of the ET with the 3 fingered hands, that the Zimbabwean schoolkid saw:

I would tend to speculate...that if the alien had three fingered hands --- He would have three toed feet as well --- Which could be another physical attribute of a purported ET dinosauroid --- Along with the males having a internally sheathed penis.
edit on 28-10-2020 by Erno86 because: deleted an added a word

posted on Oct, 28 2020 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge

Hhahaaa he was asked to leave after making Devil's Mountain with his mashed potatoes.

They just deleted it lol.


posted on Oct, 28 2020 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: Erno86

Ever heard of "child soldiers?"

Rest assured...As far as my knowledge --- There hasn't been a single documented incident about ET aliens kidnapping or abusing children.

I always thought it might be because children are usually full of childlike wonder and more receptive to such things.

Maybe it's a way to "test" whether or not they ( the aliens ) will be well recieved one day instead of being viewed as a hostile element?

edit on 10/28/20 by GENERAL EYES because: minor edit

posted on Oct, 29 2020 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: pigsy2400

I am more looking at those that then went onto do a lot in their chosen careers - not just military.

Would certainly be some interesting research to conduct mate and the Ariel witnesses could make a good target group as Nickerson has now been in contact with a great many of them as adults (likewise Shane Ryan with Westall).

• More on the Jerome Elementary 'angel hair' case.

One of the most interesting happenings took place not long ago in Ohio.

 This occurred last October 22, some 15 miles northwest of Columbus. The pupils of Jerome Elementary School had been granted an extra recess that afternoon as a reward for good behavior. As described by one of the two teachers of the school, Mrs. George W. Dittmar, "It was one of those glorious warm fall days and the whole sky was a clear blue."

The attention of the children became directed toward a strange object in the sky circling high above the school. The object was dazzling bright and cigar-shaped. The children watched the object a while before thinking to call their principal, R. R. Warrick. In response to their shouts Mr. Warrick came out to the fire escape in time to observe the object at that moment hanging high and motionless in the sky. Then the ship made off at tremendous speed, disappearing rapidly from view.

Mr. Warrick called Mrs. Dittmar, who at once came out on the fire escape too late to observe the object, but in time to witness a most beautiful scene. For, as the object darted away there appeared another strange sight. The air as high and far around as the teachers and children could see was filled with "the most beautiful soft white looking tufts like cotton slowly floating to the ground." Mr. Warrick said it was almost at once as the object disappeared that this material began to show in the sky. For about 45 minutes they watched this fibrous material floating downward.

The children brought up pieces of it to the fire escape for Mr. Warrick and Mrs. Dittmar to examine. In the words of Mrs. Dittmar "the substance had long fibers very much as if someone had taken strands of 'angel hair' and pushed some in bunches toward the middle or end, leaving a trail of fibers attached to it. It was very fine and soft to touch. It did not stick to our hands, but when we held two ends and pulled, it stretched without tearing. Where it stretched it had a shiny appearance. The part we held between our fingers very quickly seemed to go to nothing.

"However, we could roll it between our fingers into a very, very tiny ball. In a short while our hands had a green stain on them. I soon washed my hands in warm water and the stain rinsed quickly off. Mr. Warrick said he was leaving his on his hands to see what would happen. He later said his hands became clammy and finally the color disappeared of its own accord."

Mrs. Dittmar goes on to say, "When we left the school, we noticed it clinging to the grass, flagpole, and some on the cars. I believe the thing that impressed me even further was what we saw as we drove the three miles to the Columbus road. The telephone wires were completely woven shut, as if hands had carefully spread 'angel hair' out very evenly. Not only this, but the telephone wires were connected to the electric wires on the other side of the road, so that it was like a misty canopy over the road for three miles. No more seemed to be coming down by this time."

In addition to the statements by Mrs. Dittmar and Mr. Warrick, it seemed advisable to get testimony from the children. So in answer to my request Mrs. Dittmar suggested to some of the sixth grade pupils that a college professor would like their stories about what they had seen. Letters from six of the children were received. Mrs. Dittmar wrote that she had "no desire to try to excite the children or work them up in any way." But those that did write, freely and on their own account and without any prompting or suggestions from their teacher, were more impressed by the fact that a college professor was interested in getting letters from them than by their strange experience. Mrs. Dittmar explained, "I did not tell them to write the paper. I did not tell them what to write. "

The letters of the children are most interesting, each telling in his own words what he or she saw. These letters support in an impressive way the more detailed statements of the teachers. There is no question in my own mind of the sincerity and truthfulness of these statements. The writer makes no effort to interpret the phenomenon witnessed by these two teachers and their pupils. It is up to the reader to pass judgment as to the reality of what was experienced.


• More on the 1959 Ufo Evora college 'angel hair' case from Portugal.

See 16:10

a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Think they saw your post on this thread mate?

edit on 29-10-2020 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2020 @ 08:38 AM
Don't forget the Broad Haven School UFO in Wales in 1977

That was my first ever thread on here. Fortunately it's still a story from the UK's 'golden age of UFOs' that remains pretty much unchanged. Even 40 years later.

The children were asked to draw what they saw under "exam like conditions" so they would not compare each others notes.

It was even featured on the BBC Newsround bulletin.

posted on Oct, 29 2020 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: mirageman

I'm always curious how much subconscious seeding is a factor.

For example, it seems that a number of the Broad Haven drawings look like
those early coleman lantern lid fakes.

Another good example might be the somewhat triangular/BTUFO ships from
'war of the worlds', an early source of images.

Of course 'tic tacs' are simply blurry images; a large amount of 'ufo sightings' are just
blurry images in the sky.

I'm not saying there isn't something 'there', 'there'.

But our unconscious minds seem to show us things that we can comprehend..
like taking stock photo images off the shelf.


posted on Oct, 29 2020 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Ah yes he mentions it in the presentation mate - also claims that the MOD lied about interest in the case.

Great thread and does seem there was quite a bit of school UFO activity at the time - seem to remember John Hanson also finding other reports from around the same time and area.

This issue contains the article entitled “A WELSH MISCELLANY – Part Two.”

BUFORA presents a report on the 1977 South Wales, UK, UFO ‘flap’ in the article.

The article reports on the following UFO incidents that occurred at Welsh schools in February 1977:

3 February: Nine girls and a teacher sighted a silvery, cigar shaped UFO with a dome on top at the Rhos-y-Bol (Anglesey) County Primary School at 3:20 p.m. Anglesey is an island off the north west coast of Wales.

3 February: A cigar shaped UFO flew over the Herbrandston School buildings at playtime, according to the article.

4 February 1977: On this date, 14 pupils at the Broad Haven County Primary School (Pembrokeshire, South Wales, UK) claimed that they had sighted a cigar shaped object with a dome and a being with pointed ears that stood near the unknown object.

10 February: An orange-coloured, oval UFO was sighted by two skateboarding boys at Haverfordwest Grammar School.

17 February: A Broad Haven County Primary School teacher saw a large, shiny, metallic, oval object in the sky. The unknown object, which had a small dome, ‘had a number of ridges,’ according to BUFORA.

link / BUFORA Journal No. 4 (PDF File)

posted on Oct, 29 2020 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: karl 12

I"m curious if puberty is a factor.

posted on Oct, 29 2020 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Did cross my mind too mate but looks like in some cases professors, teachers, teacher's assistants and caretakers also witness the objects.

The time spacing between sightings may also turn up something and thought there was some interesting reading below on AH cases.


One of the mysterious features of the angel-hair enigma is that while it shows definite signs of connections to UFOs, it is not prominent in all UFO waves.

Looking at the classic wave years of 1947, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1966–1967, and1973, a very interesting correlation emerges..

PDFSLIDE - An Analysis Of Angel Hair

edit on 29-10-2020 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2020 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Well, kids going through puberty are purported to cause poltergeist
phenomenon of course.

And of course a horny teenager might turn into some sort of

The real question, is whether we can EVER take the observer out
of the picture and point at something as being objective, empirically
solid without being filtered through a human mind.

Doesn't seem to be the case, right?

I mean, if you put up ' automatic trail cameras', never in the history
of the world has one caught much of anything?

But gather together some human minds, and you get 'UFOs'.

Again, not saying that some more physical phenomenon or
intelligence might not mess with us.. but by all objective
measures ;-) if you take humans out of the mix, there simply

I hope you get my point. I'm not saying there are no UFOs..
but I sorta am. (if a tree falls in the forest sort of thing).


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