posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 12:42 PM
I've said this many times around here, and elsewhere.
It's the one thing you can say on any thread on this site that will be ignored by the majority talking in it.
7 little words many seem to be blind to.
"What are you going to do about it?"
Oh my some rich people are doing terrible things to kids! I AM OUTRAGED..... but what are you going to do about it?
The cops are corrupt. Criminals are getting off easy! I AM OUTRAGED...... but what are you going to do about it?
The politicians my taxes pay, our employees, are bending us over and screwing us hard! I AM OUTRAGED..... but what are you going to do about it?
The elections are rigged! (But my vote matters) I AM OUTRAGED..... but what are you going to do about it?
I'll tell you what you're going to do about it. The same as the answer you'll give me to that question every time I ask about it. NOTHING.
But seriously, don't get angry, misread what I am saying. Sure feel attacked, because you should be. I AM calling you out.
Tell me I am on my high horse, because I bloody well am.
Tell me, impotent ragers of ATS, what is your limit? What does it take for you to actually get off your arses and do something about everything
currently wrong with your world?
(A problem world wide not just restricted to this site.)
What does it take for you to get so enraged you go form a militia, march on your parliament house, senate or whatever and use that Democracy you're
always going on about?
How about you who always spout "2nd Amendment!!! I has guns and aint afraid to use them!" Really? If you're not afraid then why haven't you used
them yet hmmm?
How many kids being murdered and molested does it take before you get off your arses and do something about it?
Or is it not a matter of quantity but quality. You'll only care when it is affecting you directly? When it's your kid?
How much bull manure can be dumped on you before you do something about the person or people dumping it?
When does impotent venting turn into righteous action?
What will it take for you to get off the internet and onto the 'White House' lawn?
Heck many of you will gladly go sit on the Mexican border and help deal with 'illegals', you can happily use your guns there, hell you'll even make
entire threads bragging about how much of a hero you are.
You'll brag about how you killed some poor foreign dude in his own country to protect your nation and peoples, about how much of a hero you are and
how much your dick should be sucked....but...
....but you never say how you're going after the enemies in your own country. People that are genuine threats to your freedumbs and lieberties.
Oh wait, because shooting unarmed border crossers, and goat herders in some 3rd world # holes is easy... hell you'll be supported doing that, but
clearly dealing with your own criminals and scum is hard.
You selectively pick and choose your battles. You'll attack one evil and give 10 others a free pass depending on if it is your team or the other team
doing it.
So yeah, to all the righteously outraged on this forum, those who post the same impotent # day after day and little else. Going around in circles
preaching to your own choirs and nothing else.
What does it take for you to do something about that which irks you? Attacking strangers on the internet is easy. Anyone can do it. Even me.
But what does it take for you to get out from behind the safety of your computer and take action?
To back up your words with actions?
Why is it you've got a lot to say until someone comes along and points out your bull crap? Or offers a solution to the problem. Then it's silence.
Or then it's projecting and finger pointing.
It's anything but actually addressing the situation.
Are you scared? It's okay if you are. Just be honest and admit it to yourself at least.
But every time you make a post saying the same manure over and over about how outraged you are, how soon, very soon, you'll do something about it,
but never will, never have any intention of doing anything about it, you just look like an idiot.
I could link literally thousands of posts on this site alone where a lot of you 'S&F whores" say you'll deal with it, have been saying it for
years, but years later are saying the same manure and little else. In your own heads have you actually said it enough times you believe yourself?
But yeah, what are you going to do about it? When are you going to do it?
When do you put your money where your mouth is?
What will it take, I am genuinely interested?
You'd happily come attack me for making a post like this. Willingly missing the point in general. Hell I'd bet many of you'd happily get violent in
real life with me if you could because of my words, but why can you not do the same to the people truly screwing you life?
No please tell me. What will it take for you to say enough is enough and get off your arses and do something?
Or do you just like the sound of your own voices, and that is all it is about.
Is it you just don't believe the crap you're saying, you just know it'll get you some virtual points from the other brainwashed sheep also
pretening to be wolves?
"Come on mate, it's just a game. It's about getting the high score. It's just text based pac man. It's about having fun, we don't really want to
change things...."
Because that is sure as hell what it comes off as.
But c'mon, here's your chance if it's not true. Covid bullshot, BLM bullshot, Draining the Swamp bullshot, people mutilating kids bullshot, open
border bullshot, politics in general bullshot, antifa bullshot, MSM is pushing agendas bullshot, ALL THE BULLSHOT!!! Any bullshot you whine about
everyday is ruining your world.
All the obvious and not so obvious ills of the world.
7 words... words most of you seem blind to. Willfully or ignorantly blind to.
Tell me down below. What are the solutions to your problems. What are you going to do about it? When are you finally going to act? How much is too
much for you? What is your breaking point?
Or are you just gonna keep posting the same drivel for another 10 years, keep electing the same dickheads etc? Keep doing the same # over and over and
wondering why you're getting the same results? Just keep waiting for someone else to magically come fix your problems for you.
Keep posting the same crap day in day out and little else.
You going to do something about it? Tell me, or am I just going to get the usual responses I get when I ask this question?
Straw manning.
Everyone elses fault but your own?
Maybe we can get some classic responses.
"I want to do something, but what's the use, nobody listens....."
"I want to do something, but we should discuss it for another 20 years first...."
"I want to do something, but it's not MY job to do so...."
"ME? ME? WHAT ABOUT YOU MR KANGAROO? I feel attacked so let me just abuse you instead"
or my absolute favourite:
"You're not from my country so you don't matter now shut up."
Only so much one man can do against the world. So why won't you who are supposedly as pissed off about the current state of the world as I come join
me and we'll go do something about it?
It'll mean leaving your team colours at the door. No room for left or right. Only Right and Wrong, Good and Bad.
If you're wondering about me and what I am willing to do.
I've been raring to go for a long time now.
Do you really want to clean up the world?