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What's your limit? How much BS will you carry?

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posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 12:42 PM
I've said this many times around here, and elsewhere.

It's the one thing you can say on any thread on this site that will be ignored by the majority talking in it.

7 little words many seem to be blind to.

"What are you going to do about it?"

Oh my some rich people are doing terrible things to kids! I AM OUTRAGED..... but what are you going to do about it?

The cops are corrupt. Criminals are getting off easy! I AM OUTRAGED...... but what are you going to do about it?

The politicians my taxes pay, our employees, are bending us over and screwing us hard! I AM OUTRAGED..... but what are you going to do about it?

The elections are rigged! (But my vote matters) I AM OUTRAGED..... but what are you going to do about it?

I'll tell you what you're going to do about it. The same as the answer you'll give me to that question every time I ask about it. NOTHING.

But seriously, don't get angry, misread what I am saying. Sure feel attacked, because you should be. I AM calling you out.
Tell me I am on my high horse, because I bloody well am.

Tell me, impotent ragers of ATS, what is your limit? What does it take for you to actually get off your arses and do something about everything currently wrong with your world?
(A problem world wide not just restricted to this site.)

What does it take for you to get so enraged you go form a militia, march on your parliament house, senate or whatever and use that Democracy you're always going on about?

How about you who always spout "2nd Amendment!!! I has guns and aint afraid to use them!" Really? If you're not afraid then why haven't you used them yet hmmm?

How many kids being murdered and molested does it take before you get off your arses and do something about it?
Or is it not a matter of quantity but quality. You'll only care when it is affecting you directly? When it's your kid?

How much bull manure can be dumped on you before you do something about the person or people dumping it?

When does impotent venting turn into righteous action?

What will it take for you to get off the internet and onto the 'White House' lawn?

Heck many of you will gladly go sit on the Mexican border and help deal with 'illegals', you can happily use your guns there, hell you'll even make entire threads bragging about how much of a hero you are.
You'll brag about how you killed some poor foreign dude in his own country to protect your nation and peoples, about how much of a hero you are and how much your dick should be sucked....but...

....but you never say how you're going after the enemies in your own country. People that are genuine threats to your freedumbs and lieberties.
Oh wait, because shooting unarmed border crossers, and goat herders in some 3rd world # holes is easy... hell you'll be supported doing that, but clearly dealing with your own criminals and scum is hard.

You selectively pick and choose your battles. You'll attack one evil and give 10 others a free pass depending on if it is your team or the other team doing it.

So yeah, to all the righteously outraged on this forum, those who post the same impotent # day after day and little else. Going around in circles preaching to your own choirs and nothing else.

What does it take for you to do something about that which irks you? Attacking strangers on the internet is easy. Anyone can do it. Even me.
But what does it take for you to get out from behind the safety of your computer and take action?

To back up your words with actions?

Why is it you've got a lot to say until someone comes along and points out your bull crap? Or offers a solution to the problem. Then it's silence. Or then it's projecting and finger pointing.
It's anything but actually addressing the situation.

Are you scared? It's okay if you are. Just be honest and admit it to yourself at least.

But every time you make a post saying the same manure over and over about how outraged you are, how soon, very soon, you'll do something about it, but never will, never have any intention of doing anything about it, you just look like an idiot.

I could link literally thousands of posts on this site alone where a lot of you 'S&F whores" say you'll deal with it, have been saying it for years, but years later are saying the same manure and little else. In your own heads have you actually said it enough times you believe yourself?

But yeah, what are you going to do about it? When are you going to do it?
When do you put your money where your mouth is?
What will it take, I am genuinely interested?

You'd happily come attack me for making a post like this. Willingly missing the point in general. Hell I'd bet many of you'd happily get violent in real life with me if you could because of my words, but why can you not do the same to the people truly screwing you life?

No please tell me. What will it take for you to say enough is enough and get off your arses and do something?
Or do you just like the sound of your own voices, and that is all it is about.

Is it you just don't believe the crap you're saying, you just know it'll get you some virtual points from the other brainwashed sheep also pretening to be wolves?

"Come on mate, it's just a game. It's about getting the high score. It's just text based pac man. It's about having fun, we don't really want to change things...."

Because that is sure as hell what it comes off as.

But c'mon, here's your chance if it's not true. Covid bullshot, BLM bullshot, Draining the Swamp bullshot, people mutilating kids bullshot, open border bullshot, politics in general bullshot, antifa bullshot, MSM is pushing agendas bullshot, ALL THE BULLSHOT!!! Any bullshot you whine about everyday is ruining your world.
All the obvious and not so obvious ills of the world.

7 words... words most of you seem blind to. Willfully or ignorantly blind to.


Tell me down below. What are the solutions to your problems. What are you going to do about it? When are you finally going to act? How much is too much for you? What is your breaking point?

Or are you just gonna keep posting the same drivel for another 10 years, keep electing the same dickheads etc? Keep doing the same # over and over and wondering why you're getting the same results? Just keep waiting for someone else to magically come fix your problems for you.
Keep posting the same crap day in day out and little else.

You going to do something about it? Tell me, or am I just going to get the usual responses I get when I ask this question?

Straw manning.

Everyone elses fault but your own?

Maybe we can get some classic responses.

"I want to do something, but what's the use, nobody listens....."
"I want to do something, but we should discuss it for another 20 years first...."
"I want to do something, but it's not MY job to do so...."
"ME? ME? WHAT ABOUT YOU MR KANGAROO? I feel attacked so let me just abuse you instead"
or my absolute favourite:

"You're not from my country so you don't matter now shut up."

Only so much one man can do against the world. So why won't you who are supposedly as pissed off about the current state of the world as I come join me and we'll go do something about it?
It'll mean leaving your team colours at the door. No room for left or right. Only Right and Wrong, Good and Bad.
If you're wondering about me and what I am willing to do.
I've been raring to go for a long time now.

Do you really want to clean up the world?

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 12:50 PM
Im gonna do the same as you,
bitch about it on ATS.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

Well let's see.
Multiple years on the school board.
Decade on the city Council.
I talk to my state and federal representatives several times a year in person and more often with email.

I do what I can to make my voice heard.
There are limits to what one man can do..

One step at a time.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 12:53 PM
The most legal thing you could do is a citizens arrest.

Good luck, you'll get shot if you try.

The corrupt are running the show, and have been for so long that standing up against corruption means getting punished.

The highest authority in the land is essentially armed thugs with unlimited funding and limitless authority, so you can't stand against them without exposing them.....
.....but all media is state media, so they're working against you too.

Thanks, obama.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

You said some really idiotic things. Are you suggesting that those of us who support our 2nd Amendment rights go out and, what, shoot the folks in power? Are you suggesting we should go shoot illegals on the border? If we don’t, we’re just sitting on our asses?

You may want to rethink a couple of paragraphs. I agree with some stuff you said, but you also said some really stupid things, as a result of some really stupid logic.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
Im gonna do the same as you,
bitch about it on ATS.

ha! there's always one as expected. Right over your head. But you do whatever gets you them sweet sweet virtual stars instead of actually addressing things.

All good brah, I understand, don't push yourself beyond your mental limits. I know its difficult for some.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:07 PM
You know what ATS is? A "cranky conspiracy site" full of outrage over fake news. Half the stuff you are angry about doesn't exist in real life; it's only in your imagination. The other half is opposed by people who don't agree with you and are outraged at your outrage. What you hold dear I think is largely BS and I'm not about to let you get away with your nonsense. You don't have half the "rights" you think you do, so go ahead and bitch. This is a good honey pot for you to do so, so long as it lasts. Otherwise you can go bang your head on your Mom's basement wall and continue to be as ineffectual as you always have been.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:08 PM
Your title is a very good question. I have reached my limit but also, after decades of studying the problems, have learned the hard way that my angst changes nothing in other people. Maybe it will once society has reached a collective tipping point. We are not at that point yet. (why the hell I don't actually know but likely propaganda is louder than my voice)

If the system feeds on our fear and worries then I'd suggest not adding to it but finding ways to prepare to educate people calmly when the time is right. My instinct says it is now but few people are interested in the truth. Baffling really.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

Well let's see.
Multiple years on the school board.
Decade on the city Council.
I talk to my state and federal representatives several times a year in person and more often with email.

I do what I can to make my voice heard.
There are limits to what one man can do..

One step at a time.

Yep, I know there are some trying like myself. Doing what they feel they can where they can. Just feels like things need something a bit more intense.

I hope it is obvious my post is not aimed at those who are actually trying to make a difference.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:10 PM
I replied with the same mental level as you is all.....bruh.

a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

You said some really idiotic things. Are you suggesting that those of us who support our 2nd Amendment rights go out and, what, shoot the folks in power? Are you suggesting we should go shoot illegals on the border? If we don’t, we’re just sitting on our asses?

You may want to rethink a couple of paragraphs. I agree with some stuff you said, but you also said some really stupid things, as a result of some really stupid logic.

Hey you're entitled to think whatever you want. If you think I'm idiotic then good for you.

Not necessarily suggesting shooting anyone, not a fan of violence especially unnecessary violence. Just suggesting little less conversation and a little more action.

What's the point of all those amendments and constitutions and always mentioing them when you're never going to use them.

Plus it's not just about 'muricans. Any ways, if i have to explain it, trust me, you'll never get it.

And yes, if you're not doing anything. then yes, you are sitting on your asses.
Like posting the same # day in day out on the internet and nothing else.

If you're actually lobbying your government, making your presence felt and voice heard IRl in person then obviously you're not just sitting on your ass.

But then again, these are the kinds of responses expected and I predicted. So bring it on.

Oh well, bed time for me, I'll check back in tomorrow and see how many mores brains I have hurt with my 'stupid' logic. lol.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo
you got me all riled up. What time do we leave, and who is in charge? YOU?

who is sending out the plan, and what format are we using? How many of us are going?

Is this going to be peaceful, or should I be loaded for bear?

I'm ready, just point me to the stage! Oh, you don't have any ideas either.......damn.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
What you hold dear I think is largely BS and I'm not about to let you get away with your nonsense. You don't have half the "rights" you think you do, so go ahead and bitch.

Oh I think do I?

Oh please do tell me more about what I am thinking and know.

Seems everyone on the internet is an expert when it comes to me but myself. lol.

And yes, I will go ahead and bitch, because well in case you missed it this is the RANT forum and ATS.
So when in Rome....

Oh and you're not going to let me get away with something? Oh noes. Now I am shaking.
I shall wait by the front door for the internet police to come and arrest me.

You aren't letting me do or not do jack. But you are doing an excellent point reinforcing many of my views about impotent online posting. So thanks for that.
Hey it might only be yourself, but at least someone in your life thinks highly of you.
So you've got that.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:26 PM
Why dont you tell us what you are doing, then we can talk. I mean you put this in the rant forum ffs.

Damned rookies.

a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:28 PM
Well for the first time in my life I have actually been politically active. I actually write emails to politicians in my local area. I answer as many polls as I can, I write to newspapers that make me angry (they all do these days). I have joined the RNC and moved my status from Independent to Republican so I can show up to their meetings and let them know how serious I am and others I know are. I send well thought out emails to relatives and pals of mine that try to explain my point of view - whereas before I would more than likely just engage in some sort of brief argument and then ghost them.

I could probably do better, but I do have 3 parasites at home that require me to work my ass off still. When I get rid of them, I will be much more active.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

What is your answer to your own question? Not being snarky either, Im genuinely curious.

Years ago now, I developed a comprehensive plan that could adjust in real time. My own ideas are pretty much all I have talked about, or planting the seeds that would lead to them.

See.. The concept of decentralization, true decentralization, goes far beyond just the tools that empower individuals to be autonomous and self-sufficient. It involves everything from spirituality and meditation to database organization. Its interesting, but as far as I know, my own work and words havent actually illuminated any novel paths for anyone. Because of that, AI is perhaps the best target.

The issue is choice and participation. This puts any courses that embrace such things at a distinct disadvantage. The most effective course is the one my adversaries take; convincing individuals to hand over their personal power and choices to a collective, authoritarian group. I refuse to take part in anything that removes choice and responsibility. Though there were certainly paths that would have been exceptionally effective, but it just kicks the can of the fundamental issues down the road.. And I dont believe we are in a position to do that at this stage of development.

Society will choose its own path, for better or worse. The biggest hurdle is that one group is pushing for absolute centralized dependency and eradication of the individual, and part of this is done by creating literal biological extensions of the news cycle. Most of the opposing group to the biological extensions either just vent online or reject modern technology all together, much less anything more advanced. Either way, its all a direct (and therefore manufactured) response to what the other group is doing. Direct courses of response are likely to be ineffective, for obvious reasons, even if folks were pursuing them.

With automation and AI, we have serious issues to work out that are directly on our doorstep. Yet, many seem to think they are non-sequitor topics, at best. However, we see the results of real time manipulation through automated algorithms at the core of nearly everything happening.

Its really quite exciting. Will humanity advance to the "next level" that has only become recently become possible with our tools? Or, use the same tech in a centralized manner to truly embed the same Cultural Story that has played out for millenia (from any side), all under the guise of being DoublePlusGood? Or will we fight against those weaponized ideals and biological corporate-political extensions using obsolete, though well established & recognized, courses of action?

I suspect we will be finding out in the near future here! The only thing I would strongly suggest is that the best avenues are not just playing whack-a-mole, but in establishing the framework & foundation that will negate those societal woes over time without total dependence on centralized, corrupt groups.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 03:37 PM
7 little words many seem to be blind to.
"What are you going to do about it?"


BTW it's actually 8 words.

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 03:38 PM

edit on 10/23/2020 by Firewater because: double post

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: Firewater
7 little words many seem to be blind to.
"What are you going to do about it?"


BTW it's actually 8 words.

Pretending to take the high road and cannot even count....

posted on Oct, 23 2020 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

Sun Tzu informed me that the greatest victory in war is the one without having to fight at all.

Perhaps that is what we need the most, the Greatest Victory.
To reach it will require you to conquer yourself and triumph in mind and Spirit.

And then when you finally realize it, you'll see you already won.

Letting God handle this means you don't have to do anything and in fact it may be better we step back and do absolutely nothing at all and allow it to do itself.

This trainwreck is something you and I cannot stop.
Allow the universe to sort itself out.
In the meantime, explore yourself.
Who are you? Why are you here?

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