posted on Oct, 19 2020 @ 08:57 AM
A Trump victory at the polls is a certainty at this point.
Some of you aren't ready to wrap your heads around it, so the impact will be doubly devastating.
Some of you might feel like joining a riot because you can't come to terms with the outcome.
This time around law and order will be swift. Know what you are getting yourself into.
Moving on....
The democrats and rinos of the United States have shown themselves to be thoroughly incompetent and downright clumsy in their efforts to bring about
the fall of the US in order to usher in the new globalist age with China at its head.
The people at the top of the pyramid must be raging with frustration.
They have entrusted their plan at a very crucial, yet vulnerable stage to complete idiots.
Look how silly they come across. How disingenuous they seem. Nothing ever seems to work out for them and instead of learning from their mistakes, they
jump head first into the next big thing only for it to come to nothing.
A detour seems to be on the cards. The left can't seem to organize a piss up in a bar.
So who do our overlords go to next?
What is plan B because plan democrat was an embarrassing waste of their time.